JOYY Had A Sneaky Good Q2
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-30 16:26
Phynart Studio/E+ via Getty ImagesInvestors Still Impatient I’m sure investors have grown impatient with JOYY (NASDAQ:YY) because the stock is languishing in the mid $30s, the company doesn’t pay a dividend anymore, and management hasn’t given us an update on the YY Live sale reversal Baidu (BIDU) initiated in January. Most stocks in the China tech sphere have been decimated in this multi-year bear market. As you can see from the chart, JOYY’s stock has done fine relative to Chinese tech stocks (KWEB) a ...
交银国际证券· 2024-08-29 12:17
交银国际研究 财务模型更新 互联网 2024 年 8 月 28 日 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 美元 33.57 美元 33.00 -1.7% 欢聚集团 (YY US) 2 季度利润超预期;非核心业务调整拖累下半年收入预期 欢聚2季度利润超预期,主要因费用控制好于预期。海外核心产品收入维持同 比增长趋势,短期部分区域内容政策优化及非核心语音业务调整或拖累下半 年收入增长,我们小幅下调 2024 年收入预测,基于好于预期的费用控制,微 调 2024/25 年经调整净利润预期。基于 10 年 DCF,维持 33 美元目标价及中性 评级。 费用优化带动 2 季度利润超预期。欢聚 2024 年 2 季度收入为 5.7 亿美元, 同比+3%/环比持平,略超我们预期2%。BIGO收入同比+8%,直播同比-1%, 核心产品维持同比增长,主要受 MPU 增长驱动。非直播收入中,广告收 入维持快速增长,2 季度 BIGO 收入占比提升至 13.4%。经调整运营利润 3000 万美元,好于我们预期的 2100 万美元,主要因费用控制好于预期。 展望及估值:我们预计 2024 年 BIGO 收入同比+5%,受广告业务拉动延续 增长趋 ...
JOYY(YY) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-29 00:32
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第二季度总收入为5.651亿美元,同比增长3.3% [21] - BIGO分部收入为5.072亿美元,同比增长7.7% [22] - BIGO分部广告收入大幅增长 [34] - 公司毛利为1.989亿美元,毛利率为35.2% [36][37] - BIGO分部毛利为1.794亿美元,毛利率为35.4% [37] - 公司营业利润为230万美元,非GAAP营业利润为3000万美元,利润率为5.3% [40][41] - BIGO分部GAAP营业利润为5800万美元,非GAAP营业利润为6940万美元,利润率为13.7% [41] - 公司净利润为5210万美元,非GAAP净利润为7400万美元,净利率为13.1% [42][43] - BIGO分部GAAP净利润为6460万美元,非GAAP净利润为7780万美元,净利率为15.3% [43][44] - 公司经营活动现金流入为7110万美元 [45] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - Bigo Live MAU回升1.6%至3770万,重点市场用户增长强劲 [23] - Bigo Live付费用户同比增长20.3%,收入同比增长11% [23] - Likee广告收入同比增长34.7%,人均日活跃时长增加1.3% [27][28] - Hago社交频道人均时长增加,付费用户参与度超60% [29] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司重点发达国家市场收入同比实现双位数增长,优于其他地区 [35] - Bigo Live在发达国家MAU、付费用户和收入均实现同比增长 [23] - 中东地区Bigo Live收入有望实现环比增长 [56] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司保持全球化战略不变,持续创新产品优化用户体验 [13][14][30][31] - 公司聚焦提升运营效率,平衡增长与盈利能力 [18] - 公司将持续培育新的收入和利润增长点 [19][66][67] - 公司广告业务保持强劲增长势头,未来仍有较大发展空间 [66][67] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 宏观环境不确定性持续,公司将优先追求高质量付费用户增长和ROI [23] - 公司将对Bigo Live的非核心音频直播业务进行调整,短期可能影响收入但有利于长期健康发展 [47][56][57] - 公司有信心在当前环境下实现BIGO分部全年单位数收入增长 [57] 其他重要信息 - 公司将继续积极回购股票,回报长期支持的股东 [20][63] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Thomas Chong 提问** 公司未来战略是否会因管理层变动而发生改变 [49] **Ting Li 回答** 公司战略重点将保持一贯,仍将聚焦全球化发展、优化产品运营、提升运营效率等 [51][52][53][54] 问题2 **Thomas Chong 提问** BIGO业务未来收入趋势如何,不同地区表现如何 [50] **Fuyong Liu 回答** BIGO核心产品直播收入保持正增长,主要得益于付费用户增长;发达国家表现优于其他地区 [55][56] 公司将优化成本、调整非核心业务,短期可能影响收入但有利于长期健康发展 [56][57] 问题3 **Lei Zhang 提问** 公司及BIGO分部毛利率和净利率的未来趋势如何 [58] **Fuyong Liu 回答** 通过优化成本,BIGO分部毛利率有望保持稳定或小幅提升;但受非核心业务调整影响,BIGO分部净利润或将小幅下降 [59][60]
JOYY Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results: Total Revenues up 3.3% Year Over Year, BIGO Achieves Fourth Consecutive Quarter of Growth
Prnewswire· 2024-08-28 10:03
文章核心观点 - 公司第二季度收入达5.65亿美元,同比增长3.3% [1][2] - 公司核心业务BIGO连续第四个季度实现收入增长,收入达5.07亿美元,同比增长7.7% [2][4] - 公司净利润和非公认会计准则净利润分别为5210万美元和7400万美元,环比分别增长15.0%和10.2% [2][5] - 公司维持了良好的经营性现金流,第二季度产生7110万美元现金流 [2] BIGO业务 - BIGO Live MAU增长1.6%,达3770万,重点市场用户和收入均实现增长 [6] - BIGO Live推出智能管理系统,提升了运营效率 [6] - BIGO Live与电竞世界杯合作,为用户提供沉浸式游戏体验 [7] - BIGO Live的"真人匹配"功能用户活跃度持续提升,带动了用户注册、付费转化等指标 [8][9] - BIGO Live不断优化直播体验,推出多项新功能 [9] Likee业务 - Likee广告收入同比增长34.7%,保持盈利 [10] - Likee举办创作者活动,加强社区联系,提升用户粘性 [10] - Likee升级视频工具,提高内容质量,用户使用时长增加 [11] Hago业务 - Hago保持良好的经营性现金流 [12] - Hago推出主题活动,提升用户参与度和付费转化 [12] - Hago不断优化社交功能,用户使用时长和次日留存率持续提升 [13]
