Uber, Lyft to Exit Minneapolis After Minimum Wage Vote
PYMNTS· 2024-03-16 04:53
Uber and Lyft will reportedly halt their operations in Minneapolis after the city council voted to require that drivers be paid a minimum wage of $15.57 per hour. The rideshare companies said they will stop operating there on May 1, Reuters reported Friday (March 15). Uber said it was “disappointed” in the city council’s decision and said the move will put 10,000 people out of work. Lyft said the law passed by the council is “deeply flawed,” according to the report. Online platforms may be shaken by wage hi ...
Uber, Lyft to Leave Minneapolis Over New Wage Regulations
Investopedia· 2024-03-16 04:05
Key Takeaways Uber and Lyft said they will end operations in Minneapolis on May 1 because the companies will not pay the wages required under a new law. The city council approved a plan Thursday regulating how drivers get paid, which supporters said would ensure rideshare drivers are paid the equivalent of the city's $15.57 per hour minimum wage. The companies argued the decision would impact thousands of its workers in the city. Don’t expect to get a ride from Uber (UBER) or Lyft (LYFT) cars in Minneapolis ...
Uber, Lyft to leave Minneapolis due to minimum wage law
Fox Business· 2024-03-16 03:45
Uber and Lyft said they will stop operating in Minneapolis after the city council voted to overrule the mayor's veto of a minimum wage law impacting rideshare drivers. Lyft said it is "shutting down operations in Minneapolis" when the law takes effect on May 1. Uber said it will stop operating its transportation network in the entire metro area, including the airport, that same day. The ordinance, which faced fierce pushback from the ride-share industry, establishes minimum driver pay of $1.40 per mile and ...
Lyft, Uber plan to leave Minneapolis after city council forces them to hike driver pay
New York Post· 2024-03-15 07:09
网约车公司停止在明尼阿波利斯的运营 - Lyft和Uber宣布将停止在明尼阿波利斯的运营[1] - Lyft表示该法案使他们的运营无法持续,因此将在5月1日法案生效时关闭在明尼阿波利斯的运营[3] - Uber也表示将在同一天停止服务[3] 明尼阿波利斯市议会通过要求网约车服务提高司机工资的法案 - 明尼阿波利斯市议会投票通过要求网约车服务提高司机工资至当地最低工资标准的法案[1] - 明尼阿波利斯市议会上周以9-4的投票通过了该法案,要求网约车公司支付司机每英里至少$1.40,每分钟至少$0.51,或每次乘车至少$5,以较高者为准,不包括小费[5] - 该法案只适用于在明尼阿波利斯境内进行的多城市行程的部分[5] 反对和支持该法案的观点 - Lyft称该法案存在严重缺陷,表示支持司机的最低收入标准,但不支持市议会通过的标准[2] - 两家公司承诺推动全州立法来反对明尼阿波利斯的法案[4] - 批评该法案的人士表示成本可能会上涨,包括低收入人群和依赖网约车服务的残疾人[6] - 支持者表示这些服务一直依赖于通常是有色人种和移民的司机提供廉价劳动[6] 其他相关信息 - 明尼苏达州民主党州长蒂姆·沃尔兹表示担忧,因为许多人依赖这些服务,包括残疾人[7] - 沃尔兹表示希望立法机构寻求既包括司机公平工资又能阻止公司离开的妥协方案[9] - 西雅图和纽约市近年来通过了类似政策,提高了网约车司机的工资,而Uber和Lyft仍在这些城市运营[10]
