Rivian Automotive(RIVN)
Why Rivian Stock Jumped Monday
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-27 00:53
文章核心观点 - 电动汽车制造商Rivian在其位于伊利诺伊州Normal市的制造工厂发生火灾,导致多辆车受损,但未对生产设备造成损坏 [1][3] - 这一消息缓解了投资者的担忧,Rivian股价上涨,因为这意味着公司的关键第二代R2车型的生产计划不会受到太大影响 [2][4] - 投资者对Rivian前景保持乐观,主要源于对即将推出的R2车型的期待,以及联储可能降息为公司提供更便宜的融资渠道 [5][6][7][8] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 火灾事件 - Rivian在伊利诺伊州Normal市的制造工厂发生火灾,导致多辆车受损,但未对生产设备造成损坏 [1][3] - 这一消息缓解了投资者的担忧,因为这意味着公司的关键第二代R2车型的生产计划不会受到太大影响 [4] 公司前景 - 投资者对Rivian前景保持乐观,主要源于对即将推出的R2车型的期待 [5] - 联储可能降息为Rivian提供更便宜的融资渠道,这也是推动其股价上涨的原因之一 [6][7][8]
Prediction: Rivian Stock Will Move on Emerging Catalysts
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-18 15:32
文章核心观点 - 电动车初创公司Rivian即将推出新车型R2 SUV和R3,这将成为公司未来发展的重要催化剂[3][6] - Rivian定位于皮卡和大型SUV市场,与特斯拉的Model 3和Model Y不存在直接竞争[4][5] - Rivian新车型将进入更大的消费者市场,有望带动公司股价上涨,但也存在下跌风险[7][8] 公司概况 - Rivian专注于生产皮卡和大型SUV,区别于特斯拉的轿车产品[4] - Rivian的业务计划使其在尚未被其他纯电动车型占领的细分市场中获得份额[5] - Rivian计划推出更小更实惠的R2 SUV和R3跨界车,以扩大公司的目标市场[6] 新车型分析 - Rivian CEO表示R2 SUV将与特斯拉Model Y有明显区别,定价约45,000美元[9][10] - R3将提供类似赛车的驾驶乐趣,同时具有较高的离地间隙[11] - 新车型的成功推出将是Rivian股价上涨的重要催化剂[12]
How Rivian Can Not Only Survive but Thrive Before the R2 Hits Roads
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-18 15:14
文章核心观点 - 尽管Rivian的股价自IPO以来下跌85%,但公司的电动交付车(EDV)业务仍有潜力为投资者带来收益 [1][2][3] - Rivian与亚马逊签订的100,000辆EDV订单虽然不再独家,但公司正在逐步增加交付量,并提高生产效率,降低成本 [4][5][6][7][9][10] - Rivian正在积极拓展其他客户,预计在2025年前后会有更多大型客户签约,为公司带来新的增长动力 [6][7][8] 根据目录分别总结 亚马逊EDV订单 - 亚马逊已将美国EDV车队增加50%至15,000辆 [4] - Rivian正在逐步提高交付效率,最初一年交付5,000辆,之后4个月再交付5,000辆,之后9个月再交付5,000辆 [9] - Rivian通过优化生产流程,降低了35%的材料成本,提高了30%的装配效率 [10] 其他客户拓展 - Rivian的EDV业务不再独家,但目前只有AT&T开始接受交付 [5] - 公司表示需要一年的试运行期,之后会有更多大客户签约 [6][7] - Rivian已在德国投放300辆EDV,有望带动海外市场的订单 [8]
Why Rivian Stock Sank Friday, and Why Investors Shouldn't Panic
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-17 03:36
Rivian announced a temporary suspension in production of its Amazon delivery vans.Rivian Automotive (RIVN -3.74%) shares were dropping on Friday afternoon after the company made a surprising announcement. While most of the focus on the electric vehicle (EV) maker has recently related to the unveiling of its next-generation SUV, today's news was about its commercial delivery vans.Shares plunged as much as 5.5% on news that the company has suspended production of the vans destined for e-commerce giant Amazon. ...