JOYY Reports Second Quarter 2024 Unaudited Financial Results
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-28 07:00
SINGAPORE, Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- JOYY Inc. (NASDAQ: YY) (“JOYY” or the “Company”), a global technology company, today announced its unaudited financial results for the second quarter of 2024. Second Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights1 Net revenues were US$565.1 million, compared to US$547.3 million in the corresponding period of 2023.Net income attributable to controlling interest of JOYY2 was US$52.1 million, compared to US$155.1 million in the corresponding period of 2023.Non-GAAP net income at ...
JOYY Announces Leadership Transition
Newsfilter· 2024-08-03 05:00
SINGAPORE, Aug. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- JOYY Inc. (NASDAQ:YY) ("JOYY" or the "Company"), a global technology company, today announced that its board of directors (the "Board") has approved a carefully planned leadership succession. Ms. Ting Li, currently Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Company, will succeed Mr. David Xueling Li as Chairperson of the Board ("Chairperson") and Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"), effective immediately. Mr. David Xueling Li will continue serving as a member of the ...
JOYY Announces Leadership Transition
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-03 05:00
SINGAPORE, Aug. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- JOYY Inc. (Nasdaq: YY) (“JOYY” or the “Company”), a global technology company, today announced that its board of directors (the “Board”) has approved a carefully planned leadership succession. Ms. Ting Li, currently Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Company, will succeed Mr. David Xueling Li as Chairperson of the Board (“Chairperson”) and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), effective immediately. Mr. David Xueling Li will continue serving as a member of th ...
Is JOYY (YY) Stock Undervalued Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-07-19 22:46
Here at Zacks, we focus on our proven ranking system, which places an emphasis on earnings estimates and estimate revisions, to find winning stocks. But we also understand that investors develop their own strategies, so we are constantly looking at the latest trends in value, growth, and momentum to find strong companies for our readers.Of these, value investing is easily one of the most popular ways to find great stocks in any market environment. Value investors rely on traditional forms of analysis on key ...
JOYY Inc. Announces the Results of the Repurchase Right Offer for its 1.375% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026
Newsfilter· 2024-06-14 19:30
SINGAPORE, June 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- JOYY Inc. (NASDAQ:YY) ("JOYY" or the "Company"), a global technology company, today announced the results of its previously announced repurchase right offer relating to its 1.375% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026 (CUSIP No. 98426T AF3) (the "2026 Notes"). The repurchase right offer expired at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Based on information from Citibank, N.A. as the paying agent for the 2026 Notes, US$405,445,000 aggregate princip ...
JOYY Inc. Announces the Results of the Repurchase Right Offer for its 1.375% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-14 19:30
文章核心观点 - 公司宣布完成之前宣布的回购2026年到期的1.375%可转换优先票据的要约 [1][2] - 公司已接受所有提交的2026年票据并已向付款代理人支付现金以分配给相关持有人 [2] 公司概况 - 公司是一家全球性科技公司,目前运营多款社交产品,包括直播平台Bigo Live、短视频平台Likee等 [4] - 公司的美国存托股份自2012年11月起在纳斯达克上市 [4] 其他信息 - 公司将向SEC提交相关文件,这些文件可在SEC网站和公司网站免费获取 [3] - 投资者可通过公司指定的投资者关系联系方式进行咨询 [5]