第一财经研究院· 2024-06-01 00:28
本次电话会议仅供民生证券专业投资者参考会议内容任何情况下都不构成投资建议任何机构或个人不得以任何形式泄露本次会议内容否则由此造成的一切后果及法律责任由该机构或个人承担本公司保留追究其法律责任的权利 尊敬各位投资人,大家早上好我是铭城重庆的首席投资人马天忆非常高兴今天给大家汇报一下这个我们行业的一些最新变化情况最近一段时间从低空到海上到低轨其实我们看到其实是比较强的这样的一个整个的一个投资节奏那么我们看昨天行业上也出现了几个比较大的变化第一个就是30号的时候这个中国时空信息数据在循环之后成立40个亿这里边我们看到它的主要的股东结构来自于 卫星网络集团兵器集团以及移动集团那其实这里边就反映了从低轨到地面到定位就北斗的定位你也可以给他理解成高轨其实三者的相互融合构成整体的这么一个系统所以这个其实是我们看到最重要的这么一个事情第二个事情呢其实我们看到什么呢就是这个昨天俄罗斯这个也对相应的乌克兰上面的星星链的卫星通讯做了相应的干扰啊 所以呢其实我们看到卫星的数据安全其实也是提升了比较大的一个日常所以我觉得这里边一会我们组织给大家做详细的一个分解从我这边看下来几个事情第一个国内的整体的卫星节奏肯定是加速时空数据集团呢它代 ...
第一财经研究院· 2024-05-31 23:36
会议主要讨论的核心内容 - 公司2023年度及2024年第一季度业绩情况,包括营业收入、净利润等关键指标的同比增长情况 [1][2][3] - 公司食堂和番茄两大业务的收入和利润情况,其中食堂业务收入同比增长23%,番茄业务收入同比增长约40% [2][3] - 公司在经营策略、产业布局、商品研发等方面的举措,以及取得的成效 [3][4][5][6] - 公司在ESG管理方面的工作,包括编制ESG报告、成立ESG委员会等 [7][8] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 无相关内容
达乐(DOLLAR GERAL)[DG.N]224年季度业绩交流会
第一财经研究院· 2024-05-31 23:35
Good morning. My name is Donna, and I will be your conference operator today. At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the Dollar General first quarter 2024 earnings call. Today is Thursday, May 30th, 2024. All lines have been placed on mute to prevent any background noise. Today's call is being recorded. Instructions for listening to the replay of the call are available in the company's earnings press release issued this morning. I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Kevin Walker, Vi ...
ngoDB cA(MDB.US)225财年季度业绩电话会
第一财经研究院· 2024-05-31 23:34
first quarter fiscal year 2025 earnings call. At this time, all participants are in listen-only mode. After the speaker's presentation, there will be a question and answer session. To ask a question during the session, you need to press star 1-1 on your telephone. You'll then hear an automated message advising your hand is raised. To withdraw your question, please press star 1-1 again. Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded. I would now like to hand the conference over to your speaker t ...
第一财经研究院· 2024-05-31 23:34
Good day and thank you for standing by. Welcome to the MongoDB's first quarter fiscal year 2025 earnings call. At this time, all participants are in listen-only mode. After the speaker's presentation, there will be a question and answer session. To ask a question during the session, you need to press star 1-1 on your telephone. You'll then hear an automated message advising your hand is raised. To withdraw your question, please press star 1-1 again. Please be advised that today's conference is being recorde ...
第一财经研究院· 2024-05-31 23:34
Good day and thank you for standing by. Welcome to Asana's first quarter 2025 earnings call. At this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode. After the speaker's presentation, there will be a question and answer session. To ask a question during this session, you'll need to press star 1 1 on your telephone. You will then hear an automated message advising your hand is raised. To withdraw your question, please press star 1 1 again. Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded. I would ...
第一财经研究院· 2024-05-31 23:34
Thank you for standing by and welcome to the Amparella's first quarter fiscal year 2025 earnings call. At this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode. After the speaker's presentation, there will be a question and answer session. To ask a question during the session, you'll need to press star 11 on your telephone. If your question has been answered and you'd like to remove yourself from the queue, simply press star 11 again. As a reminder, today's program is being recorded. And now I'd like to int ...
第一财经研究院· 2024-05-31 16:01
瑞晟智能 年度暨 年第一季度业绩说明 23 24 240530_ 原文 2024年05月31日15:26 发言人1 00:01 尊敬的各位投资者朋友,广大支持人生智能的伙伴朋友吗?大家上午好。欢迎参加瑞生智能 2023年度接2024年第一季度业绩说明会。我是瑞生的智能的董事长兼总经理袁峰。在此我要 想长期以来对瑞声智能给予深切关心、坚定支持和无私帮助的投资者朋友们,表示最诚挚的感 谢。 发言人2 00:20 期以来对瑞生智能给予深切关心、坚定支持和无私帮助的投资者朋友们表示最诚挚的感谢。 发言人1 00:30 感谢你们的信任与支持,是你们的陪伴与鼓励,让人。 发言人1 00:47 公司专注于工业生产中的智能物流系统产品、智能消防排烟及通风系统产品的研发、生产及销 售,致力于为客户打造快。 发言人1 01:45 ...
第一财经研究院· 2024-05-31 16:01
世纪互联 年第一季度业绩交流 原文 24 240530_ 2024年05月31日15:26 发言人2 00:00 Thisandjennenthank you forstandinginforforthe first two,two, two,fourninescompresscall for the net group in at this time of participation are in a listening mode of the management, be parmarkstyle,beacationonontheseason. 发言人1 00:07 At this time of participation are in a listening mode of the management is far remark deal be a cationonontheseasonmasie'sfromourmasiontodayinthemtagineralrotarypresidingisa7e one73analofficermichanu0starlationthrettyofthet ...
第一财经研究院· 2024-05-31 16:01
外服控股 年度暨 年第一季度业绩说明 23 24 240530_ 原文 2024年05月31日15:27 发言人1 00:15 大家的参与和关注。 发言人1 00:18 首先我介绍一下今天参加业绩说明会的外服控股的。 发言人1 00:28 外部控股。那个。财务总监。 发言人2 00:36 财务总监,你选美女士。 发言人1 00:39 外服控股董董这个谢荣教授。 发言人2 00:43 还有我是这个外服控股的常务副总裁,董秘朱海源。 ...