Dyadic to Attend Industry and Investor Events in May
Newsfilter· 2024-05-08 20:30
JUPITER, Fla., May 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dyadic International, Inc. ("Dyadic", or the "Company") (NASDAQ:DYAI), a global biotechnology company focused on building innovative microbial platforms to address the growing demand for global protein bioproduction and to develop and manufacture prophylactic, therapeutic, and nutritional biopharmaceutical products for human and animal health and wellness, today announced that its management will be attending the following industry and investor events during t ...
Dyadic(DYAI) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-03-29 10:22
业绩总结 - Dyadic International, Inc.在2023财年实现了成功的第一次人体临床试验[3] - 公司预计2024年非动物奶制品领域的短期收入前景乐观[8] - 公司在2024年有望加速更一致的收入产生,不仅依赖于平台许可,还包括针对重组白蛋白、酶催化剂或细胞培养培养基组分等目标的潜在产品许可[8] 用户数据 - C1技术的生产效率是杆状病毒细胞的300倍[4] - 全球无动物奶制品市场价值在2022年超过260亿美元,预计到2032年将超过750亿美元[8] - 公司已经发行了总额为600万美元的8%优先担保可转换票据,以支持其近期收入增长,并加速其商业化机会的战略目标[10] 未来展望 - 公司主要关注在生命科学行业内增强Dyadic价值,从而使股东受益,并促进全球获得负担得起的疫苗和治疗药物[21] - 公司正在通过开发多种生物工业级酶扩大其潜在产品线,这些酶有望在多个行业中使用[8] - 公司已经研发出高产的非动物重组α-乳清蛋白菌株,积极进行α-乳清蛋白和酪蛋白产品的抽样,并已开始开发β-乳球蛋白和乳铁蛋白[8] 新产品和新技术研发 - Dyadic与bYoRNA合作开发信使RNA,利用C1技术生产大量成本更低的mRNA疫苗和药物[5] - 公司已经生产了重组转铁蛋白,为替代蛋白和细胞培养领域提供了另一个潜在产品[8] - 在2023年,公司通过Dapibus平台开发和商业化非动物奶制品酶,验证了其对该领域的关注,并反映了对Dapibus在开发和生产非动物奶制品方面的日益增长的兴趣[8] 市场扩张和并购 - Dyadic与多家制药公司展开合作,开发预防和治疗各种传染病的抗原[4] - Dyadic与另一家全球十大制药公司合作开发利用C1技术生产传染病单克隆抗体和疫苗抗原[6] - Dyadic与Rubic One Health合作推进在非洲人类和动物健康领域的疫苗产品和临床开发[6] 负面信息 - 无负面信息 其他新策略和有价值的信息 - Dyadic致力于在非药品许可和产品机会领域提供支持,专注于生产重组蛋白质和酶[7] - Dyadic与全球白蛋白制造商签署了战略合作协议,以开发和许可Dyadic的重组血清白蛋白产品[7] - 公司已经发行了总额为600万美元的8%优先担保可转换票据,以支持其近期收入增长,并加速其商业化机会的战略目标[10]
Dyadic(DYAI) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-03-29 04:45
公司潜在风险 - 公司可能无法成功实施商业策略[8] - 公司历史上存在净亏损,可能无法实现或维持盈利[8] - 公司可能无法成功商业化微生物蛋白生产平台或其他技术[10] - 如果竞争对手比公司的产品候选品更快地开发技术和产品,并更有效地市场推广,公司的商业机会将减少或消失[11] - 公司可能需要未来大量额外资本来支持业务[13] 技术优势 - 公司的技术使得生产的蛋白质具有高纯度,无需去除病毒或内毒素,生产效率高[39] - C1细胞线的稳定性和正确折叠的单克隆抗体(mAbs)与CHO生产的mAbs具有相似的结合、中和和其他特性[40] - C1细胞线的生产速度比CHO细胞快30天,生产成本低,节省时间和金钱[41] - 昆虫细胞(即杆状病毒)提供蛋白表达,后转录修饰等优点,易于扩展规模,并且适应高密度悬浮培养,用于大规模表达[45] 市场前景 - 公司继续评估扩展C1细胞蛋白生产平台应用的潜在机会,目前专注于重点市场:重组疫苗和药物、新创新生物治疗、生物仿制药/生物改进剂非糖基化/糖基化蛋白市场、药物配方、研究诊断和试剂、食品、健康和健康替代蛋白[48] - 公司认为生物制药行业可以从一种安全、高效、可靠且具有成本效益的创新蛋白生产平台中受益。我们相信我们的C1细胞蛋白生产平台有潜力成为CHO、杆状病毒和其他传统表达系统的替代品,用于生产疫苗、治疗药物、诊断、替代食品、营养和健康以及其他生物产品[49]
Dyadic(DYAI) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-03-29 04:07
Exhibit 99.1 DYADIC REPORTS 2023 FULL YEAR RESULTS AND RECENT COMPANY PROGRESS ● Closed a $6.0 million convertible note in a private placement, with a conversion price of $1.79 and no warrants ● Reported positive topline data from First-In-Human Phase 1 trial demonstrated clinical safety and antibody response for DYAI-100 a recombinant protein receptor binding domain (RBD) booster vaccine candidate for protection against COVID-19 infection ● Entered into several fully funded vaccine and antibody projects co ...
