Elevance Health(ELV)
Elevance Health: Time To Buy This Incredible Dividend Growth Stock
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-26 22:03
Cropped shot of an attractive young chemist helping a senior male customer in her pharmacy A pharmacist serves a customer. Cecilie_Arcurs/E+ via Getty Images Sizable dividend hikes can be telling about a company's overall tone toward its future and how much a company values its shareholders. All else equal, big dividend boosts convey a sense of optimism on the part of management and a commitment to rewarding shareholders. Elevance Health (NYSE:ELV) is a recent example of a company that I believe is trending ...
Elevance (ELV) Q4 Earnings Beat on Premium Growth, Dividend Hiked
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-25 01:26
公司业绩 - Elevance Health, Inc. (ELV)报告2023年第四季度调整后每股收益为5.62美元,超出Zacks Consensus Estimate 1.3%。底线同比增长15.2%。[1] - 第四季度营业收入同比增长7%,达到近425亿美元。此外,营业收入超出共识预期1.5%。[2] - 公司第四季度强劲业绩受益于商业健康福利业务保费的提高以及Carelon服务业务的表现改善。然而,这一增长部分被高昂的费用水平抵消。公司股价在盘前交易中上涨了4.6%,反映出业绩超出预期。[3] 2024年展望 - 公司预计2024年调整后每股收益将超过37.10美元,高于2023年报告的33.14美元。GAAP盈利目前预计将超过34.29美元。健康福利业务的营业利润率预计将比2023年的4.6%增加25-50个基点(bps)。此外,CarelonRx的营业利润率预计将增长40-60个bps,而Carelon服务的营业利润率预计将保持不变或下降30个bps。[4] - 公司管理层预计2024年营业收入将从2023年的1702亿美元增长至持平或低个位数增长。保费收入预计将与2023年的1429亿美元持平。医疗参保人数预计将在今年达到45.8-46.6百万,低于2023年的4700万。[5] - 预计净投资收入将为19亿美元,略高于2023年的18亿美元。利息支出预计为2024年的11亿美元,而经营现金流量可能超过2023年的81亿美元水平。稀释股份预计将从2023年底的2.374亿降至233-234万。[6] 财务状况 - 公司截至2023年12月31日的财务详情显示,Elevance Health的现金及现金等价物为65亿美元,低于2022年底的74亿美元。总资产为1089亿美元,高于2022年底的1028亿美元。[14] - 长期债务减去流动部分为232亿美元,高于2022年12月31日的223亿美元。第四季度末的短期借款为2.25亿美元,而长期债务的流动部分为16亿美元。[15] - 总权益为394亿美元,高于2022年底的363亿美元。[16] - ELV在2023年实现了81亿美元的经营现金流,低于去年的84亿美元。[17] 股东回报 - Elevance Health在第四季度回购了价值9.29亿美元的股票。截至2023年12月31日,公司在股票回购授权下还剩约42亿美元的余额。[18] - ELV在第四季度支付了每股1.48美元的季度股息,总计价值3.46亿美元。公司将股息提高了10.1%,至每股1.63美元。[19]
Elevance Health(ELV) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-01-25 01:01
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年全年调整后每股收益为33.14美元,连续第6年实现12%-15%的长期目标增长率 [12] - 2023年第四季度GAAP每股收益为3.63美元,调整后每股收益为5.62美元 [11] - 2023年全年营业收入超过1700亿美元,同比增长9.3% [42] - 2023年全年医疗费用率为87%,同比改善60个基点 [42] - 2023年全年调整后营业费用率为11.3%,与上年持平 [43] - 2023年经营活动现金流为81亿美元,为GAAP净收益的1.3倍 [44] - 2023年末债务资本比率为38.9%,符合目标区间 [45] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 商业业务会员增加40多万,2024年预计再增加75万 [22][47][54] - 医疗补充保险和联邦雇员健康保险会员相对稳定 [57] - 2024年医疗保险会员预计基本持平 [55] - 2024年Medicaid会员预计减少约93万,下降至880万-920万 [53] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 商业业务持续优化,利润率正在恢复,预计到2025年完全恢复 [16][50] - 医疗保险业务在某些市场面临激烈竞争,公司采取了一些措施来提高产品的可持续性 [29][55] - Medicaid业务整体表现良好,费率保持精算合理,正在创新满足会员需求 [23][48] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - Carelon业务持续扩展新能力,如收购Paragon Healthcare拓展注射治疗服务 [13][15] - Carelon业务2024年有望实现高个位数至中个位数的利润率 [149][152] - 公司在商业、医疗保险和Medicaid业务上采取了多项措施优化业务,为长期可持续发展奠定基础 [16][50][55] - 公司在医疗保险市场采取了谨慎的定价策略,在一些表现欠佳的市场退出,为长期发展打下基础 [29][55] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对医疗保险市场长期前景保持乐观,认为该市场为老年人提供了很好的差异化价值 [123][124] - 公司将继续专注于提高会员体验、提供负担得起的产品以及简化运营,以推动业务增长 [17][22] - 公司对2024年的业绩增长目标保持信心,预计调整后每股收益将超过37.10美元,增长至少12% [50] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **A.J. Rice 提问** 询问公司对2025年星级评级影响的应对措施,是否会加大股票回购或加快Carelon投资 [65] **Gail Boudreaux 回答** 公司正在密切关注星级评级,采取了多项措施来提高长期表现,包括改善会员体验、提升医疗质量等,同时也在考虑其他财务杠杆,但目前为时尚早 [67][68][69][70][71][72][73] 问题2 **Kevin Fischbeck 提问** 询问2024年医疗费用率只持平的原因 [75] **Mark Kaye 回答** 2023年医疗费用率已经有所改善,2024年将保持稳定,反映了对准备金的一贯审慎态度以及对各业务线医疗成本趋势的谨慎预期 [76][77][78][79] 问题3 **Josh Raskin 提问** 询问医疗保险业务2024年会员增长低于预期的原因 [81] **Felicia Norwood 回答** 公司有意退出一些表现欠佳的市场,以及在波多黎各市场调整补充福利,这导致了会员的下降,但有利于长期的盈利能力 [83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90]
Elevance Health(ELV) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-01-24 23:45
Elevance Health 4Q 2023 Earnings Presentation Key Highlights 1 2023 Results • Elevance Health delivered another solid year of financial and operational performance, reflecting the balance and resilience of our diversified portfolio of businesses • 4Q 2023 adjusted diluted EPS of $5.62 grew 15.2% year-over-year • 2023 full year adjusted diluted EPS of $33.14 grew 16.2% year-over-year ...
