Why the Market Dipped But Sea Limited Sponsored ADR (SE) Gained Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-11 06:56
公司股价表现 - Sea Limited Sponsored ADR 最近的股价为 $57.07,较前一个交易日上涨了 +0.09% [1] - 公司股价在过去一个月中下跌了 1.72%,落后于计算机和科技行业的涨幅 1.67% 和标普500指数的涨幅 1.78% [2] 财务表现预测 - 投资界将密切关注 Sea Limited Sponsored ADR 在即将发布的财报中的表现。预计公司每股收益为 $0.36,较去年同期下降了 40.98% [3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测公司全年每股收益为 $1.94,营收为 $16.04 亿美元,较去年分别增长了 +42.65% 和 +23.46% [4] 评级和市盈率 - 公司目前持有 Zacks Rank 2 (Buy) 的评级 [7] - Sea Limited Sponsored ADR 的前瞻市盈率为 29.39,相对于行业平均前瞻市盈率 29.79,处于折价状态 [8] 行业排名 - 互联网-软件行业属于计算机和科技行业,目前该行业的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 37,在所有 250+ 个行业中排名前 15% [9] - Zacks Industry Rank 评估了特定行业群体的活力,研究表明排名前 50% 的行业胜过后 50% 的行业 2 倍 [10]
Wall Street Bulls Look Optimistic About Sea Limited (SE): Should You Buy?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-04 22:36
The recommendations of Wall Street analysts are often relied on by investors when deciding whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock. Media reports about these brokerage-firm-employed (or sell-side) analysts changing their ratings often affect a stock's price. Do they really matter, though? Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about Sea Limited Sponsored ADR (SE) . Sea Limited currently has an av ...
Sea Limited Sponsored ADR (SE) Declines More Than Market: Some Information for Investors
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-02 06:56
Sea Limited Sponsored ADR (SE) ended the recent trading session at $53.02, demonstrating a -1.28% swing from the preceding day's closing price. This move lagged the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.2%. Elsewhere, the Dow lost 0.6%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq added 0.11%. Heading into today, shares of the company had gained 5.21% over the past month, outpacing the Computer and Technology sector's gain of 2.99% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.32% in that time. Analysts and investors alike will be keeping a close eye on ...
How Much Upside is Left in Sea Limited (SE)? Wall Street Analysts Think 25.36%
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-21 22:56
SE股票表现 - 上周收盘价为 $55.99,过去四周上涨了 26.7% [1] - 分析师的平均目标价为 $70.19,显示了 25.4% 的上涨潜力 [1] - 分析师对 SE 的短期目标价范围从 $42 到 $94,标准偏差为 $14.55 [2] - SE 目前拥有 Zacks Rank 2 (Buy),这是对股票短期潜在上涨的更明确指示 [10]
Why Sea Limited Sponsored ADR (SE) Might be Well Poised for a Surge
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-20 01:21
Sea Limited Sponsored ADR股票表现 - Sea Limited Sponsored ADR的股票表现强劲,分析师仍在提高公司的盈利预期[1] - 过去一个月,Sea Limited Sponsored ADR的盈利预期已经上升了93.59%[8] Sea Limited Sponsored ADR股票评级 - Zacks Rank系统显示Sea Limited Sponsored ADR的股票评级为2(买入),有利于投资者做出正确的投资决策[9] - Zacks Rank 1(强烈买入)和2(买入)的股票明显优于标准普尔500指数[10]
