Performance Food pany(PFGC)
Performance Food Group Sees Disinflation Tailwinds in 2025
Benzinga· 2024-08-21 03:16
Performance Food Group Co. PFGC is one of the largest food service distributors in the United States. The company sources, markets, and delivers food and food-related products through a network of over 150 distribution facilities to over 125,000 businesses in the food service industry. The company is acquiring food service distributor Cheney Brothers for $2.1 billion, which will expand its footprint with restaurant and hospitality customers in the Southeastern region of the United States. The drop in inflat ...
Why Performance Food Group Stock Was Vaulting High This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-16 20:14
The already-powerful company aims to bulk up even more through acquisitions.Performance Food Group's (PFGC 1.20%) shares were performing very well over the past few trading sessions, to the point where they were up by nearly 12% in price week to date as of early Friday morning. That's according to data compiled by S&P Global Market Intelligence. The main reason why wasn't exactly a mystery -- the comestibles company posted a very encouraging quarterly earnings report.A convincing earnings beatPerformance se ...
Performance Food Group: Big Moves And Big Upside Does Not Justify Further Moves Higher
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-16 00:24
Tom Werner August 14th ended up being a really good day for shareholders of food distribution giant Performance Food Group Company (NYSE:PFGC). Shares of the company closed up 7.7% after two different announcements that management made. For starters, management announced financial results covering the final quarter of the company's 2024 fiscal year. Although revenue and earnings per share fell short of expectations, adjusted earnings exceeded forecasts. Management also included in this announcement guidance ...
Performance Food Group: A Solid Performance
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-15 23:15
shironosovIn the summer of 2019, I believed that the Performance Food Group (NYSE:PFGC) was performing thanks to dealmaking. The food supplier was playing an active role as consolidator, and after numerous bolt-on deals, it pursued a larger acquisition, that of Reinhart. Since that acquisition, the company has pursued multiple more deals, accompanied by organic growth, all growing the business, also in quality and margins. This has yielded fair returns to investors as the company has grown into its valu ...
Performance Food Group Company(PFGC.US)What's The Initial View On 4Q'24 Results?
UBS· 2024-08-15 11:00
Global Research and Evidence Lab 14 August 2024 First Read Performance Food Group Company What's The Initial View On 4Q'24 Results? PFGC's 4Q'24 adj EPS $1.45 vs. UBSe $1.35; cons. $1.37; Acquiring Cheney Bros Altogether, we think PFGC's 4Q results reflect its ability to take market share, despite the increasingly challenging macro backdrop. It guided in line to slightly above where we believe market expectations were for adjusted EBITDA for FY'25 (based on our conversations with investors). Still, we belie ...
Performance Food pany(PFGC) - 2024 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-08-15 04:15
公司概况 - 公司主要从事国内外食品及相关产品的营销和分销业务[283] - 公司的客户包括独立餐厅和连锁餐厅等[283] - 公司还专注于向自动售货机分销商、大型零售商、影院、便利店、药店、杂货店、旅游服务商和酒店等客户分销糖果、零食、饮料、香烟、其他烟草制品、保健美容产品等[283] - 公司拥有三个可报告分部:Foodservice、Vistar和Convenience,其中Foodservice是最大分部[14] - Foodservice分部为超过17.5万家客户提供服务,包括独立餐厅、连锁餐厅等[15] - Foodservice分部提供从主要食材到日用品等广泛产品品类,并提供产品选择、采购、菜单开发等增值服务[17] - Vistar分部是全国性糖果、零食、饮料等产品的主要分销商,服务超过7.5万家客户[19,20] - Convenience分部是便利零售行业最大的食品和消费品批发商之一,在美国和加拿大拥有约5万家客户[21] 财务表现 - 公司2024财年营业收入为582.81亿美元,同比增长1.8%[266] - 公司2024财年毛利为65.77亿美元,同比增长5.2%[266] - 公司2024财年营业利润为8.26亿美元,同比增长7.9%[266] - 公司2024财年净利润为4.36亿美元,同比增长9.7%[266] - 公司2024财年每股收益为2.79美元,同比增长9.8%[266] - 公司2024年6月29日总资产为133.93亿美元,较上年同期增长7.2%[264] - 公司2024年6月29日总负债为92.66亿美元,较上年同期增长5.9%[264] - 公司2024年6月29日股东权益为41.27亿美元,较上年同期增长10.2%[264] - 公司2024年6月29日现金余额为2.00亿美元,较上年同期增长57.5%[264] - 公司2024年6月29日应收账款净额为24.79亿美元,较上年同期增长3.3%[264] 收购与并购 - 公司于2024年8月13日签订了以21亿美元收购Cheney Bros., Inc.