2 Dow Jones Dividend Stocks That Still Look Like Bargains
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-30 16:37
These reliably profitable businesses have underperformed this year. It's already been a pretty good year for two of America's three main market indexes. Enthusiasm for growth stocks already pushed the Nasdaq Composite and S&P 500 indexes more than 6% higher since the start of 2024. Unfortunately, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hasn't kept pace with its larger cousins. It's up by less than 1.5% this year, and some of its components appear underappreciated. ...
Meet the 8 Phenomenal Stocks Warren Buffett Plans to Hold Forever
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-29 16:41
Although Berkshire Hathaway's $373 billion portfolio contains 45 stocks and two index funds, not all of the Oracle of Omaha's holdings are equal. For nearly six full decades, Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A -0.76%) (BRK.B -0.69%) CEO Warren Buffett has been putting on a show for Wall Street. Whereas the benchmark S&P 500 has gained a healthy 33,000%, including dividends, since the affably named "Oracle of Omaha" became Berkshire's CEO, Buffett has overseen just shy of a 5,000,000% aggregate return in his company' ...
Investing for Stability: 3 Promising Dividend Stocks to Consider in April 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-29 00:00
Most investments are filled with uncertainty. You could put your money into a CD or a high-yields savings account to minimize your risk, but these accounts don’t pay as well as stocks. While stocks can go down, they can deliver tremendous upside for long-term investors. Index funds and ETFs can simplify the process of investing. These funds take less work, but some people want to construct portfolios that can achieve respectable returns while aligning with the investor’s risk tolerance. Investors who are se ...
3 Things to Know About This Top Warren Buffett Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-28 23:15
美国运通的商业模式 - 美国运通提供高端信用卡和经营支付网络[4] - 美国运通通过商家折扣收入、持卡人利息收入和会员费收入实现盈利[5] 客户群扩大和年轻化 - 美国运通致力于增加新持卡人,目前拥有1.424亿活跃卡片[8] - 60%的新卡会员来自千禧一代和Z一代[9]
This Unstoppable Warren Buffett Stock Is Up 24% in 2024: Time to Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-28 15:30
It's encouraging to see strong financial performance in this economic environment. Berkshire Hathaway, the massive conglomerate that Warren Buffett has long been in charge of, also owns a huge public equities portfolio. It has dozens of different stocks that might draw the attention of the average investor. There's one top financial stock, currently accounting for 10% of the total portfolio, that has soared 24% in 2024 (as of April 22). It just came out with fresh quarterly figures that point to a business ...
The Top 3 Fintech Stocks to Buy in April 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-25 02:23
Consumers and small businesses need easy access to cash for important purchases. Fintech companies offer these services and several perks to entice individuals to work with them over the competition. The industry has gotten more competitive as digital banks and fintech companies have sprouted up. Financial institutions no longer need vast networks to compete if they have good online marketing. Some fintech stocks have been top picks for many years, while others are up-and-coming. These are some of the top f ...
Is More Upside Left for Visa After Solid Fiscal Q2 Earnings?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-24 21:06
财务业绩 - Visa公司在第二季度取得了令人鼓舞的财务业绩,净收入达到47亿美元,每股收益为2.29美元,较去年同期增长[1] - 消费者支出的稳步增长导致Visa的支付量和处理交易量分别增长了8%和11%[2] - Visa公司的股息收益率为0.76%,过去5年内已经5次增加股息,股息支付比率为23%[8] 经济前景 - 消费者支出活动有望改善,劳动力市场强劲,工人生产力提高,经济增长前景乐观[3] - Visa公司预计全年营收将实现低两位数增长,这主要归因于战略收购和联盟扩大了其全球业务版图[9] 发展战略 - Visa正致力于在其新战略“网络之网络”中容纳基于卡片和云计算的数字支付,这将有助于提高其营收[10] - Visa公司的股票有望获得更多关注,预计当前和明年的盈利增长率分别为12.7%和11.8%,营收增长率分别为9.2%和9.1%[12]
American Express: Reassuring Consistency And Stability
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-24 15:56
公司业绩 - 美国运通在最新财报中显示出强劲的业绩,收入达到158亿美元,同比增长11%[1] - 投资者对公司2024年的指引感到满意,股价上涨超过6%[2] - 公司管理层重申了对2024年收入增长9-11%和每股收益增长13-17%的信心[3] - 国际卡服务增长13%,贷款增长17%[4] 利息净收入 - 利息净收入占公司Q1收入的约25%[5] - 预计利息净收入将受到最近意外坚挺的通胀的支持[5] 消费者趋势 - 千禧一代和Z一代的消费增长15%是本季度的亮点[4] - 年轻一代更倾向于在付款时使用AXP卡[6] 不良贷款情况 - AXP本季度的信贷状况良好,不良贷款净核销率同比上升50个基点[7] - AXP管理层的经济预测指导下,失业率将逐渐上升,不良贷款可能会在当前水平上保持稳定[8] 投资者日 - AXP将于4月30日举行2024年投资者日[9] - CEO Stephen Squeri表示投资者日将包括关于通过技术提高生产力的讨论[10] 估值 - AXP的估值仍然具有吸引力,现金流量接近14%,PEG比率为1.28倍[11] 未来展望 - Q1财报证实了2024年将实现两位数收入增长和中等增长的每股收益[12]
3 Stocks to Protect Your Portfolio in a Market Downturn: April Edition
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-24 02:46
长期投资 - 长期投资者在股市下跌时会面临考验[1] - 黄金是抗跌的最佳资产之一,具有内在价值和有限供应[4] - iShares Gold Trust (IAU)在过去五年中表现优异,与标普500指数相比表现更稳定[5] 美国运通(AXP) - 美国运通(AXP)在2024年第一季度报告中表现出色,收入增长11%,净收入增长34%[7] - 美国运通股票表现优于股市,年初至今涨幅达25%,过去五年涨幅达99%[9] 宝洁(PG) - 宝洁(PG)虽然不以高增长率著称,但在2024财年第三季度实现了11%的稀释每股收益增长[11] - 宝洁股票在今年以来的涨幅达到10%,超过标普500指数和纳斯达克100指数[12]
The Top 3 Retail Stocks to Buy in April 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-23 03:31
Retail stocks can be a good place to allocate capital during times of market volatility such as now. This is especially true when the economy is going strong, which is the case currently. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) just upgraded its forecast for U.S. economic growth this year to an annualized 2.7%, which is 0.6 percentage points higher than it predicted in January of this year. The IMF went so far as to refer to the American economy as “overheated.” “The strong recent performance of the United St ...