Oddity Tech .(ODD)
Does Oddity Tech (ODD) Have the Potential to Rally 26.86% as Wall Street Analysts Expect?
zacks.com· 2024-05-21 22:56
Shares of Oddity Tech (ODD) have gained 25.3% over the past four weeks to close the last trading session at $40.99, but there could still be a solid upside left in the stock if short-term price targets of Wall Street analysts are any indication. Going by the price targets, the mean estimate of $52 indicates a potential upside of 26.9%. The average comprises eight short-term price targets ranging from a low of $42 to a high of $66, with a standard deviation of $8.02. While the lowest estimate indicates an in ...
Short-seller alleges Oddity Tech is misleading investors
cnbc.com· 2024-05-21 21:04
A short seller on Tuesday alleged that beauty and wellness company Oddity Tech has been misleading investors and isn't the online-only retailer it's claimed to be. The firm, Ningi Research, published a 50-page report that details a slew of allegations against the newly-public retailer, including that it runs a fleet of stores in Israel and engages in deceptive billing practices. Ningi has a short position in Oddity, but didn't disclose the size of that position. Oddity Tech, the parent company of makeup bra ...
Oddity Tech: A Unique Fusion Of Beauty And Tech
seekingalpha.com· 2024-05-18 19:00
Vertigo3d Oddity Tech (NASDAQ:ODD) is a consumer tech company that sells beauty products using a DTC model by leveraging machine learning, AI and other technologies. The company, which IPO’d in 2023 at $35 and is headquartered in Israel, is not only attractive because of its strategy to disrupt the behemoth beauty industry, but can also boast a promising valuation coupled with an impressive record of growth. Beauty + AI + Data = Money? On initial inspection of Oddity, it might appear unclear whether it is a ...
Can Oddity Tech (ODD) Run Higher on Rising Earnings Estimates?
zacks.com· 2024-05-17 01:21
Oddity Tech (ODD) appears an attractive pick given a noticeable improvement in the company's earnings outlook. The stock has been a strong performer lately, and the momentum might continue with analysts still raising their earnings estimates for the company. The upward trend in estimate revisions for this online retailer of cosmetics and beauty products reflects growing optimism of analysts on its earnings prospects, which should get reflected in its stock price. After all, empirical research shows a strong ...
Oddity Tech .(ODD) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-09 05:35
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司Q1 2024财年收入达2.12亿美元,同比增长28% [4][6] - 公司Q1 2024财年毛利率为73.8%,同比提升284个基点 [19] - 公司Q1 2024财年调整EBITDA为4800万美元,调整EBITDA利润率为22.7%,同比提升559个基点 [19] - 公司Q1 2024财年调整每股收益为0.61美元,报告每股收益为0.53美元 [19] - 公司Q1 2024财年自由现金流达7900万美元,创历史新高 [19] - 公司Q1 2024财年现金及等价物余额为2.52亿美元,无债务 [19] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - IL MAKIAGE和SpoiledChild两大品牌在Q1均表现强劲 [10] - IL MAKIAGE护肤业务占品牌收入的20%,预计2024年将达到25% [9] - 公司正在开发第三和第四个品牌,涵盖医疗级护肤和身体护理等大类 [10][24][25] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在北美市场的IL MAKIAGE品牌已成为最大的在线美妆品牌 [9] - 公司的SpoiledChild品牌是有史以来最成功的DTC品牌之一,两年内实现1亿美元收入 [9] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司认为行业正在向线上和科学护理产品转型,这是公司正在领导的转型 [8] - 公司有信心实现20%以上的长期收入增长和20%的调整EBITDA利润率目标 [8][20] - 公司在2024年的表现将优于这一长期目标 [20] - 公司认为自身的技术优势和庞大的用户基础是其竞争优势所在 [8][9] - 公司的增长算法是行业最佳之一,源于三大驱动力:庞大的全球市场空间、技术优势和规模效应 [8] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司没有看到行业需求放缓的迹象,相反看到行业向线上和科学护理产品转型 [8][50] - 公司有信心实现更强劲的2024年业绩,并提高了全年收入、利润和每股收益的指引 [7][20] - 公司认为自身的数据优势、技术优势和庞大的用户基础是未来持续增长的关键 [8][9][11][12] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Dara Mohsenian 提问** 询问ODDITY LABS的进展情况以及新品牌3和4的计划 [24] **Oran Holtzman 回答** - ODDITY LABS正在大规模招聘生物工程和化学团队,建立完整的运营系统和质量控制流程 [25][26] - 新品牌3是一个医疗级护肤和身体护理品牌,计划明年推出 [25][26] - 新品牌4也在开发中,涵盖护肤、彩妆和发护等多个大类 [24] 问题2 **Andrew Boone 提问** 询问Q2和下半年的EBITDA利润率变化原因 [31] **Lindsay Drucker Mann 回答** - Q2 EBITDA利润率将继续扩张,主要由于重复购买业务占比提升 [32][33] - 下半年EBITDA利润率将有所下降,主要是由于新品牌和ODDITY LABS的投资增加 [32][33] 问题3 **Javier Escalante 提问** 询问公司的业务模式如何应对未来数字营销环境的变化 [49] **Oran Holtzman 回答** - 公司主要通过获取用户并深入了解他们,而非简单获客,这使其能够在iOS 14等变化中保持优势 [50][51][52] - 公司未来获客成本可能会上升,但作为先发优势,公司已经积累了5000万用户,这是新进入者难以复制的 [53]
Oddity Tech .(ODD) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-05-09 00:37
DISCLAIMER ThispresentationalsocontainsestimatesandotherstatisticaldatamadebyindependentpartiesandbytheCompanyrelatingtomarketsize theconcentrationofourvotingpowerasaresultofourdualclassstructure;ourstatusasaforeignprivateissuer;andotherriskfactorsset andgrowthandotherdataabouttheCompany’sindustryandestimatedtotaladdressablemarket.Thisdatainvolvesanumberof forthinthesectiontitled“RiskFactors”intheCompany’sAnnualReportonForm20-FfiledwiththeSecuritiesExchangeCommission(the assumptionsandlimitations,andyouarec ...
