LNG Energy Group Announces Interim Reserves Evaluation of Venezuela Assets With Before Tax NPV10 Value of 2P Reserves of U.S.$393 Million or C$3.51/Share
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-11-25 19:30
Highlights: Before-tax NPV10 for Proved (1P) reserves to U.S.$261 million representing NPV10 of C$2.34 per share. Before-tax NPV10 for Proved plus Probable (2P) reserves to U.S.$393 million representing NPV10 of C$3.51 per share. Before-tax NPV10 for Proved plus Probable plus Possible (3P) reserves to U.S.$439 million representing NPV10 of C$3.92 per share. 1P net reserves life index of 14.0 years and a 2P reserves life index of 21.8 years. TORONTO, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LNG Energy Group Corp. ( ...
EQT Announces $3.5 Billion Midstream Joint Venture with Blackstone Credit & Insurance
Prnewswire· 2024-11-25 19:29
文章核心观点 - EQT Corporation与Blackstone Credit & Insurance合作成立新的中游合资企业(JV),涉及Mountain Valley Pipeline、FERC监管的传输和存储资产以及Hammerhead Pipeline [1] - Blackstone将提供35亿美元现金,获得JV的非控股普通股权,JV总估值约为88亿美元,或12倍EBITDA [2] - EQT计划使用交易所得偿还贷款和信用贷款,并赎回和招标高级票据,预计2024年底净债务约为90亿美元 [2][3] 交易细节 - EQT将其在高质量合同基础设施资产中的所有权权益转让给JV,包括Mountain Valley Pipeline、FERC监管的传输和存储资产以及Hammerhead Pipeline [1] - Blackstone将提供35亿美元现金,获得JV的非控股普通股权,JV总估值约为88亿美元,或12倍EBITDA [2] - EQT保留与资产相关的增长项目的权利,包括计划中的Mountain Valley Pipeline扩展和MVP Southgate项目 [1] 公司高管评论 - EQT总裁兼CEO Toby Z. Rice表示,此次交易凸显了EQT受监管中游资产的超高质量,这些资产服务于美国电力需求增长最强的地区,并由该地区领先公用事业公司的长期合同支持 [3] - EQT首席财务官Jeremy Knop表示,Blackstone是大型企业资本解决方案的领导者,此次合作在保留关键税收属性的同时,提供了一个定制的股权融资解决方案,价格显著低于EQT的股权资本成本 [3] - Blackstone基础设施与资产支持信贷全球负责人Robert Horn表示,EQT是北美领先的能源和基础设施公司之一,此次交易突显了Blackstone为全球领先企业提供大规模和灵活的高级资本解决方案的专注 [3] - Blackstone管理董事Rick Campbell表示,这些关键中游资产受益于强劲的顺风,随着能源需求,特别是天然气的持续增长,Blackstone的规模和专业知识使我们能够为EQT和我们的投资者创造一个引人注目的机会 [3] 交易影响 - EQT计划使用交易所得偿还贷款和信用贷款,并赎回和招标高级票据,预计2024年底净债务约为90亿美元 [2] - EQT保留与资产相关的增长项目的权利,包括计划中的Mountain Valley Pipeline扩展和MVP Southgate项目 [1] 资产详情 - Hammerhead Pipeline是一个每日16亿立方英尺的收集头管道,主要设计用于将宾夕法尼亚州和西弗吉尼亚州生产的天然气连接到Mountain Valley Pipeline、Texas Eastern Transmission和Eastern Gas Transmission [4] 顾问和联系信息 - RBC Capital Markets担任EQT的财务顾问,Kirkland & Ellis LLP担任EQT的法律顾问 [5] - Citi担任Blackstone的财务顾问,Milbank LLC担任Blackstone的法律顾问 [6] - EQT投资者关系联系人:Cameron Horwitz,电话:412.445.8454,邮箱:[email protected] [6] - Blackstone联系人:Thomas Clements,电话:646.482.6088,邮箱:[email protected] [6] 公司背景 - EQT Corporation是一家垂直整合的美国天然气公司,专注于阿巴拉契亚盆地的生产和运输业务 [6] - Blackstone Credit & Insurance是全球领先的信贷投资者,投资涵盖信贷市场的各个领域,包括私人投资级、资产支持贷款、公共投资级和高收益、可持续资源、基础设施债务、抵押贷款支持证券、直接贷款和机会性信贷 [7]
百度:消费信心依然疲软,等待政策传导(3Q24 电话会纪要)
海豚投研· 2024-11-25 19:28
以下为 百度 2024年第3季度业绩说明电话会纪要,财报解读请移步〈 百度:没有力挽狂潮,只剩一路向"难" > 一、财报核心信息回顾: | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------|--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------|--------|-----------|----------|----------|----------|---------|---------------| | Figures in RMBm | 1Q23 | Baidu (BIDU.US; 9888.HK) Core Business Financial Results \n2Q23 | 3Q23 | 4Q23 | 1Q24 | 2Q24 | 3Q24 | 3Q24e | vs. Consensus | | Baidu Core revenues | 22,998 | 26,407 | 26,572 | ...
