Microchip: Bullish Stock Price On Analog Market Recovery
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-16 15:35
公司收入情况 - Microchip在2023年第四季度的收入增长率下降至-18.6%,并且管理层预计2024财年的收入将下降约9.5%[3] - 公司CEO指出全球各地区和大部分终端市场都表现疲弱,客户对不断增加的商业不确定性、经济活动放缓和库存增加的影响做出反应[3] - 公司的收入增长放缓并非主要是由于商业不确定性、经济活动放缓或客户库存增加,而是由于DAO市场的疲软,随着DAO市场的恶化,Microchip的增长也放缓[6][8] 市场表现 - 根据表格数据显示,Logic和Memory市场在2023年每个季度都有增长,而DAO市场则每个季度都在下降[9] - Logic市场在2023年下半年出现PC市场复苏,云服务提供商的资本支出增长,以及人工智能投资增加等因素,促使Logic市场复苏[10] - DAO市场的下降主要是由于中国经济疲软,导致顶级模拟芯片制造商在中国的收入暴跌,主要是因为中国PC和智能手机市场萎缩[11] - 公司认为DAO市场的放缓主要是由于市场整体疲软,而Logic和Memory市场已经开始恢复增长,显示半导体行业内不同市场的周期性[12] - 预计DAO市场将在大约4个季度内(2024年第2季度)开始增长,并在接下来的一个或两个季度内(2024年第3季度至第4季度)完全恢复[13] 市场份额和产品表现 - Microchip在MCU和模拟市场的市场份额逐渐增加,特别是在MCU市场中,产品种类较多,市场份额领先[16] - Microchip在模拟市场中的市场份额也在增加,超过了其他竞争对手,表现优于整体模拟市场的增长[17] - Microchip在产品广度方面仍然竞争力强大,拥有大量产品,特别是在功率管理产品方面增长显著[18] - 预计Microchip的模拟市场将以7.3%的复合年增长率增长,而微控制器市场将以11.18%的增长率增长,公司历史表现显示其在市场上表现优异[18] - 预计Microchip将继续在微控制器市场增长方面表现优异,预计公司在2025年及以后的收入增长将继续增长[18]
Wall Street Analysts See Microchip Tech (MCHP) as a Buy: Should You Invest?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-14 22:30
经纪公司分析师推荐 - 投资者常常依赖分析师的推荐来决定是否买入、卖出或持有股票,但研究表明,经纪公司的推荐对指导投资者选择潜力最大的股票并没有太大帮助[4] - 经纪公司对所覆盖股票的利益使得他们的分析师在评级上存在强烈的正向偏见,通常会给出更多的“强烈买入”推荐,而很少会给出“强烈卖出”推荐[5] Zacks Rank评级工具 - Zacks Rank是一个可靠的股票评级工具,将股票分为五组,从Zacks Rank 1(强烈买入)到Zacks Rank 5(强烈卖出),可以帮助投资者做出盈利性的投资决策[7]
Microchip Technology (MCHP) Rises As Market Takes a Dip: Key Facts
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-12 07:06
股价表现 - Microchip Technology (MCHP) 最近的股价为 $90.57,较前一个交易日收盘价上涨了1.95% [1] - MCHP 过去一个月的股价上涨了3.98%,超过了计算机和科技行业的1.42%以及标普500指数的2.7% [2] 财务预测 - 投资者应密切关注 Microchip Technology 即将发布的财报,预计每股收益为 $0.57,同比下降了65.24% [3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测全年每股收益为 $4.92,营收为 $7.68 亿美元,较去年分别下降了-18.27%和-8.93% [4] 分析评级 - MCHP 目前的 Zacks Rank 为 5 (Strong Sell),过去30天 Zacks Consensus EPS 估计下降了0.88% [7] 行业比较 - Microchip Technology 的 Forward P/E 比率为 18.07,低于行业平均值 32.52 [8] - MCHP 目前的 PEG 比率为 1.5,较行业平均值 3.01 低 [9] 行业排名 - 半导体 - 模拟和混合行业属于计算机和科技行业,目前的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 158,位于所有250+行业的后38% [10] - Zacks Industry Rank 衡量了行业群体的实力,研究表明排名前50%的行业胜过后50%的行业 [11]
Microchip Technology Incorporated (MCHP) is Attracting Investor Attention: Here is What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-06 23:00
Microchip Technology (MCHP) is one of the stocks most watched by Zacks.com visitors lately. So, it might be a good idea to review some of the factors that might affect the near-term performance of the stock. Over the past month, shares of this chipmaker have returned +2.9%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +2.9% change. During this period, the Zacks Semiconductor - Analog and Mixed industry, which Microchip Tech falls in, has gained 4.1%. The key question now is: What could be the stock's future di ...
