Why I Am Increasingly Optimistic About Tesla (Cautiously)
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-16 22:26
Here's everything you need to know about the electric vehicle maker's week.In this week's video, I cover need-to-know news items related to Tesla (TSLA -1.38%) during the week of Sept. 9.You can find last week's summary here.*Stock prices used were from the trading day of Sept. 13, 2024. The video was published on Sept. 14, 2024. ...
Forget About Tesla, Waymo, and Cruise: This Is the Best Robotaxi Stock to Buy
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-16 22:26
Being the platform and distribution channel has huge benefits.In this video, I will explain why I believe Uber (UBER -0.98%) is the best company to benefit from the rise of autonomous taxis, such as Waymo and Cruise. Check out the short video to learn more, consider subscribing, and click the special offer link below.*Stock prices used were from the trading day of Sept. 13, 2024. The video was published on Sept. 15, 2024. ...
OpenAI o1 predicts Tesla stock price for end of 2024
Finbold· 2024-09-16 16:59
文章核心观点 1. 特斯拉股价在2024年经历了起起伏伏的走势,从年初的大幅下跌到夏季的强劲反弹,最终在9月中旬稳定在230美元附近 [1] 2. 即将到来的利率决议和特斯拉"机器人出租车"活动都可能对特斯拉股价产生重大影响,成功可能助推股价创新高,失败则会进一步损害公司声誉 [1] 3. ChatGPT-o1模型预测特斯拉股价在2024年底有望达到250美元,上涨8.68% [5] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 正面因素 1. 即将推出的新产品,如机器人出租车,有望引发投资者关注,如果成功进入自动驾驶出租车市场,将有利于股价上涨 [3] 2. 特斯拉全自动驾驶(FSD)技术的持续改进,特别是FSD 12.5版本的更新,有望提升车辆性能,增强消费者和投资者信心 [3] 3. 特斯拉在德克萨斯州Gigafactory采用的新"开箱即用"制造工艺,旨在简化生产并降低成本,有望提高利润率 [3] 负面因素 1. 对全自动驾驶技术的持续监管和安全问题,可能会对股价产生负面影响 [5] 2. 来自传统车企和新进入者的竞争加剧,可能影响特斯拉的市场份额 [5] 3. 整体经济不确定性和股市波动性,可能影响特斯拉股价的表现,与公司自身发展无关 [5]
Tesla Holds Support Amid EV Woes; BYD Unveils 1,300-Mile EVs
Investor's Business Daily· 2024-09-16 05:41
文章核心观点 - 中国电动车和电池巨头比亚迪的销量在2022年超过了特斯拉,成为全球最大的电动车制造商 [1] - 特斯拉的盈利连续几个季度下滑,错过了下调的预期 [1] - 特斯拉依靠价格下调来抵消需求疲软,但可能推出新的"亲民"电动车型 [1] - 比亚迪也下调了价格,但利润率仍然较高,销量持续增长 [2] - 比亚迪正在快速扩张海外市场,建立多个海外工厂 [10][11] 特斯拉与比亚迪销量对比 - 2022年第二季度,特斯拉交付44.4万辆电动车,同比下降 [3] - 2022年第二季度,比亚迪销量达98.7万辆,同比增长58%,是特斯拉的两倍 [3] - 比亚迪8月销量创新高,达37.4万辆,其中纯电动车销量14.8万辆 [5] - 比亚迪可能存在产能限制,销量高于产量 [4] 价格调整 - 特斯拉自2022年底开始大幅降价,以刺激销售 [6] - 比亚迪今年早些时候也对大部分车型进行了降价,帮助销量回升 [6] 产品线 - 特斯拉主要生产Model 3、Model Y、Model X和Model S,其中Model Y是主力车型 [7] - 特斯拉Cybertruck产量较低,主要受质量问题影响 [7] - 特斯拉计划推出"亲民"车型,但时间推迟到2025年 [8] - 比亚迪产品线涵盖10000-15万美元不等的各类电动车和插电式混合动力车 [10] - 比亚迪正在推出新一代混合动力系统,续航里程大幅提升 [10] 电池技术 - 特斯拉主要采用宁德时代和LG等供应商的电池 [12][13] - 比亚迪是全球最大的电池制造商之一,自主研发刀片电池 [14] - 比亚迪将在今年底推出下一代刀片电池 [14] 其他业务 - 特斯拉拥有自己的超级充电桩网络,并与其他车企合作 [15] - 特斯拉正在加大自动驾驶和机器人业务的投入 [16][17] - 比亚迪自主研发芯片,并在电池、太阳能等领域有布局 [18][19] 股票表现 - 特斯拉股价在二季度业绩下滑后大幅下跌,但目前接近积极买入区间 [23] - 比亚迪股价今年上涨10.7%,目前处于买入区间 [24] - 特斯拉市值为7357亿美元,远高于比亚迪的836亿美元 [25] - 比亚迪在电动车销量、电池和芯片等方面优于特斯拉 [26]
Tesla stock is ‘on the edge of breaking this wedge' to the upside
Finbold· 2024-09-16 00:01
文章核心观点 - 特斯拉股价有望延续近期涨势,技术指标显示可能出现突破性上涨[1][2][3] - 特斯拉目前正处于一个楔形图形模式,如果得到有利的基本面催化剂支持,可能会突破240美元的阻力位,并向300美元或更高的目标进发[1][3] - 分析师认为,如果特斯拉突破240美元,可能会迅速上涨至300美元、400美元甚至更高,并有可能创历史新高[3][5] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 技术面分析 - 特斯拉股价在过去一周涨幅超过5%,目前报收在230美元附近[1] - 特斯拉股价形成了一个楔形图形模式,如果得到有利的基本面支撑,可能会出现突破性上涨[1][3] - 分析师认为,特斯拉股价突破240美元阻力位后,可能会迅速上涨至300美元、400美元甚至更高[3][5] - 技术指标如交易者动量指数(TDI)和移动平均线收敛背离指标(MACD)也支持特斯拉股价的看涨预期[3][4] 基本面分析 - 潜在的利率下降可能会提振特斯拉的销售,因为融资成本会降低[6] - 特斯拉未来产品线丰富,包括机器人出租车、更新版Model Y和2025年推出的2.5万美元车型等,为公司长期发展提供支撑[6] - 特斯拉的高利润能源业务和即将投产的特斯拉半挂车也有助于支撑看涨预期[6] - 尽管整个电动车市场需求放缓,但特斯拉似乎正在引领行业复苏,7月电动车注册量增长18%主要由特斯拉Cybertruck和新车型带动[6] - 一些分析师对特斯拉保持乐观态度,如德意志银行给予买入评级和295美元目标价[7]