的最终股权购买协议,该交易预计将通过ABL信贷融资和发行新的无担保票据来完成[13] - 公司于2024年完成两项收购,总对价为3.077亿美元,主要确认了商誉和无形资产[326,327] - 公司以2.4亿美元收购Core-Mark,通过现金和股票支付[328][329][331] - 收购Core-Mark后,公司的商誉增加8.63亿美元[332][333] - 收购Core-Mark后,公司2022财年的净销售额为145亿美元,净亏损1760万美元[334] - 假设收购Core-Mark在2020年6月28日完成,公司2021财年和2022财年的pro-forma合并净销售额分别为475.82亿美元和539.72亿美元[336] 资产负债情况 - 公司2024财年和2023财年的商誉余额分别为24.18亿美元和23.01亿美元[339] - 公司2024财年和2023财年的无形资产净值分别为24.44亿美元和23.27亿美元[341][342] - 公司2024财年和2023财年的固定资产净值分别为27.89亿美元和22.64亿美元[348][349] - 公司2024财年和2023财年的折旧费用分别为3.55亿美元和3.16亿美元[350] - 公司的主要无形资产包括客户关系、商标和技术[341] - 公司债务总额为32.0亿美元,其中包括11.6亿美元的信用协议贷款、10.6亿美元的2027年到期的5.5%优先票据、10.0亿美元的2029年到期的4.25%优先票据[352,360,361] - 公司在2024年5月1日赎回了2.75亿美元的2025年到期的6.875%优先票据[358,359] - 公司有4.0亿美元的可用信用额度,平均利率为6.79%[356] 风险管理 - 公司采取多种定价策略以应对原材料价格波动,并通过优化供应链提高运营效率[24,25,26,29] - 公司的利率风险主要来自浮动利率贷款,通过利率掉期等方式进行了部分对冲[241,242,243,244,245] - 公司通过燃料附加费和掉期等方式来管理柴油价格波动风险[246,247,248,249] - 公司有三笔利率掉期合约,总名义金额为5.0亿美元,固定利率分别为0.77%、3.14%和3.59%[372] - 公司持有7项柴油燃料价格掉期合约,剩余名义金额为1520万加仑,预计将在2024年6月30日至2025年6月30日之间进行[376] 合规与法规 - 公司的运营受到各种法律法规的约束,包括产品制造、加工、包装、储存、配送、广告和标签等方面[36,37,38,39,40,41,42] - 公司需要遵守联邦政府、州政府和地方政府的相关法规,如食品安全现代化法案(FSMA)等[36,37] - 公司需要定期注册并接受政府部门的检查,违反相关法规可能会受到处罚[36,37,39] - 公司的环境、健康和安全合规成本目前不重大,但未来可能需要升级设备或增加运营成本[40] - 公司的运输业务受到相关联邦和州法规的监管,需要遵守相关安全要求[41] 人力资源管理 - 公司重视人才发展,提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利、多元化和包容性文化、全面的培训发展计划[32,33,34] - 公司高度重视员工安全健康和工作参与度,采取多项措施持续改善[35] - 公司遵循股票激励计划确认股份支付费用,包括服
Performance Food pany(PFGC) - 2024 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-15 03:30
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第四季度净收入增长2.2%,总案例量增长1.1% [23][24] - 第四季度总公司毛利增长4.7%,毛利率提升 [26][27] - 第四季度净利润增长10.9%,调整后每股收益增长27.2% [29] - 全年经营现金流增加3.3亿美元,自由现金流增加2.05亿美元 [31] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 餐饮业务第四季度案例量增长3.7%,连锁餐厅业务增长2.1% [24][25] - 便利店业务第四季度案例量下降7-8%,但毛利和利润率大幅提升 [124][126][127] - Vistar业务第四季度利润率小幅提升 [27][28] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 佛罗里达市场是公司重点发展区域,增长前景良好 [18][19] - 加勒比地区是公司首次进入的新市场,José Santiago业务表现良好 [20] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司通过收购Cheney Brothers和José Santiago拓展在东南部和加勒比地区的业务 [13][20] - 公司计划保留Cheney和Performance Foodservice的现有分销中心,发挥Cheney中心的额外产能 [19] - 公司认为行业竞争加剧,但仍有机会通过提高运营效率和获取新客户来提升业绩 [40][41][122] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司未来前景保持乐观,预计2025财年收入和利润将继续增长 [35][38] - 管理层认为宏观经济环境放缓是公司业务增长的主要挑战,但有信心通过提高市场份额来应对 [134][162][163] 其他重要信息 - 公司计划在2025财年内完成之前宣布的300亿美元股票回购计划 [33] - 公司将在2025财年上半年举行投资者日,届时将分享未来3年的发展规划 [44] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Kelly Bania 提问** 询问第四季度毛利率大幅提升的原因 [47] **Patrick Hatcher 和 George Holm 回答** 主要得益于独立餐厅业务和自有品牌业务的增长,以及良好的成本控制 [48][49][50][51] 问题2 **Alex Slagle 提问** 询问Cheney Brothers的增长情况和公司在东南部地区的战略 [60] **George Holm 和 Patrick Hatcher 回答** Cheney在餐厅、酒店和乡村俱乐部等细分市场表现出色,公司将利用Cheney的优势拓展东南部市场 [61][62][63][64][65] 问题3 **Edward Kelly 提问** 询问José Santiago交易的财务细节 [74] **Patrick Hatcher 回答** 没有披露具体财务数据,但表示José Santiago是一家高增长的优质企业,预计将立即为公司带来收益 [75][76][77]
Performance Food Group Stock Jumps on $2.1B Distributor Acquisition
Investopedia· 2024-08-15 02:04
Key TakeawaysPerformance Food Group acquired Cheney Bros., a foodservice distribution company with a footprint in the Southeast.Cheney Bros. generates about $3.2 billion in annual revenue.PFG also posted fourth-quarter adjusted EPS that exceeded analysts' expectations. Performance Food Group Co. (PFGC) shares surged in intraday trading Wednesday after announcing a $2.1 billion cash acquisition of foodservice distributor Cheney Bros. and posting fourth-quarter adjusted earnings per share (EPS) that topped ex ...
Performance Food pany(PFGC) - 2024 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-14 23:51
Performance Food Group USDOT 270150 D Performance Food Group Investor Presentation August 2024 DISCLAIMER • This presentation has been prepared by us solely for information purposes. This presentation contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements related to our expectations regarding the perfo ...
Performance Food Group (PFGC) Q4 Earnings Beat Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-14 21:10
Performance Food Group (PFGC) came out with quarterly earnings of $1.45 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.35 per share. This compares to earnings of $1.14 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 7.41%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this food distributor would post earnings of $0.83 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.80, delivering a surprise of -3.61%.Over the last four quarter ...