Are Computer and Technology Stocks Lagging Sea Limited (SE) This Year?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-19 22:41
SE公司表现 - Sea Limited Sponsored ADR (SE)是计算机和技术股票中表现优异的公司之一[1] - SE目前拥有Zacks Rank 2(买入)[3] - SE今年迄今为止的股价上涨了42.8%,表现优于计算机和技术行业的平均水平[5] - SE所属的互联网-软件行业在Zacks Industry Rank中排名第42,表现优于同行业平均水平[7] AXT公司表现 - AXT(AXTI)是另一家今年迄今为止表现优异的计算机和技术股票,股价上涨了102.1%[5] - AXT的一致EPS估计今年已经增长了50%[6] - AXT所属的电子-半导体行业在Zacks Industry Rank中排名第189,表现较差[8] 投资建议 - 投资者应继续关注SE和AXT,因为它们可能会保持良好的表现[9]
Wall Street Analysts Think Sea Limited Sponsored ADR (SE) Is a Good Investment: Is It?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-19 22:31
券商推荐分析 - 投资者通常会参考华尔街分析师的推荐来做出股票买入、卖出或持有决定[1] - Sea Limited Sponsored ADR的平均券商推荐为1.63,介于强烈买入和买入之间[2] - 11个券商推荐强烈买入Sea Limited Sponsored ADR,占所有推荐的68.8%[3] - 券商推荐虽然建议购买Sea Limited Sponsored ADR,但并不一定能成功引导投资者选择潜在价格上涨最大的股票[4]
Sea Limited's Shopee Is Back on Track With Its Sustainable Growth Strategy
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-17 18:20
Sea Limited财务表现 - Sea Limited 2023年首次实现盈利,营收增长5%至131亿美元,净利润达到1.63亿美元,相比2022年的17亿美元净亏损[1] - Shopee作为Sea的电商业务,是公司最大的业务板块,进入了增长故事的新篇章[3] - Shopee在COVID-19大流行期间是全球增长最快的电商公司之一,但其增长速度导致了巨额亏损,2021年EBITDA亏损达到26亿美元[6] Sea Limited业务挑战 - 在2022年,Sea遇到了一些阻碍,Garena业务在疫情限制解除后大幅收缩,外部融资也受到限制,导致Shopee不得不迅速改变策略[7] - Shopee的战略转变对于投资者来说至关重要,证明了其商业模式的有效性,能够在规模上实现盈利[8] - Shopee正在以更可持续的速度加快增长,因为公司运营在电商渗透率较低的地区,有必要尽可能多地实现增长[9] Shopee业务发展 - Shopee的新战略似乎取得了进展,2023年第四季度收入同比增长23%,毛订单更是同比增长46%[12] - 公司管理层预计Shopee在2024年全年GMV将增长在“高十几位数范围内”,调整后的EBITDA将在今年下半年再次转为正数[13]
Could Sea Limited Stock Help You Become a Millionaire?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-13 19:03
Sea Limited (SE -0.67%) minted a lot of millionaires in the first four years after its initial public offering (IPO) in October 2017. The Singapore-based e-commerce and gaming company went public at $15, and its shares soared to an all-time high of nearly $367 on Oct. 19, 2021. A $50,000 investment in its IPO would have blossomed into $1.2 million. However, Sea's stock now trades at about $58 -- so that investment would have shriveled to roughly $193,000. That's still a near-four bagger gain in less than se ...
Sea Limited is the One-Stop Digital Consumer Platform of Asia
MarketBeat· 2024-03-13 18:10
Sea Limited概况 - Sea Limited是东南亚的亚马逊、动视暴雪和Sofi的综合体[1] - Sea Limited自2017年IPO以来首次实现全年盈利[1] - Sea Limited截至2023年底现金及现金等价物达到85亿美元[1] - Sea Limited是新加坡的消费互联网科技集团,在游戏、电子商务和金融服务三大数字领域运营[2] Shopee和SeaMoney - Shopee是东南亚最大的电子商务平台,拥有超过3.43亿用户[3] - SeaMoney部门提供数字银行和金融服务[3] - SeaMoney提供从移动钱包、支付处理、保险到买后付款服务的金融服务[4] 财报和股票评级 - Sea Limited报告2023年第四季度财报,收入同比增长5.7%至36.2亿美元[5] - Shopee GAAP收入同比增长23.2%至26亿美元,核心市场收入同比增长40.6%至16亿美元[7] - SeaMoney GAAP收入同比增长24.3%至4.724亿美元[7] - Garena GAAP收入为5.108亿美元[7] - Sea Limited实现自IPO以来首次全年盈利,总GAAP收入同比增长4.9%至131亿美元[9] - JP Morgan将SEA股票评级从中性调高至超重,将目标股价提高至70美元[11] - SE股票的日线蜡烛图显示出一个杯形模式[12] - MarketBeat追踪华尔街顶级分析师推荐的股票,SEA目前被评为“中等买入”[13]