Why Were Dividend King Stocks Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Procter & Gamble Falling After the Election?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-13 18:17
The S&P 500 may be hitting an all-time high, but these three safe stocks are missing out. The broader indexes rallied after the election results, closing the week at all-time highs. But plenty of industry leaders were noticeably absent from the post-election run-up. Here's why Coca-Cola (KO -0.25%), PepsiCo (PEP 0.05%), and Procter & Gamble (PG -0.11%) are sitting on the sidelines but are three dividend stocks that could still be worth buying now. The consumer staples sector has slowed The consumer staples ...
PepsiCo: Healthy Beverage And DTC Initiatives Fuel Mouthwatering Long-Term Growth
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-07 00:44
个人投资与教育背景 - 从成年起有两年股票投资经验且青少年时就对金融市场有强烈兴趣 [2] - 中学毕业时在240多名学生中排名第一所有九门考试科目均获满分 [2] - 在新加坡顶尖大专院校学习经济学等科目对宏观经济政策和金融产生浓厚兴趣 [2] - 在GCE A - Level考试中获得全A获得当地商学院旗舰奖学金和新加坡国立大学全额奖学金 [2] - 打算2025年入学主修金融 [2] - 毕业后完成企业金融研究所的金融建模和估值分析师课程 [2] - 喜欢研究上市公司并建立估值模型 [2] - 打算通过在Seeking Alpha撰写文章深入研究股票领域 [2] 分析师披露 - 在文章提及的公司中没有股票期权或类似衍生工具头寸且72小时内无计划建立头寸 [3] - 文章为自己所写表达自己观点除Seeking Alpha外未接受报酬 [3] - 与文章提及股票的公司无业务关系 [3] Seeking Alpha披露 - 过去表现不保证未来结果 [4] - 未给出投资是否适合特定投资者的建议 [4] - 分析师观点可能不代表Seeking Alpha整体观点 [4] - Seeking Alpha不是持牌证券交易商经纪人或美国投资顾问或投资银行 [4] - 分析师包括专业和个人投资者可能未被任何机构或监管机构许可或认证 [4]
PepsiCo beats NY AG's ‘predatory' lawsuit accusing it of polluting environment
New York Post· 2024-11-02 02:23
文章核心观点 - 纽约州起诉百事公司及其旗下公司Frito-Lay公司污染环境的诉讼被法官驳回 [1][2][3][4][5] - 法官认为纽约州检察长Letitia James未能证明百事公司构成公众危害,也未能证明百事公司应该警告消费者塑料的健康和环境风险 [1][5] - 法官认为应该惩罚的是那些违反禁止乱扔垃圾的法律的人,而不是公司 [3] - 法官还认为,如果接受这种公众危害的诉讼,将会导致大量类似的诉讼,这不利于解决问题 [3][4] 公司方面 - 百事公司表示对这一裁决感到高兴,并表示公司"非常重视"减少塑料使用和提高回收利用效率 [5] - 百事公司表示,公司的时间和资源应该用于与各方利益相关方合作寻找解决方案 [5] 行业方面 - 这起诉讼是州政府和地方政府以及环保团体针对使用塑料的公司提起的众多诉讼之一 [6] - 法官在裁决后一天,洛杉矶县也对百事公司和可口可乐公司提起了类似的诉讼 [7] - 百事公司旗下拥有Cheetos、Cracker Jack、Doritos等众多知名品牌 [7]
Why PepsiCo (PEP) is a Top Growth Stock for the Long-Term
ZACKS· 2024-10-30 22:46
For new and old investors, taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals. Zacks Premium provides lots of different ways to do both. The popular research service can help you become a smarter, more self-assured investor, giving you access to daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens. It also includes access to the Zacks Style Scores. What are the Zacks Style Scores? Developed a ...
3 Reasons to Buy PepsiCo Stock Like There's No Tomorrow
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-30 22:15
PepsiCo is a beverage giant, but it is so much more than that -- and it looks like the stock is fairly priced today. PepsiCo (PEP -0.46%) is one of those companies that has been run so well for so long that investors tend to afford it a premium valuation. When the stock dips down to a fair price, or maybe even a bit lower, you jump on it. That's point No. 3 for why you should buy PepsiCo like there's no tomorrow right now. But let's look at points 1 and 2 first. 1. PepsiCo does a lot of things very well Pep ...
Rallying "Super" Support to Tackle Child Hunger: Fueling Louisiana Students to Victory!