Lyft (LYFT) Up 11.4% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-15 00:36
Lyft第四季度业绩 - Lyft在第四季度2023年报告中超过了盈利预期,每股盈利为19美分,高于Zacks Consensus Estimate的8美分[3] - 总收入达到12.2亿美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的12.1亿美元,同比增长4.22%[4] - 活跃乘客数量同比增长10%,达到22.4百万人,每位活跃乘客的收入同比增长至56.67美元[5] - Lyft在第四季度的调整后EBITDA为6660万美元,超过了我们的模型估计的5070万美元,调整后EBITDA亏损为2.483亿美元[6] - 管理层预计2024年的总收入将在35亿至36亿美元之间,调整后EBITDA预计在5000万至5500万美元之间[7]
Lyft Stock Is Soaring: Should You Buy Below $20?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-13 21:30
Lyft的财务表现 - Lyft在2023年实现了营收增长,但仍未盈利,但在裁员后每个季度都取得了巨大进展,2024年预计将实现正现金流[5] - Lyft在削减开支的同时实现了营收增长,显示公司可以在员工减少的情况下运营,未来几年如果能继续增长营收,利润有望到来[7] - Lyft有望在未来几年实现15%的利润率,如果能达到500亿美元的营收,将有望实现7.5亿美元的利润,这将使得股价的市盈率低于10[13] Lyft的市场表现 - Lyft的新团队在创新方面表现出色,推出了女性安全产品和数字广告,同时承诺更透明地支付司机,以保持市场份额[9] - Lyft目前股价在18.25美元,市值73亿美元,考虑到公司的营收和良好的经济效益,这是一个吸引人的买入点[11] - 尽管目前公司还未实现这些利润,但如果相信公司能在两到三年内保持市场份额,那么目前的股价是一个吸引人的投资选择[14]
Lyft Resets the Stage For Its Path to Profitability
MarketBeat· 2024-03-12 08:53
Lyft业绩表现 - Lyft在2023年第四季度报告强劲的业绩,超出预期11美分,17%的年度订单增长[1] - Lyft的活跃乘客增长了10%,总订单增长了17%,乘客和总订单达到公司历史最高水平[7] - Lyft提高了未来的业绩指引,预计2024年第一季度总订单额为35亿至36亿美元,调整后的EBITDA预计在5000万至5500万美元之间[13] 司机关注 - Lyft看到司机工时增加了47%,他们保证司机将获得乘客支付的总费用的70%,或者他们将补偿差额[2] - Lyft的CEO表示,公司预计2024年全年将首次实现正的自由现金流,公司重点关注司机,并看到司机工时同比增长47%[15] 新功能推出 - Lyft推出了定时机场乘车的准时接送承诺,98%的定时机场乘车都准时[9] - Lyft的Women+ Connect功能迄今已有近700万次乘车,该功能优先匹配女性乘客和女性及非二元性别司机[10]
Lyft CEO says government shouldn't be involved in ride-share price setting
Fox Business· 2024-03-12 02:25
Lyft CEO观点 - Lyft CEO David Risher认为政府不应参与共享出行价格设定游戏[1] - Lyft CEO表示理解市议会的担忧,但认为提高司机薪资超出市场承受能力将导致乘客成本上升[5] - Lyft可能会考虑采取某些策略,如绕城市只是将乘客从圣保罗送往机场,这在某些情况下可能需要两倍的时间[8] Uber支持立法 - Uber表示支持"全面的州立法,保证司机在工作时获得35美元/小时的最低收入,并保护他们的灵活性和独立性"[10]
Lyft investors sue over earnings ‘fraud' typo that sparked wild buying frenzy
New York Post· 2024-03-07 00:28
Lyft盈利指标发布 - Lyft因错误的盈利指标发布导致股价波动[1] - 股东指责Lyft在盈利指标发布中存在疏忽[2] - 股东起诉Lyft进行证券欺诈[5]
Better Ride-Hailing Stock: Uber or Lyft?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-05 22:45
Ride-hailing, which involves booking transportation services via a smartphone app, is a two-horse race in the United States. Aside from legacy taxis, Uber Technologies (UBER -2.85%) and Lyft (LYFT 0.03%) are the dominant players. Uber is the market-share leader and an industry Goliath, while Lyft is a smaller competitor that might promise more upside as the underdog. Which stock is the better investment today? It's a head-to-head you don't want to miss. Uber's held onto its market share over time Uber and L ...