Dyadic to Attend Future Food Tech Event March 21 – 22, 2024 in San Francisco, California
Newsfilter· 2024-03-21 20:30
公司介绍 - Dyadic International, Inc.是一家全球生物技术公司,专注于构建创新的微生物平台,以满足全球蛋白生物制品需求的增长和人类和动物健康领域对有效、负担得起和可获得的生物制药产品的未满足需求[6] 展示活动 - Dyadic将在Future Food-Tech“从农场到餐桌的创新与投资”活动中展示其Dapibus™微生物表达系统,并提供其替代蛋白质业务部门正在开发的产品进展更新[2] 合作关系 - Dyadic最近与Biftek, Inc.达成了共同营销合作伙伴关系,旨在推广Biftek的专利待定的无动物生长培养基补充剂,以降低昂贵培养基组分(如牛血清白蛋白)的成本[3]
Dyadic to Report Full Year 2023 Financial Results and Host Conference call on Thursday, March 28, 2024
GlobeNewsWire· 2024-03-15 04:30
JUPITER, Fla., March 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dyadic International, Inc. (“Dyadic”, “we”, “us”, “our”, or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: DYAI), a global biotechnology company focused building innovative microbial protein production platforms to address the growing demand for global protein bioproduction utilizing its advanced microbial platforms to develop and manufacture prophylactic, therapeutic, and nutritional biopharmaceutical products for human and animal health and wellness, today announced that it will ...
Dyadic to Report Full Year 2023 Financial Results and Host Conference call on Thursday, March 28, 2024
Newsfilter· 2024-03-15 04:30
JUPITER, Fla., March 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dyadic International, Inc. (“Dyadic”, “we”, “us”, “our”, or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: DYAI), a global biotechnology company focused building innovative microbial protein production platforms to address the growing demand for global protein bioproduction utilizing its advanced microbial platforms to develop and manufacture prophylactic, therapeutic, and nutritional biopharmaceutical products for human and animal health and wellness, today announced that it will ...
Dyadic Announces Closing of Private Placement of $6.0 Million Convertible Notes to Accelerate Near-Term Revenue Growth and Commercialization
Newsfilter· 2024-03-11 20:30
JUNIPER, Fla., March 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dyadic International, Inc. ("Dyadic" or the "Company") (NASDAQ:DYAI), a global biotechnology company focused on building innovative microbial protein production platforms to address the growing demand for global protein bioproduction utilizing its advanced microbial platforms to develop and manufacture prophylactic, therapeutic, and nutritional biopharmaceutical products for human and animal health and wellness, announced today that it entered into a securit ...
Dyadic Announces Strategic Partnership Agreement to Develop Affordable Rabies Prophylactics and Vaccines Using its Proprietary C1 Cell Microbial Protein Production Platform
Newsfilter· 2024-02-28 21:30
JUPITER, Fla. and BUNNIK, the Netherlands, Feb. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dyadic International, Inc. ("Dyadic", "we", "us", "our", or the "Company") (NASDAQ:DYAI), a global biotechnology company focused on applying its innovative microbial protein production platforms to address the growing demand for global protein bioproduction and unmet clinical needs for effective, affordable and accessible biopharmaceutical products for human and animal health today announced its Dutch subsidiary, Dyadic Nederland B ...
Dyadic and Cygnus Technologies Announce Partnership To Provide C1 HCP ELISA Assay to Enhance Quality Assurance in Biomanufacturing
Newsfilter· 2024-02-13 21:30
JUPITER, Fla. and LELAND, N.C., Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dyadic International Inc. ("Dyadic", or the "Company") (NASDAQ:DYAI) and Cygnus Technologies®, part of Maravai LifeSciences® (NASDAQ:MRVI), announced today a strategic partnership for the quantification of Host Cell Proteins ("HCP") from the proprietary and patented C1-cells filamentous fungus Thermothelomyces heterothallica, (formerly Myceliophthora thermophila). Under the terms of the partnership agreement, Cygnus has developed the C1 HCP E ...