McDonald's: Debt Funded Payout-Ratio And Reignited Restaurant Growth
seekingalpha.com· 2024-05-21 03:00
Anna Linda Knoll/iStock Editorial via Getty Images Introduction In my earlier articles on Starbucks (NASDAQ:SBUX), I commented about one of SBUX's major peers in the restaurant industry, McDonald's (NYSE:MCD). In my latest article on SBUX, I highlighted that MCD's store growth plans are bullish for SBUX because they show that, despite having an enormous global footprint, MCD expects to be able to keep growing store (or restaurant) count by 4-5% annually going forward. Since I already referred to it in the p ...
Arcos Dorados: McDonald's, But Cheaper With Better Growth
marketbeat.com· 2024-05-16 19:30
公司概况 - Arcos Dorados是麦当劳在拉丁美洲最大的独立特许经营商和最大的餐厅运营商[1] - 公司正以双倍于母公司的速度增长,并加速店铺数量的增长[1] - 公司的价值和股息使其对收入和股息增长投资者具有吸引力,尽管存在新兴市场风险[1] 投资前景 - 通过Arcos Dorados(NYSE: ARCO),可以更便宜地获得麦当劳(NYSE: MCD)的暴露,并且具有更强劲的增长前景[2] - ARCO股票以接近10倍今年盈利预期和10.5倍明年盈利预期的深度价值交易,展望加速增长[4] - Arcos Dorados的股息可能不及MCD,但随着时间的推移,将会超过MCD,这是股东的另一个价值驱动因素[5] 业绩展望 - Arcos Dorados在第一季度表现强劲,给出了积极的展望[6] - 公司的数字、驶入式服务和送货策略正在取得成效,数字销售占收入的55%,并得到了自由站式单位的支持[7] - 尽管受通货膨胀推动,公司保持了利润率,调整后的EBITDA增长略低于顶线,但仍然稳固[8] 市场分析 - 公司在拉丁美洲赞助一级方程式赛车,这将有助于品牌意识和未来几年的增长[9] - 分析师看好Arcos Dorados,给出了上涨的预期[10] - 四位分析师对ARCO的覆盖范围为买入/表现优异,共识价格目标为13.38美元,比当前行动高出25%[11] 技术分析 - 股票在第一季度发布后下跌,但显示出在最近低点附近的支撑迹象[12] - 如果市场在这个水平上维持支撑,股票可能会在几天内反弹,否则,股票可能会跌至新低[12]
McDonald's $5 value meal is coming in June — and staying for just a month
CNBC· 2024-05-16 02:10
文章核心观点 - 麦当劳将在美国推出5美元套餐优惠,包括麦脆鸡或麦香双层汉堡、4块鸡块、薯条和饮料,为期约一个月 [1] - 这是为了吸引消费者,因为餐饮业正面临消费者支出下降的压力 [5][6] - 麦当劳需要专注于价格亲民性,以吸引顾客 [6][7] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 麦当劳推出5美元套餐优惠 - 麦当劳将在6月25日开始推出为期约一个月的5美元套餐优惠 [1] - 该套餐包括麦脆鸡或麦香双层汉堡、4块鸡块、薯条和饮料 [1] - 这是为了向消费者传达麦当劳提供有意义的优惠价值 [2] 餐饮业面临消费者支出下降压力 - 餐饮业正面临消费者支出下降的压力 [5] - 麦当劳一季度美国同店销售略有下滑,尽管平均客单价有所增长,但部分消费者因价格上涨而减少消费 [5] - 消费者正变得更加谨慎地花费每一美元,这给快餐行业带来压力 [6] 麦当劳需要专注于价格亲民性 - 麦当劳需要专注于价格亲民性,以吸引顾客 [6][7] - 价格亲民一直是麦当劳品牌的特点,这次优惠正是满足消费者当前的需求 [7]
McDonald's confirms $5 value meals to lure back low-income customers after price hikes
New York Post· 2024-05-16 01:28
文章核心观点 - 麦当劳将推出5美元套餐,以吸引受通胀影响而远离其餐厅的客户 [1][2][5] - 麦当劳及其同行已经大幅提高价格,以应对原材料成本上涨,如加州的最低时薪上涨 [3][4] - 受生活成本危机影响,低收入客户更倾向于在家用餐,迫使餐厅提供更大优惠吸引客流 [6] 公司概况 - 麦当劳去年四个季度的全球销售增长均有所放缓 [8][10] - 麦当劳一季度美国同店销售增长大幅放缓至2.5%,低于去年同期12.6%和预期2.55% [14] - 麦当劳国际特许经营门店销售下降0.2%,抵消了日本、拉美和欧洲的正面趋势 [15] - 麦当劳一季度利润低于预期,为两年来首次 [9] 行业动态 - 其他快餐连锁如汉堡王和达美乐披萨通过优惠措施吸引客户 [12][13] - 麦当劳表示其在部分市场的相对价格优势已有所下降 [12] - 消费者正变得更加挑剔和注重性价比 [10][11]
Is It Too Late to Buy McDonald's Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-12 15:15
Although down from January's high, the stock's multiyear performance could be outright intimidating to would- be investors. Believe it or not, shares of fast-food chain McDonald's (MCD 2.63%) are up more than 100% from their pandemic-prompted low and are trading at nearly three times their price from just 10 years ago. It's surprisingly kept pace with the S&P 500 for many years and even outperformed the index when factoring in its dividends. Given the highly competitive, low-margin nature of the restaurant ...