Rivian Halts Amazon Van Production Because of a Parts Issue
Investopedia· 2024-08-17 03:35
Key TakeawaysRivian halted production of Amazon electric vans because of a parts shortage.The EV maker said it expects to make up the missed production, and the problem doesn't affect its RT1 pickup and RS1 SUV.Amazon has committed to purchasing 100,000 Rivian vans by 2030, and reported last month that 15,000 were on the road in the U.S. since 2022. Rivian Automotive (RIVN) shares declined in intraday trading Friday after the electric vehicle (EV) maker halted production of vans for Amazon (AMZN) because of ...
Rivian halts Amazon van production amid parts shortage
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-08-17 01:36
About this content About Angela Harmantas Angela Harmantas is an Editor at Proactive. She has over 15 years of experience covering the equity markets in North America, with a particular focus on junior resource stocks. Angela has reported from numerous countries around the world, including Canada, the US, Australia, Brazil, Ghana, and South Africa for leading trade publications. Previously, she worked in investor relations and led the foreign direct investment program in Canada for the Swedish government ...
Rivian: A Value Deal
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-14 11:56
RoschetzkyIstockPhoto/iStock Editorial via Getty Images Rivian Automotive (NASDAQ:RIVN) reported better than expected Q2 results on both the top and the bottom line and posted narrower losses as well as improving unit economics for its EV operations. The solid earnings report for Q2 came on the heels of the Rivian-Volkswagen partnership deal that was announced during the second-quarter, which caused new excitement for Rivian's shares. Unfortunately, this excitement didn't last and shares of Rivian have tren ...
Should You Buy Rivian When It's Below $16?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-13 20:40
文章核心观点 - 尽管Rivian面临一些挑战,但公司正在采取正确的措施,有望成为电动车行业的一支重要力量 [3][17] - Rivian正在努力降低成本,提高毛利,并与大型汽车制造商建立合作关系,这些都显示公司正朝着正确的方向发展 [9][10][11][12] 公司概况 - Rivian是一家新兴的电动车公司,近年来股价下跌,但仍有发展潜力 [2][3] - Rivian最近公布的二季度财报显示,收入增长3%至11.6亿美元,超出分析师预期,但亏损也有所扩大 [5][6] - 公司生产速度略有放缓,但仍维持全年57,000辆的产量目标 [7] 成本控制和盈利能力 - Rivian通过重新设计车辆内部结构,将材料成本降低35% [10] - 公司暂停了在乔治亚州新工厂的建设,集中精力提高现有工厂的产能,节省了20亿美元 [11] - Rivian有望在第四季度实现毛利润正值,这将是一个重要里程碑 [9] 战略合作 - Rivian与大众汽车建立了合资公司,大众获得了所需的车载技术,Rivian则获得了10亿美元投资和最高50亿美元的资金支持 [12][13] - 这表明Rivian的产品在电动车市场上具有独特性,得到了行业巨头的认可 [13]
Why Rivian Options Traders Are Betting on $14 RIVN Stock for a While
Investor Place· 2024-08-13 18:17
To understand the mainline concern about electric vehicle manufacturer Rivian Automotive (NASDAQ:RIVN) and why retail investors shouldn’t immediately jump on the technically bullish sentiment in the options market comes down to the classic cost-benefit analysis. Yes, RIVN does look more attractive thanks to its Volkswagen (OTCMKTS:VWAGY) deal. That should help Rivian stock, especially in the pursuit of cheaper EVs. However, there’s a catch.Professional baseball offers an excellent analogy. Offensively, two ...
Rivian: Selling Into Strength (Rating Downgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-13 02:57
hapabapa Last week, we received second quarter results from Rivian (NASDAQ:RIVN), seen in this shareholder letter. While the company did make progress on some of its cost cutting efforts, production guidance for the year was only maintained and cash burn remained high. With some potential tough times still ahead, investors might want to consider selling this premium valuation name for now. Previous coverage on the name: When I last covered the stock, Rivian had just announced its major partnership with ...