Costco(COST) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2024-06-06 06:12
净销售额及会员费收入 - 第三季度2024年,公司净销售额增长9%,达到573.92亿美元,主要受可比销售增长和自2023年第三季度结束以来开设的24家新仓库销售增长的推动[84] - 第三季度2024年,公司会员费收入增长8%,达到11.23亿美元,主要由新会员注册和升级至高级会员推动[84] - 第三季度2024年,公司净销售额增长9%,达到573.92亿美元,主要受可比销售增长和自2023年第三季度结束以来开设的24家新仓库销售增长的推动[86] - 第三季度2024年,公司会员费收入增长8%,达到11.23亿美元,主要由新会员注册和升级至高级会员推动[84] - 2024年第三季度和前36周,会员费收入增长8%[90] 毛利率 - 第三季度2024年,公司毛利率提高52个基点,主要是由于2013年第三季度记录的298美元(每股0.50美元)的费用消除,主要与停止包机运营有关[84] - 毛利率百分比增加52个基点,除去汽油价格通胀影响后为10.86%[91] - 核心商品类别的毛利率百分比增加10个基点[92] - 美国和加拿大分部的毛利率百分比增加[93] - 2024年前36周,毛利率百分比增加34个基点,除去汽油价格通缩影响后为10.86%[95] - 核心商品类别的毛利率百分比增加13个基点[96] - 美国和加拿大分部的毛利率百分比增加[97] 销售及管理费用 - 2024年前36周,销售、一般及管理费用占净销售额的百分比降低15个基点[98] 现金流量及金融风险 - 2024年前36周,现金流量从经营活动中提供的净现金为8381亿美元,比2023年同期的7343亿美元增加[110] - 公司拥有信用证设施,用于商业和备用信用证,总额为204美元[118] - 公司在2024年第三季度结束时,这些设施的未偿承诺总额为187美元,其中大部分是不会到期或在一年内到期的备用信用证[118] - 公司的直接金融市场风险主要来自外汇汇率和利率波动[121]
Costco Wholesale Corporation Reports May Sales Results
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-06 04:15
ISSAQUAH, Wash., June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Costco Wholesale Corporation (“Costco” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: COST) today reported net sales of $19.64 billion for the retail month of May, the four weeks ended June 2, 2024, an increase of 8.1 percent from $18.16 billion last year. Net sales for the first 39 weeks were $186.07 billion, an increase of 6.9 percent from $174.07 billion last year. Comparable sales were as follows: 4 Weeks 39 Weeks U.S. 5.8% 4.3% Canada 6.7% 7.6% Other International 9.3% 9. ...
Cash In on the Coming Consumption: 3 Retail Stocks to Buy Ahead of Rate Cuts
Investor Place· 2024-06-06 03:00
The simplest way to explain interest rates is that it’s the cost of money. When policymakers cut interest rates, the objective is to lower the cost of money. This translates into higher consumption and investment spending in the economy and GDP growth accelerates. Specific to the United States, consumption spending is one of the key GDP growth drivers. Within that, retail sales are an important catalyst. In this article we will look at some of the best retail stocks to buy. U.S. GDP decelerated in Q1 2024 a ...
Costco Is Tapping Into a Stronger Consumer. Is the Dividend Stock a Buy Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-05 20:15
Costco is hovering around an all-time high and continues to put up solid results. Costco Wholesale (COST 1.47%) has been a market-outperforming retailer in a growth-driven market. Technology is the only sector that has outperformed the S&P 500 over the last five years. But Costco has done even better, with the stock up 238% in the last five years compared to a 193% gain in the tech sector and a 92% gain in the S&P 500. Costco's strong performance is based on solid fundamentals and investor optimism. Costco ...
Costco: Sales of Discretionary Items Rise as Inflation Levels Off
PYMNTS.com· 2024-05-31 10:53
Discretionary items are back on consumers’ shopping lists, Costco said Thursday (May 30) during its quarterly earnings report. During the quarter ended May 12, the retailer saw toys, tires, lawn and garden, and health and beauty aids lead growth in the non-foods category. “As inflation has leveled off, our members are returning to purchasing more discretionary items,” Gary Millerchip, executive vice president and chief financial officer at Costco, said during the company’s quarterly earnings call. As was th ...
