The $100,000 electric truck market is here. A guide to pickups from Tesla, GM, Rivian and Ford
CNBC· 2024-09-07 20:00
文章核心观点 - 特斯拉、通用汽车、Rivian Automotive和福特汽车创造了一个新的美国汽车行业市场 [1][2] - 这些电动皮卡价格高昂、功能强大,售价超过10万美元 [1][2] - 这种高价电动皮卡的出现反映了消费者对更多装备、更好功能和更优质材料的需求 [1] - 这些高价电动皮卡之所以价格高昂,是因为其所需的电池等技术成本较高 [1] 特斯拉Cybertruck - Cybertruck的设计、功能、极端化和功能都独树一帜 [5][6] - Cybertruck更像是一款"网络卡车"而非传统皮卡 [5] - Cybertruck具有紧凑转向、坚固底盘等特点,但设计更注重形式而非功能 [5] - Cybertruck具有四轮转向等技术,但缺乏传统皮卡的实用性 [5][6] 通用GMC Hummer EV - Hummer EV是首款上市的电动皮卡,在性能、价格和整体奢华程度上与Cybertruck相当 [7][8] - Hummer EV驾驶体验无论是在路上还是越野都非常出色,被称为"超级卡车" [7] - Hummer EV重量极大,约9200磅,是目前市面上最重的消费者电动车 [7] - Hummer EV外观设计现代化,但内饰略显笨重 [8] 雪佛兰Silverado和GMC Sierra - 雪佛兰Silverado和GMC Sierra是通用最新的全电动皮卡,顶配车型接近10万美元 [9][10] - 两款车在外观上有所区分,但内部零件和功能基本相同 [9] - 两款车续航里程达440英里,最大功率754马力,最大扭矩785磅-英尺 [9] - Sierra相比Silverado更加精致和豪华,配备四轮转向等独特功能 [10] - 两款车最大亮点是后座可折叠,可形成近11英尺长的货箱 [10] Rivian R1T和R1S - Rivian的R1T皮卡和R1S SUV在户外探险和生活方式车型中脱颖而出 [11][12] - 第二代车型在乘坐质量和驾驶体验上有所改善 [11] - R1T和R1S的内饰设计极简,但功能和人机交互界面出色 [11] - 这两款车的充电速度和高级驾驶辅助系统仍有待提升 [12] 福特F-150 Lightning - F-150 Lightning是目前最实用的全电动皮卡,起价约6.3万美元 [13][14] - F-150 Lightning在功能和驾驶体验上与传统F-150相似,因为共享很多零部件 [13][14] - 尽管F-150 Lightning在推出时很出色,但随着竞争对手的追赶,在续航里程、驾驶动力学和整体性能方面已经不占优势 [14] - 对于愿意花10万美元以上的买家来说,F-150 Lightning面临更激烈的竞争 [14][15]
Innovator ETFs Announces Closure of Hedged TSLA Strategy ETF
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-07 05:28
文章核心观点 - 公司宣布将于2024年10月1日停止交易其Hedged TSLA Strategy ETF(TSLH)基金,并于10月4日清算该基金[1] - 该基金的清算与其投资期限结束相符,投资者可在10月1日之前卖出股票,逾期将被自动赎回,赎回价格为10月4日的资产净值[2] - 截至2024年9月5日,该基金的管理资产规模为55.1万美元[2] 公司概况 - 该公司是Defined Outcome ETFs™的先驱和最大供应商[1] - 该公司的商标包括Accelerated ETFs®、Barrier ETF™、Buffer ETF™等多个系列产品[5] - 该公司的ETF产品由Foreside Fund Services, LLC进行分销[5] 基金特点 - 该基金具有许多传统投资产品所没有的特点,可能并不适合所有投资者[3] - 该基金面临诸多市场交易风险,包括主动市场风险、授权参与集中风险、缓冲损失风险等[3] - 投资者在投资该基金前应仔细考虑其投资目标、风险、费用和其他重要信息[4]
Tesla Isn't Available À La Carte, But Works As A Commercial-Venture Bundle
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-06 23:19
文章核心观点 - 文章探讨了Tesla作为一个"ComVen bundle"的投资价值 [1][2][5] - 作者提出了一个新的分析框架,将股票价格分为商业价值(Com)和未来价值(Ven),并应用到Tesla身上 [3][4][5] Tesla的商业价值(Com) - Tesla是电动车行业的先驱和领导者 [7][8] - 虽然目前面临一些挑战,但Tesla仍有很强的竞争优势,产品深受消费者喜爱 [8][12] - 过去几年Tesla的收入和利润增长迅速,财务状况良好 [8][9][10][11] Tesla的未来价值(Ven) - Tesla正在努力实现全自动驾驶,这是一个巨大的潜在商业机会 [16] - 除了自动驾驶,Tesla在机器人、隧道挖掘等其他领域也有野心勃勃的计划 [16] - 虽然存在一些技术和管理风险,但Tesla团队的过往成就表明他们有能力实现这些目标 [18][19] 总结 - 综合Tesla的商业价值和未来价值,作者认为Tesla股票目前的价格还有上涨空间,给出"买入"评级 [20][21][22][24] - 但投资者需要有长期投资的心态,因为Tesla的价值体现需要较长时间 [24]
Wall Street sets Tesla (TSLA) stock price for next 12 months
Finbold· 2024-09-06 23:10
On Thursday, September 5, Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) announced the expansion of its Full-Self Driving (FSD) feature to customers in Europe and China in the first quarter of 2025, pending regulatory approval.Due to popular demand, Tesla AI team release roadmap:September 2024– v12.5.2 with ~3x improved miles between necessary interventions– v12.5.2 on AI3 computer (unified models for AI3 and AI4)– Actually Smart Summon– Cybertruck Autopark 📐– Eye-tracking with sunglasses 🕶️ -…— Tesla AI (@Tesla_AI) September 5, 202 ...