Best Growth Stocks to Buy for November 25th
ZACKS· 2024-11-25 19:26
Here are three stocks with buy ranks and strong growth characteristics for investors to consider today, November 25:The Greenbrier Companies, Inc. (GBX) : This railroad freight car equipment company carries a Zacks Rank #1, and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 18.2% over the last 60 days.The Greenbrier Companies has a PEG ratio of 1.94 compared with 2.50 for the industry. The company possesses a Growth Score of A.Pitney Bowes Inc. (PBI) : This shipping and ...
Datayes· 2024-11-25 19:22
A股复盘|定价权的重生 今天看了李迅雷探讨A股上涨和消费关系的文章, 里面的数据扎心,但估计会被骂! / 2024.11.25 周末,中信研报指出,当前市场的定价主力正处于从个人投资者向机构投资者切换的阶段。 今天机构根本不要定价权啊! 指数都绿, 超170股涨停, 还 得是游资啊! 据中泰证券研报, 假设当前市场主要由以下三类资金构成:以个人投资者为代表的活跃资 金、以主动权益为代表的相对收益资金、以险资为代表的稳定收益资金。 整体来看,近期市场情绪波动可能比较极端,留给机构资金的定价空间依然有限。 (3)无论是上涨还是下跌阶段,我们都没有观察到基金持仓比例对行业收益的影响,这反映 市场交易结构的分化可能并不在"机构持仓比例高低"的维度,而是扩大到"有没有基金持 仓"的范围。 大家通常会把消费高低与股市冷暖关联起来,逻辑上似乎很容易解释:股市赚钱了,消费就 更有底气,促进消费升级;反之,股市亏钱了,就得节衣缩食。为了证明股市涨跌与消费有 没有相关性,把社会消费品零售总额(以下简称社零)的变化与沪深300之间构成散点图。 (1) 上涨阶段是活跃资金"定价权"偏强,近期有所下降但尚未完全反转。 (2) 下跌阶段 ...
MSTU: T-Rex's 2x MicroStrategy ETF Captures Lightning In A Bottle, Turns Into A $3 Billion Behemoth
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-25 19:20
For ETF issuers, the industry can be a fickle beast. Success is often dependent on factors that are outside of their control. If a fund launches at just the right time, it can come storming out of the gate. If it debuts right before aEditor of ETF Focus on TheStreet.com. On Substack at www.substack.com/etffocus. To receive notifications of new articles and blog posts as soon as they're published, click on the orange Follow button and become a real-time follower.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, opti ...
Best Value Stocks to Buy for November 25th
ZACKS· 2024-11-25 19:20
Here are three stocks with buy rank and strong value characteristics for investors to consider today, November 25:Premier, Inc. (PINC) : This healthcare services company carries a Zacks Rank #1, and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 5.7% over the last 60 days.Premier has a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 17.70 compared with 24.87 for the S&P. The company possesses a Value Scoreof B.Scholastic Corporation (SCHL) : This children's publishing company carries a ...
Got $1,000? Here Are 3 Great Energy Stocks to Buy Right Now.
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-25 19:16
The energy industry has reached a major inflection point. It was already slowly transitioning to cleaner energy sources to combat the potentially worse impacts of climate change. Now, demand for electricity is on track to accelerate in the coming years, powered by the electrification of transportation and increased digitalization, including an expected surge in demand by power-hungry artificial intelligence (AI) data centers.Given that outlook, several energy stocks look like compelling buys these days. Bro ...
Snowflake Shares Soar as Outlook Brightens. Is It Too Late to Buy the Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-25 19:15
It had been a very difficult year for Snowflake (SNOW -2.28%) stock going into its fiscal 2025 third-quarter earnings report. Then investors got something to cheer about in its results and the stock skyrocketed higher. The stock was still down about 15% on the year as of the time of this writing, but that's a big improvement from just a few months ago.Let's take a closer look at the cloud-based data warehousing company's Q3 earnings results to see if the turnaround in the stock can continue.A turn to profit ...
和讯· 2024-11-25 19:13
绿色金融系列报道·理念篇 文/刘思嘉 在浩瀚的历史长河中,人类与自然的关系始终是一幅波澜壮阔的画卷。从远古的敬畏与依存,到近代 的征服与改造,再到如今的反思与和谐,每一次转折都凝聚着智慧的火花与情感的波澜。 而今,当我们站在新时代的门槛上回望,那份源自"天人合一"的绿色情怀,如同一股清新的风,吹 拂过心田,引领我们踏上逐绿的征途。 01 "天人合一"的绿色启蒙 向回看,在古老的东方智慧里,"天人合一"不仅是哲学的高度凝练,更是人与自然和谐共生的浪漫 宣言。 想象一下,千年前的文人墨客,在山川湖海间挥毫泼墨,那份对自然的敬畏与爱慕,早已融入了血脉 之中。而今,这份情怀穿越时空,与现代绿色理念不谋而合,成为了我们逐绿路上的启蒙。 "天人合一",讲究的是人与自然的和谐共生,倡导的是顺应自然、保护生态的生活哲学。这不仅仅 是古人的理想国,更是我们现代人应该追寻的绿色乌托邦。 "绿色+",正是在这样的文化土壤中生根发芽,它呼唤着我们回归自然,用"温柔"的力量守护这片蓝 天绿地。 02 美丽中国的现代追求 当历史的车轮驶入现代化的快车道,绿色理念不再只是古人的诗意想象,它更成为了新时代中国发展 的关键词。 从绿水青山就是 ...