McDonald's Wants to Promote Value by Implementing $5 Meal Deal
PYMNTS· 2024-05-11 04:46
文章核心观点 - 麦当劳正在鼓励加盟商投票实施5美元套餐优惠,以吸引因价格过高而离开的消费者 [1][2] - 麦当劳首席执行官表示,公司需要关注价格亲民性,目前没有全国性的优惠平台 [3] - 此前推出该优惠方案时,部分加盟商担心会亏损,尤其是在加州等最低工资上调的地区 [4] - 全球餐饮连锁企业正面临低收入客户选择在家就餐以节省开支的趋势,麦当劳受到的影响更大 [5][6] - 尽管餐饮业食品价格通胀有所放缓,但仍远高于2019年水平,快餐价格上涨33% [7] - 麦当劳计划推出数字营销基金,以现代化营销策略,增强竞争优势和数字业务实力 [8][9]
McDonald's is working to introduce a $5 value meal
CNBC· 2024-05-11 01:59
McDonald's is working to introduce a value meal in U.S. stores to help offset an increasingly challenging environment for consumers, two people familiar with the matter told CNBC. The people said the $5 meal could include four items: a McChicken or McDouble, four-piece chicken nuggets, fries and a drink. The value meal was first reported by Bloomberg News. The potential new offering comes at a time when low-income consumers are beginning to pull back on spending, particularly at fast-food brands. Mentions o ...
'Dramatic' re-pricing across all financial assets coming as the Fed moves away from its 2% inflation target to this — Larry McDonald
Kitco· 2024-05-10 22:34
(Kitco News) - Financial markets are about to witness one of the most epic migrations of capital in history as investors rush into hard assets, warned Larry McDonald, Founder of The Bear Traps Report and New York Times bestselling author of 'How to Listen when Markets Speak' and 'Colossal Failure of Common Sense.' With the national debt approaching $35 trillion, there are only two ways out of the situation — defaults or printing more money, McDonald told Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at K ...
McDonald's is betting on its mobile business with new franchisee digital marketing fund
CNBC· 2024-05-09 22:00
文章核心观点 - 麦当劳将要求美国特许经营商从明年开始向数字营销基金缴费,以推动其蓬勃发展的数字业务 [1][2] - 这一变化旨在使公司的营销策略现代化,并扩大其竞争优势 [2] - 麦当劳计划在未来几年内投资数亿美元,以改善其忠诚度计划并增加订购渠道,包括无需下载应用程序即可下网上订单,这也应该会增强其数字业务 [2][3] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 数字营销基金 - 明年,美国运营商将不得不缴纳预计数字销售额的1.2%作为缴费 [5] - 该费率将根据每年年初制定的预测而每年变化 [5] - 这一变化将使每家美国餐厅从2025年开始现金流增加约2,600美元,因为数字投资成本将从特许经营商的损益表转移到营销缴费中 [6] - 英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和德国的特许经营商也将缴纳全球数字营销基金 [6] 数字业务发展 - 忠诚度计划成员在麦当劳第一季度创造了超过60亿美元的全球系统销售额 [3] - 麦当劳在美国拥有3400万活跃数字客户,而Chipotle有4000万忠诚度会员,Starbucks有3280万 [3] - 麦当劳计划到2027年达到1亿忠诚度计划会员 [3]
3 Ray Dalio Stocks That Can Survive the Next Market Crash
InvestorPlace· 2024-05-09 18:01
Investors want stability as much as prosperity in the constantly shifting stock market. The investment philosophy of renowned investor Ray Dalio is highly respected. Because of his emphasis on stability, his method is especially applicable in market turbulence. Three enduring companies stand below. The first one leads in the consumer staple market. Due to its recession-proof business model, the company aligns with legendary investors’ principles and fits the all-weather portfolio. The second one demonstrate ...