Oddity Tech (ODD) Q1 Earnings and Revenues Top Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-08 07:01
Oddity Tech (ODD) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.61 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.49 per share. This compares to earnings of $0.38 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non- recurring items. This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 24.49%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this online retailer of cosmetics and beauty products would post earnings of $0.12 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.17, delivering a surprise of 41.67%. Ov ...
Oddity Tech says it's bucking the beauty slowdown Ulta warned about
CNBC· 2024-05-08 04:07
As Ulta Beauty says it expects a slowdown in retail's most resilient category, an upstart says it's bucking the trend. Oddity Tech – the newly public Israeli cosmetics platform that uses AI to develop products — posted first quarter results that blew past expectations and raised its full-year guidance. Here's how the beauty retailer behind the Il Makiage and Spoiled Child brands performed compared with what Wall Street was anticipating, based on a survey of analysts by LSEG: Earnings per share: 61 cents adj ...
Oddity Tech .(ODD) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-03-07 00:17
公司概况 - 公司愿景是通过以色列技术和创业思维,为全球消费者提供美容和健康市场的转变[5] - 公司平台拥有强大品牌、共享技术和共享数据[6] - 全球美容和健康市场总额超过6000亿美元[7] 业绩总结 - 2023财年净营收达到5.087亿美元,同比增长57%[8] - 2023年第四季度净营收增长44.1%,调整后的EBITDA增长16.8%[10] - 2023年全年净营收增长57%,调整后的EBITDA增长172%[13] - 2023年第四季度,公司调整后的EBITDA为16.3百万美元,较2022年同期增长了13.7百万美元[15] - 调整后的EBITDA利润率为17%,较2022年同期提高了13个百分点[15] - 2023年公司的自由现金流为37千美元,较2022年增长了29千美元[16] - 公司的自由现金流转化率为169%,较2022年提高了100个百分点[16] 展望 - 2024年第一季度和全年展望:净营收增长23-25%,调整后的EBITDA为43-45百万美元[11] - 2024年第一季度和全年展望:调整后的每股稀释收益为0.47-0.50美元[11]
Oddity Tech .(ODD) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-03-07 00:17
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司2023年全年净收入增长57%至5.09亿美元,创历史新高 [11] - 公司2023年全年调整后EBITDA增长173%至1.07亿美元,达到21%的调整后EBITDA利润率 [11] - 公司连续多个季度超出收入、利润和每股收益的指引 [11] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - IL MAKIAGE品牌在彩妆和护肤品类均有强劲增长,护肤品占比达到20% [13] - SpoiledChild品牌2023年净收入达1.1亿美元,同比增长325%,并实现盈利 [14] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 国际市场2023年增长13%,低于公司整体33%的增速 [120] - 公司正在有选择性地开拓新的国际市场,已有10多个国家测试并取得良好效果 [122] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司未来重点发展方向包括:持续发展IL MAKIAGE和SpoiledChild两大品牌、推出新品牌Brand 3和Brand 4、大力发展ODDITY LABS分子发现平台 [22][25][29] - 公司认为行业正经历两大转型:一是消费者向线上转移,二是产品向科学化转变,公司已在这两个领域处于领先地位 [31][32][33] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司2023年的业绩表现和未来发展前景表示乐观,认为公司有能力持续高速增长并保持高盈利水平 [9][18][31] - 管理层表示2024年公司将继续专注于发展IL MAKIAGE、SpoiledChild等现有品牌,以及推进ODDITY LABS和新品牌的建设 [22][25][29] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Lorraine Hutchinson 提问** 询问ODDITY LABS新产品的进展情况 [83] **Oran Holtzman 回答** ODDITY LABS正在开发多个新产品,部分将在今年内推出,但公司会根据需求决定何时推出 [84][85] 问题2 **Scott Schoenhaus 提问** 询问ODDITY LABS团队和项目范围的扩张计划 [98] **Oran Holtzman 回答** ODDITY LABS将大幅扩充研发团队,并专注于为公司现有品牌和新品牌开发创新产品 [99][100] 问题3 **Youssef Squali 提问** 询问SpoiledChild品牌的增长速度是否可能超过IL MAKIAGE [111] **Oran Holtzman 回答** SpoiledChild2023年增速很快是因为公司有意识地推动了快速扩张,未来将回归正常增速,但仍将高于行业水平 [114][115]