What I Bought When The Market Dipped: Google And Visa
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-21 21:13
CarlaMc The duration - or lack thereof - of these broad market sell-offs is getting ridiculous. In late July/early August, the S&P 500 dipped down to -9.7% or so (from all-time highs), and then within a week we rallied back to within just a few points of new all-time highs. Honestly, I thought I *accidentally* timed this one perfectly. My readers know that I’m not a market timer. I’m someone who’s looking to slowly, but surely, accumulate shares of wonderful companies as often as I can. The thing is, fo ...
Can Visa Capitalize on Surging Record Credit Card Debt Levels?
MarketBeat· 2024-08-21 19:45
文章核心观点 - Visa是一家全球性的支付技术公司,主要业务是为消费者、商户和金融机构提供电子支付交易服务[6][7] - Visa并不直接发行信用卡,而是作为中间商提供安全和便捷的数字支付服务,通过收取交易手续费获得收入[7] - 尽管信用卡债务创历史新高,但这并不意味着对Visa有直接利好影响,因为Visa不从信用卡利息中获利,而是更多依赖于零售消费交易量[8] 行业总结 - Visa主要竞争对手包括万事达卡、发现金融服务和美国运通等[7] - 高利率加剧了信用卡债务,但这并不会直接损害Visa,反而可能导致消费者支出减少,从而对Visa业务产生不利影响[9] - Visa也不会直接受到信用卡违约、拖欠和核销的影响,但间接来说会因为消费者财务困难而导致交易量下降[9] 公司总结 - Visa第三季度营收同比增长9.6%至89亿美元,略低于预期,交易量增长10%[11] - 支付量增长7%,低于上年同期,反映了消费者支出放缓的趋势[12] - Visa预计第四季度收入增长将保持低双位数,运营费用增长将处于高单位数,每股收益增长将位于低双位数的较高端[17] - Visa CEO表示公司的增值服务业务保持强劲增长,特别是在奥运等重大活动期间[18] - 分析师给予Visa"中性买入"评级,目标价308.50美元,较当前价格有15%的上行空间[15][16]
Visa: Global Payments Leader With Robust Dividend Growth Is Undervalued - Strong Buy
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-17 21:00
imaginima/E+ via Getty ImagesIntroduction and Investment Thesis In our ever-changing world, change is the only constant. Therefore, it's always worth considering cutting-edge businesses operating within modern-world industries accompanied by secular tailwinds. At Cash Flow Venue, we build a resilient, dividend-oriented portfolio generating steady and growing income. Accordingly, I've recently increased my position in Visa (NYSE:V). Although its dividend yield is not something to be impressed with, Visa ...
Visa Is Fairly Valued
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-16 23:50
文章核心观点 - 信用卡已经成为现代经济中基本的交易手段 [2] - Visa是信用卡行业的巨头,与万事达卡构成了一个寡头垄断格局 [2] - Visa的业务模式是提供一个五方参与的网络平台,连接持卡人、发卡银行、商户和收单银行,实现交易清算 [3] - Visa的毛利率和净利率都非常高,这突出了其强大的商业实力 [4][5] - Visa是一家成熟的公司,增长速度虽然不快但稳定,过去10年各项关键指标都保持了约10%的增长 [6][7][10] - 分析师预测Visa未来3年的收入和利润增长率将达到9-11%和11-14% [11][12][13][14][15] 公司评估 - 根据保证金安全法则,Visa的合理价值为200.93美元,买入价应为100.46美元 [17] - 根据回报期法则,Visa的合理价值为327.33美元 [18] - 根据10倍资本收益率法则,Visa的合理价值为278.80美元 [19] - 综合以上三种评估方法,Visa目前的估值较高,需要完美执行业务计划和经济保持良好增长才有上涨空间 [20]
Bull Signal Has Never Failed Visa Stock
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-08-15 00:22
Blue-chip bank stock Visa Inc (NYSE:V) hit a March 21, all-time high of $290.96 on March 21, but has lost 7.5% over the last three months. V was last seen trading near breakeven at $260.38 while clinging to a fractional year-to-date lead, but a historically bullish signal that has never failed is now flashing on the charts.Per data from Schaeffer's Senior Quantitative Analyst Rocky White, V is trading within one standard deviation of its 320-day moving average. After the last two times Visa stock pulled bac ...
Visa Stock Has Given Near-Zero Returns YTD, What To Expect?
Forbes· 2024-08-14 20:00
HONG KONG, CHINA - 2024/07/09: In this photo illustration, VISA logo is displayed on a smartphone ... [+] with a laptop keyboard background. (Photo Illustration by Serene Lee/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty ImagesVisa’s stock (NYSE: V) has given near zero returns YTD, as compared to the 12% rise in the S&P500 over the same period. Notably, Visa’s peer Mastercard (NYSE: MA) is up 5% YTD. Overall, at its current price of $260 per share, it is trading 15% below its fa ...
Visa Announces She's Next Grant Recipients, Spotlighting the Future of Women Entrepreneurs
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-13 20:09
TORONTO, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Visa Canada announced the recipients of its She’s Next Grant Program, aimed at uplifting women-owned small businesses (SMBs). The program awards $10,000 CAD grants to 10 winners and access to an accelerated mentorship program through York University’s YSpace. Since its inception, the program has awarded a total of $700K CAD to women-owned small businesses and countless hours of mentorship. According to data from the latest Visa Small Business Pulse Report, C ...
Visa: Thesis Update With Key Indicators
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-11 14:36
文章核心观点 - 公司在支付网络行业拥有垄断地位,具有竞争优势[4] - 公司业务模式轻资产,利润率和自由现金流率较高,有望持续获得双位数收入增长[4][13] - 公司通过分享回购等方式持续回报股东[13] 公司财务表现 - 最近三个季度收入增长保持在10%左右,主要由交易量和交易笔数增长带动[5][8] - 毛利率维持在65%以上,随着收入增长,利润率有所提升[12][13] - 每股收益增长14%,符合公司中长期增长目标[13] - 股票回购使得股本持续下降[12][13] 行业发展趋势 - 电子支付占比持续提升,现金支付占比下降,为公司带来持续增长机会[4] - 跨境交易和小额交易是公司未来增长点[4][10] 估值分析 - 公司当前估值溢价较历史有所下降,但仍高于大盘,考虑到公司的竞争优势和增长前景,估值水平合理[14]
1 Key Risk Facing This No-Brainer Warren Buffett Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-09 20:00
This dominant enterprise has an ongoing risk that can't be ignored.Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is known for having huge stakes in companies like Apple, Coca-Cola, and Bank of America. But the conglomerate also has much smaller positions.It has a tiny holding in Visa (V 1.29%) that most investors might not know about. Despite this being a high-quality business that Buffett owns, it's not without downside. There's one key risk facing this otherwise phenomenal stock that has climbed 403% in the past de ...
Want to Get Rich? Buy the Dip on This Dividend-Growth Stock and Never Sell
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-07 19:36
This stalwart can provide steady returns for shareholders over the long term.There are two big schools of thought in investing. In one school, investors focus on growth, buying businesses they hope are much larger five, 10, or 20 years in the future. In the other school, investors search for yield, buying dividend-paying stocks to build passive income and a reliable cash-flow stream for their portfolios. Of course, there are more than just these two considerations when buying stocks, but growth and yield ar ...