Costco(COST) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-31 09:01
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度净收入为16.8亿美元,每股摊薄收益3.78美元,同比增长29.1% [10] - 第三季度销售额为573.9亿美元,同比增长9.1% [10] - 同店销售增长6.6%,剔除汽油价格和汇率影响后为6.5% [10] - 会员费收入为11.23亿美元,同比增长7.6% [11] - 毛利率为10.84%,同比提高52个基点 [12] - 销售费用率为8.96%,同比改善15个基点 [14] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 非食品类同店销售增长最高,主要受益于玩具、轮胎、园艺和美容等类别的强劲表现 [17] - 烘焙销售也表现出色,主要得益于新品的推出,如柠檬蓝莓面包和早餐卷 [17] - 食品法院销售增长最快,主要受到新增的巧克力曲奇的推动 [17] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 美国同店销售增长6.2%,剔除汽油价格和汇率影响后为6% [11] - 加拿大同店销售增长7.7%,剔除汽油价格和汇率影响后为7.4% [11] - 其他国际市场同店销售增长7.7%,剔除汽油价格和汇率影响后为8.5% [11] - 电子商务同店销售增长20.7%,剔除汇率影响后也为20.7% [11] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将继续通过技术和数据来提升会员体验和推动业务增长 [41][42][43] - 公司将继续扩大在线业务,包括与Uber的合作以及Costco Next的发展 [20][21][147][148] - 公司将继续保持价格竞争力,通过自有品牌和价格调整来为会员创造价值 [18][19] - 公司在非食品类别的表现强劲,反映了公司在满足会员需求方面的能力 [114][115][127] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层表示当前消费者环境良好,会员对非必需品的消费意愿有所恢复 [54][55][56][127] - 公司将继续专注于为会员提供优质商品和极具价值的服务,以保持竞争优势 [128][129] - 公司对未来保持乐观,认为公司的独特模式和持续创新能力将推动未来增长 [57][128][129] 其他重要信息 - 公司在第三季度新开2家仓库,全年计划新开30家仓库,其中9家在美国 [16] - 公司第四季度将有16周,而去年同期为17周 [22] - 公司将于6月5日公布5月份销售数据 [22] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Simeon Gutman 提问** 询问公司是否仍然坚持14%-15%的毛利率上限 [46] **Ron Vachris 回答** 公司仍将坚持14%-15%的毛利率上限,这是公司多年来一直遵循的原则 [47] 问题2 **Michael Lasser 提问** 询问公司是否需要在未来几个季度进行大规模的价格投资以保持竞争力 [38] **Ron Vachris 回答** 公司每天都在关注价格竞争,通过买家的日常工作来保持价格优势,不需要进行大规模的价格投资 [39] 问题3 **Scott Mushkin 提问** 询问公司为何还需要提高会员费,而不是将收益用于其他投资 [124] **Ron Vachris 回答** 会员费的增加最终都会转化为为会员提供更低价格,这是公司的核心目标 [125]
Costco(COST) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-05-31 04:26
业绩总结 - COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION在2024年第一季度实现净销售额57331百万美元,同比增长5.6%[1] - 公司在2024年第一季度净利润为1743百万美元,同比增长19.1%[1] - COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION在2024年第一季度每股基本收益为3.93美元,同比增长19.1%[1] 公司资产情况 - 公司在2024年第一季度现金及现金等价物为9095百万美元,较上一季度减少4605百万美元[2] - COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION在2024年第一季度总资产为66323百万美元,较上一季度减少2671百万美元[2] 现金流情况 - 公司在2024年第一季度经营活动产生的净现金流为5382百万美元[3] - COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION在2024年第一季度投资活动产生的净现金流为-1752百万美元[3] - 公司在2024年第一季度融资活动产生的净现金流为-8250百万美元[3] - COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION在2024年第一季度现金及现金等价物结余为9095百万美元,较上一季度减少4605百万美元[3]
3 Sorry E-Commerce Stocks to Sell in May While You Still Can
Investor Place· 2024-05-30 19:46
For a moment between 2020 and 2022, it seemed as if e-commerce would become the future of how people shop and purchase their daily goods. From companies like Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) to Costco Wholesale (NASDAQ:COST), in-person shopping looked like a thing of the past. However, there are still some benefits to shopping in person that e-commerce cannot replace. Moreover, many of the aforementioned companies’ stocks have seen generous corrections in the period since the pandemic. In some cases, these corrections ...
Costco bucks trend: Surge in foot traffic despite tough economy
foxbusiness.com· 2024-05-30 18:15
文章核心观点 - 尽管宏观经济环境持续困难,但Costco公司仍然保持了强劲的客流增长 [2][3][7] - Costco公司的会员制模式使其能够在不同经济环境下保持稳定的客流增长 [7][8] - Costco公司的客户群主要为家庭消费者,他们倾向于大量采购以应对预算紧张 [10] - Costco公司预计在第三财季将实现8%的净销售增长,主要得益于新会员增长、客流上升和新店开设 [4] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司表现 - Costco公司在第一季度客流量同比增长8.9%,2月份增长10.9%,3-4月份分别增长10.5%和9.2% [2] - 尽管宏观经济环境波动,但Costco公司的客流量仍保持平均5%的同比增长 [7] - Costco公司预计在第三财季将实现8%的净销售增长 [4] 行业表现 - Costco等会员制批发连锁店在今年前4个月的表现优于传统大型超市Target和沃尔玛 [9] - Costco、山姆会员店和BJ's的客流量同比均呈现正增长,其中Costco仍保持行业领先地位 [9] - 会员制批发连锁店的客户群主要为家庭消费者,他们倾向于大量采购以应对预算紧张 [10]
3 Top Dividend Stocks That Should Pay You Forever
fool.com· 2024-05-28 06:13
These quality companies can pay you passive income for the rest of your life. Investing in leading consumer brands can be a rewarding dividend investment strategy. History shows that brands that become household names tend to stay that way and keep growing for years. Some of the best income investments may be companies where you shop routinely, which can give you insights about the company's competitive position that Wall Streeters may not fully understand. To give you some ideas, read why three Motley Fool ...