Elevance Health (ELV) Q4 Earnings and Revenues Beat Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-24 21:11
财务表现 - Elevance Health (ELV)在2023年12月的季度报告中,每股收益为5.62美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的5.55美元,同比去年的5.23美元有所增长[1] - 公司在过去四个季度中,四次超过了市场预期的每股收益[3] - Elevance Health的营收为424.5亿美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的1.51%,过去四个季度中有三次超过市场预期的营收[4] 股价表现 - 公司股价在年初以来仅增长了0.1%,表现不如标普500指数的2%[6] 盈利前景 - 公司的盈利前景对股价走势有重要影响,当前的盈利预期为每股10.41美元,营收429.1亿美元,预计股价将会表现优于市场[9] 行业排名 - 医疗服务行业的前景对公司股价表现也有重要影响,目前医疗服务行业在250多个Zacks行业中排名倒数34%,研究显示排名前50%的行业表现要比排名后50%的行业好两倍以上[10]
Elevance Health Reports Results for Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023; Sets Full Year 2024 Outlook
Businesswire· 2024-01-24 19:00
INDIANAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Elevance Health, Inc. (NYSE: ELV) reported fourth quarter and full year 2023 results. “We are pleased to have delivered another year of strong performance in 2023, enabled by our relentless focus on customer experience and affordability, and continued investments in growth and innovation. The balance and resilience of our business coupled with the focused execution of our enterprise strategy supports our confidence in our outlook for 2024, as we continue to optimize the founda ...
Countdown to Elevance Health (ELV) Q4 Earnings: Wall Street Forecasts for Key Metrics
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-20 03:01
Wall Street analysts forecast that Elevance Health (ELV) will report quarterly earnings of $5.55 per share in its upcoming release, pointing to a year-over-year increase of 6.1%. It is anticipated that revenues will amount to $41.82 billion, exhibiting an increase of 5.4% compared to the year-ago quarter. Over the last 30 days, there has been no revision in the consensus EPS estimate for the quarter. This signifies the covering analysts' collective reconsideration of their initial forecasts over the course ...
Can Higher Costs Affect Elevance Health's (ELV) Q4 Earnings?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-19 23:51
Elevance Health, Inc. (ELV) is set to report its fourth-quarter 2023 results on Jan 24, before the opening bell. This time around, the company’s overall earnings performance is likely to have received a boost from higher segmental profits, only to be undone by reduced total medical memberships and higher costs. What Do the Estimates Say? The Zacks Consensus Estimate for fourth-quarter earnings per share of $5.55 suggests a 6.1% increase from the prior-year figure of $5.23. The consensus mark remained stable ...
ELV or HQY: Which Is the Better Value Stock Right Now?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-18 01:46
Investors with an interest in Medical Services stocks have likely encountered both Elevance Health (ELV) and HealthEquity (HQY) . But which of these two companies is the best option for those looking for undervalued stocks? Let's take a closer look. We have found that the best way to discover great value opportunities is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with a great grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The Zacks Rank is a proven strategy that targets companies with positive earnings estimate r ...
Are Medical Stocks Lagging Elevance Health, Inc. (ELV) This Year?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-18 00:18
Elevance Health - Elevance Health是医疗行业的一员,拥有Zacks Sector Rank排名第5[2] - Elevance Health目前的Zacks Rank为2(买入),显示其盈利前景较为乐观[3] - Elevance Health今年以来的回报率为0.4%,表现优于医疗行业平均回报率-0.7%[5] - Elevance Health属于医疗服务行业,今年以来的回报率优于该行业平均回报率-6.3%[8] Axonics Modulation Technologies - Axonics Modulation Technologies是另一家医疗股票,今年以来表现优于行业,回报率为9.8%[6] - Axonics Modulation Technologies当前的Zacks Rank为1(强烈买入),盈利预期增长186.5%[7] - Axonics Modulation Technologies属于医疗信息系统行业,该行业今年以来回报率增长18.2%[9] - 投资者应继续关注Elevance Health和Axonics Modulation Technologies,因为它们可能会保持良好的表现[10]