Prnewswire· 2024-10-30 03:53
文章核心观点 - 公司GENYOUth与NOLA Public Schools、New Orleans Super Bowl Host Committee等组织合作,推出"Super School Meals"计划,为路易斯安那州59个高需求社区的学校提供营养设备补助,以帮助解决学生饥饿问题 [1][2][3] - 该计划将每年为超过32,000名路易斯安那州学生提供约900万份学校餐 [1][2] - 该计划旨在提高学生对营养餐的公平获取,以支持他们的健康成长和学业表现 [4][5][6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 计划概况 - 该计划由非营利组织GENYOUth发起,与NOLA Public Schools、New Orleans Super Bowl Host Committee等合作伙伴共同推出 [1][2][3] - 计划将为59个路易斯安那州高需求社区的学校提供营养设备补助,包括移动餐车和牛奶冰箱等 [3] - 该设备将有助于提高学校餐的可及性和参与度 [3][5] - 学校还将获得NFL FLAG-In-School体育套件,促进学生参与体育活动 [3] 计划目标 - 提高学生对营养餐的公平获取,满足他们的营养需求,支持健康成长和学业表现 [4][5][6] - 帮助解决路易斯安那州较高的儿童饥饿问题,为学生创造持久的影响 [5][6] 合作伙伴 - 该计划得到了Dairy MAX、Amazon Access、Domino's、PepsiCo Foundation等多家企业和组织的支持 [1][7] - 合作伙伴提供资金、设备和其他资源,共同推动该计划的实施 [7] 预期影响 - 该计划将在2025年超级碗期间推广,并与"Taste of the NFL"活动相结合,为路易斯安那州及全国学校带来更多资源 [9] - 2024年"Taste of the NFL"活动在拉斯维加斯举办,为超过1,000所学校和55万名学生提供了1.48亿餐的支持 [9]
Using Simple Mathematical Calculations To Value Coke Vs. PepsiCo
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-29 20:30
Tom Werner/DigitalVision via Getty Images In my recently released book, The Hidden Power of Rising Dividends, I described my 40-year journey into finding methods of valuing stocks. My journey of valuation discovery was always about finding methods that worked, not ...
Is PEP's 1% Gain in a Month Enough to Justify Holding the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-10-29 00:46
文章核心观点 - PepsiCo的股价在过去一个月内仅上涨1%,第三季度业绩未能令投资者满意,因其方便食品业务需求疲软以及Quaker Foods North America部门产品召回的影响 [1][2][3] - 尽管如此,PepsiCo的股价表现仍优于同行业和大盘 [2][3] - PepsiCo的业绩表现优于主要竞争对手可口可乐公司 [3] 公司优势 - PepsiCo在核心品类、多元化产品组合、现代化供应链、数字化能力和灵活的分销系统方面具有优势 [6] - 公司的生产效率和成本管理举措为其前景带来正面影响,利润能力得到成本控制和战略投资的支撑 [7] - 国际业务是关键驱动力,在发展中和新兴市场取得强劲的销量和有机收入增长 [8][9] 挑战与风险 - 公司在北美地区的业务面临需求疲软和产品召回等持续性挑战 [10][11][12] - 由于通胀上升导致定价上调,消费者支出受到影响,这部分影响了公司在北美的业绩 [12] - 公司下调了2024年全年有机收入增长预期,但维持了核心每股收益增长目标 [14][15] 投资评估 - 公司估值相对同行业有折价,但这可能反映了潜在的问题,而非直接的投资机会 [18] - 长期来看,公司具有良好的增长潜力,但短期内北美业务和市场环境的挑战仍需谨慎对待 [20] - 对于已持有公司股票的投资者,可以维持持股,但新投资者需要审慎评估公司的最新动态 [21]
PepsiCo: Likely To Trade Rangebound Until Growth Is Apparent
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-27 19:22
PepsiCo (NASDAQ: PEP ) is a fairly new holding in my portfolio. As a conservative investor who also focuses on growth, I thought what better company to add than Pepsi. They have faced their fair share of Contributing analyst to the iREIT+Hoya Capital investment group. The Dividend Collectuh is not a registered investment professional nor financial advisor and these articles should not be taken as financial advice. This is for educational purposes only and I encourage everyone to do their own due diligence. ...
Should You Buy This Millionaire-Maker Stock Instead of Coca-Cola?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-24 16:33
Coca-Cola is beloved by Warren Buffett, but right now there's another soda company that's probably more appealing for investors.Coca-Cola (KO -2.07%) is a very well-run company. And it has rewarded investors well for years, noting that it is a Dividend King with 62 consecutive dividend increases under its belt. It has been a holding at Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway for decades and has helped make many investors into millionaires via its slow and steady business growth.But if you are looking at Coca-Co ...