Tesla's US Lead Solidifies But Slips In Germany; China's Surge Shakes Up EV Landscape
Benzinga· 2024-09-06 04:35
文章核心观点 - 特斯拉在美国电动车市场地位持续增强,8月销量同比增长23% [1] - 特斯拉在德国市场表现不佳,市场份额下降2.7% [2] - 中国新能源车市场增长强劲,特斯拉面临来自本土品牌的激烈竞争 [3] 美国市场 - 特斯拉在美国电动车市场占据主导地位,市场份额达44% [1] - 电动车补贴政策推动特斯拉销量增长,平均补贴达8,300美元 [1] - 通用汽车等竞争对手正在不断增强,市场份额提升至10% [1] - 特斯拉库存水平稳定,有望维持在美国市场的领导地位 [1] 德国市场 - 特斯拉在德国市场表现不佳,市场份额同比下降2.7% [2] - 德国电动车市场整体增长乏力,政府新出台的税收优惠政策或将带来一定缓解 [2] - 特斯拉计划于2025年第一季度在欧洲和中国推出全自动驾驶辅助软件 [2] 中国市场 - 中国新能源车销量首次突破100万辆,同比增长41.8%,渗透率达53.1% [3] - 特斯拉在中国市场份额依然强劲,但面临来自国内品牌如比亚迪、理想、小鹏等的激烈竞争 [3] - 比亚迪和小鹏等品牌月度交付量大幅增长,占据中国新能源车60%市场份额 [3]
Tesla To Delay Full Self-Driving Rollout in China, Europe
Investopedia· 2024-09-05 23:40
KEY TAKEAWAYSTesla is planning to delay its Full Self-Driving (FSD) release in China and Europe until the first quarter of 2025.In a post on X, the electric-vehicle (EV) maker helmed by Elon Musk said the technology is "pending regulatory approval" from local authorities.Tesla, which reportedly was planning to launch the technology in China this year, lags domestic rivals in offering driver-assistance features in the highly competitive market. Tesla (TSLA) is planning to delay its Full Self-Driving (FSD) re ...
Why Tesla Stock Popped Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-05 23:10
For Tesla, yesterday, it was robots; today, it's full self-driving (FSD).Tesla (TSLA 5.42%) stock has been on a bit of a roll this week. Shares jumped more than 4% yesterday and popped another 7% in Thursday morning trading. As of 10:45 a.m. ET, Tesla stock was still trading higher by 6.3%.It's not because Tesla said it was selling more cars. In fact, yesterday's jump came when CEO Elon Musk posted about robots, not cars. But today was more closely tied to its core electric vehicle (EV) business. More speci ...
Tesla stock ‘a pump' and SEC is ‘asleep at the wheel,' blasts analyst
Finbold· 2024-09-05 22:47
For years, Elon Musk has been working to position his companies – not the least of which is Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA) – as major and disruptive technological innovators.While many have come to believe the claims that Tesla is more than a mere electric vehicle (EV) maker but also on track to becoming a proper artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics company, one analyst has continued stubbornly dismissing most of its advancements and products as little more than vaporware.GJL Research chief slams Tesla ov ...
Are EV stocks about to replace semiconductors?
Finbold· 2024-09-05 22:12
As Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) stock started to consolidate, signaling that the semiconductor behemoth might have reached its zenith and leading other stocks from its sector tumbling, the representative of the electric vehicle (EV) industry, Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), has done the opposite.Specifically, Tesla stocks have started to demonstrate the TTM (‘Trade the Market’) Squeeze indicator, which often signals that an asset’s price is likely to break out soon, in this case, to the upside, as observed by market analyti ...
Tesla Has Already Lost the Robotaxi War
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-05 22:00
Robotaxis are on the road today, and Tesla isn't even close to being one of the competitors.Tesla (TSLA 4.72%) has been talking about robotaxis for years, but it has yet to launch one on public streets. Two companies have launched robotaxis, and even Uber (UBER 0.32%) is getting behind their efforts. In this video, Travis Hoium explains why Tesla is falling behind.*Stock prices used were end-of-day prices of Aug. 30, 2024. The video was published on Sept. 3, 2024. ...