Microchip Technology to Present at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference
Newsfilter· 2024-03-05 05:15
公司背景 - Microchip Technology Incorporated是一家领先的智能、连接和安全嵌入式控制解决方案提供商[3] - 公司总部位于亚利桑那州钱德勒市,为工业、汽车、消费品、航空航天和国防、通信和计算市场的大约125,000客户提供解决方案[3] 演讲信息 - Microchip将在摩根士丹利科技、媒体和电信会议上进行演讲,演讲时间为2024年3月6日下午3:35(太平洋时间),演讲人是总裁兼首席执行官Ganesh Moorthy[1]
Is It Worth Investing in Microchip Tech (MCHP) Based on Wall Street's Bullish Views?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-27 23:31
The recommendations of Wall Street analysts are often relied on by investors when deciding whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock. Media reports about these brokerage-firm-employed (or sell-side) analysts changing their ratings often affect a stock's price. Do they really matter, though? Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about Microchip Technology (MCHP) . Microchip Tech currently has an av ...
Microchip Technology Incorporated (MCHP) Is a Trending Stock: Facts to Know Before Betting on It
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-22 23:00
Microchip Technology (MCHP) has recently been on Zacks.com's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future. Shares of this chipmaker have returned -7.8% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3.1% change. The Zacks Semiconductor - Analog and Mixed industry, to which Microchip Tech belongs, has gained 2.1% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be head ...
Microchip (MCHP) stock: rating downgrade as a double top forms
Invezz· 2024-02-20 16:05
公司概况 - Microchip Technology (NASDAQ: MCHP) 股价今年大幅下跌,跌幅超过13%[1] - Microchip Technology 是一家半导体行业公司,主要生产用于计算、数据中心和物联网等行业的产品[2] 财务状况 - Microchip Technology 的高库存问题导致其在 Q3’24 总收入同比下降18.6%,而库存继续增加[3] - 公司在去年12月的库存约为13亿美元,季末库存达到185天,显示产品需求疲软[4] - 公司预测本季度收入将在12.2亿至14.5亿美元之间,GAAP每股收益在0.46至0.68美元之间[7] 股价走势 - MCHP 股价走势极为熊市,下一个关注点在于68.40美元,比当前水平低约16%[10]
Microchip's Low-Cost PolarFire® SoC Discovery Kit Makes RISC-V® and FPGA Design More Accessible for a Wider Range of Embedded Engineers
Newsfilter· 2024-02-15 21:04
CHANDLER, Ariz., Feb. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The embedded industry is seeing an increased demand for open-source RISC-V®-based processor architectures, but there are still limited options when it comes to commercially available silicon or hardware. To fill this gap and help empower innovation, Microchip Technology (NASDAQ:MCHP) has launched the PolarFire® SoC Discovery Kit. By offering a user-friendly, feature-rich development kit for embedded processing and compute acceleration, Microchip is making e ...
Microchip Technology: Revenue Continues To Decline As Inventory Destocking Persists
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-13 01:42
公司概况 - Microchip Technologies (NASDAQ:MCHP)是一家提供微控制器、模拟器件和相关计算机芯片的多元化供应商[1] 销售情况 - 过去几个季度,Microchip的销售额持续增长,但最近出现了明显下滑,销售额在两个季度内下降了22.8%[2] - 公司预测下一个季度的销售额将进一步下滑,预计降幅将达到42.1%[2] 库存管理 - Microchip的库存日益增加,目前库存天数已达到185天,预计将在下一个季度末达到225至230天[5] 资本管理 - 公司计划通过减少资本支出、关闭工厂和实施短期工资削减来管理销售额下降的局面[15] 股东回报 - Microchip的股东回报政策是将调整后的自由现金流的一部分返还给股东,目前计划在下一个季度向股东分配约82.5%的现金,创下公司历史上最大的季度回报[18] 股票估值 - 公司的股票估值在乐观和悲观的贴现现金流分析模型中分别为93.88美元和60.33美元,而当前股价为85.44美元[22] 投资建议 - Microchip将在销售回升或股价大幅下跌的情况下成为投资机会[26] - 目前,公司的销售额下滑趋势仍未见底,股价下跌幅度不足以提供足够的安全边际,因此暂时不建议购买Microchip的股票[27]