Waymo and Tesla have opposite problems as they compete for driverless tech dominance
Business Insider· 2024-09-14 07:31
By clicking “Sign Up”, you accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy . You can opt-out at any time by visiting our Preferences page or by clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email.Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. download the appSign up to get the inside scoop on today’s biggest stories in markets, tech, and business — delivered daily. Read previewTwo major players — Tesla and Waymo — are battling for dominance in the driverless tech sector. At stake is ...
Tesla Analyst Says 'Business Before Pleasure' With Third Quarter Deliveries Report Ahead Of Robotaxi Day
Benzinga· 2024-09-14 02:08
Tesla Inc TSLA could have an exciting October to remember with third-quarter earnings, third-quarter deliveries and its Robotaxi Day.An analyst said investors should focus on deliveries before robotaxis.The Tesla Analyst: Canaccord Genuity analyst George Gianarikas has a Buy rating with a $254 price target on Tesla.Read Also: Tesla Patent Shows New Automotive Assembly Process That Could Help Cut Costs: ‘Efficiently Assembling Vehicles’The Analyst Takeaways: Tesla's third-quarter delivery figures will come b ...
Tesla Semi fire in California took 50,000 gallons of water to extinguish
CNBC· 2024-09-14 01:20
A single-vehicle collision last month involving a Tesla Semi electric truck took 50,000 gallons of water to extinguish and required aircraft to dump fire retardant overhead, according to a preliminary report on Friday from the National Transportation Safety Board.The crash, which occurred on California's Interstate 80 west of Lake Tahoe, is being investigated by the NTSB. CAL-Fire's efforts put out the flames cooled the vehicle's massive battery to keep it from reigniting and prevented the fire from spreadi ...
Tesla's New Buy Rating: Why Analysts Are Optimistic
MarketBeat· 2024-09-13 19:40
It isn’t often that investors get to consider the more straightforward deals in Wall Street before they become too mainstream and recognized to get in, as when an investment is too popularized, the upside can often start to get priced into the stock and leave little to no upside left after everyone hears about the deal. Today, investors can get in before the rest.There is a massive change happening in the global economy, as well as sentiment about tariffs and trade policy around the import and export of ele ...
Fewer Consumers Are Planning to Buy EVs. Is It Time to Sell Rivian and Tesla Stocks?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-13 15:18
With EV growth slowing, what should investors do with the EV stocks?While electric vehicle (EV) sales continue to grow, that growth has materially slowed this year. Deliveries of EVs in the U.S. increased by 11% in the second quarter, which was a big drop from the more than 50% growth EVs experienced in 2023.Growth has slowed even more in Europe, with just 1% more deliveries in the first half compared to a year ago. For the full year 2023, EV sales in Europe increased 16%.Meanwhile, according to recent surv ...