Lyft's earnings report typo sends shares soaring
Fox Business· 2024-02-15 05:15
Lyft财报错误及影响 - Lyft的财报中出现的排版错误导致股价飙升[1] - 调整后的财报显示Lyft的盈利率指标预计将增长500个基点,实际上是增长50个基点[2] - 尽管出现错误和后续更正,Lyft的财报依然强劲,预计当季预订将超出预期,并表示今年将实现现金流盈余[4] - Lyft的股价在错误财报发布后的盘后交易中飙升至17.55美元,随后在更正后下跌至14美元左右[5] - Lyft的股价在周三早盘交易中飙升至16.65美元,创下公司历史最大涨幅[6] - Lyft的股价在周三下午交易时约为15.82美元,当日涨幅达30.4%[6] - Lyft的股票在周三交易中表现强劲,股价涨幅达33.88%[7] Lyft财报错误的潜在法律影响 - Lyft的错误可能会引起监管机构的关注,但尚不清楚公司是否会面临法律责任[8] - 投资分析师认为,SEC可能会对Lyft的错误进行审查,并可能对公司处以罚款[9] - 根据剑桥大学的公司法和治理教授Bobby Reddy的说法,由于错误涉及预测,除非能证明是故意错误或有意误导,否则不太可能触犯证券法规[10]
Lyft CEO says 'unacceptable' earnings error was 'my bad'
Business Insider· 2024-02-15 04:20
错误财报事件 - Lyft CEO David Risher全权负责公司财报中的错误[2] - 公司财报中错误地报告了2024年利润率将扩大500个基点,实际应为50个基点,导致数额错误达到约6.3亿美元[3] - 股价在错误被发现后下跌,但在市场纠正后回升约16%[4] - CEO表示虽然多人检查了财报,但错误仍然是他的责任,CFO Erin Brewer没有因此受到影响[5] - CEO认为错误是不可接受的,但重要的是如何纠正错误[6] - 公司内部审计团队将调查此错误并防止再次发生[7] - CEO表示此事件表明公司还未达到可以由人工智能编写新闻稿的水平[8]
Why Lyft Stock Is Skyrocketing Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-15 02:10
Lyft (LYFT 31.37%) stock is soaring in Wednesday's trading. The ride-hailing company's share price was up by 31.5% as of 1 p.m. ET, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. Lyft published its fourth-quarter results after the market closed Tuesday, reporting earnings that beat Wall Street's expectations. In response to what turned out to be an error in the earnings press release, the company's share price initially rocketed more than 60% higher in after-market trading Tuesday. The original text ...
Lyft CEO takes blame for 'extra zero that slipped' into earnings release
CNBC· 2024-02-15 01:33
Lyft CEO David Risher took responsibility for the major error that appeared in the company's fourth-quarter earnings release late Tuesday, telling CNBC's "Squawk Box" that it's "super frustrating" for everyone on the team. Shares of the ride-sharing company soared more than 60% after the report first came out because the press release said Lyft would see margin expansion of 500 basis points, or 5%, in 2024, a huge increase for a business that has long struggled to turn a profit. During its quarterly call wi ...
Typo in earnings report sends Lyft stock soaring 67% — then crashing: ‘A debacle of epic proportions'
New York Post· 2024-02-15 00:36
Lyft财报错误 - Lyft的财报中出现了一个错误,将一个关键利润指标的数值夸大了10倍,导致股价在周二晚间暴涨67%,后来管理层纠正错误后股价下跌[1] - Lyft CFO Erin Brewer在电话会议上纠正了这一预测错误,实际上该指标只会增加50个基点,而不是500个基点[3] - Lyft的股价在周二盘后交易中暴涨67%,但随后因公司宣布错误而回落[5]
Uber and Lyft Valentine's Day strikes fail to dent shares
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-15 00:31
Proactive金融新闻团队 - Leo Grieco拥有波恩茅斯大学媒体制作学位,擅长视频编辑和制作[1] - Proactive金融新闻团队在伦敦、纽约、多伦多、温哥华、悉尼和珀斯设有分支机构和工作室[2] Proactive团队关注领域 - Proactive团队专注于中小市值市场,同时也关注蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[3] Proactive团队提供的新闻和见解 - Proactive团队提供关于生物技术和制药、矿业和自然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动汽车技术等市场的新闻和独特见解[4]
Uber, Lyft Differences Boil Down to Transportation vs End-to-End Mobility
PYMNTS· 2024-02-14 23:57
Uber and Lyft’s most recent earnings reports spotlight a widening divergence in approach in business models. At first glance, there’s a core focus for both firms: That would be matching the supply and demand for movement, of course, for drivers and customers to link up across platforms. But beyond that broad concept, Uber and Lyft have taken different roads. Lyft is, arguably, in the transportation business, while Uber is increasingly endeavoring to broaden logistics and mobility, crafting end-to-end connec ...
LYFT Stock Jumps 35% Despite False Guidance Scare
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-14 23:48
Shares in ride-sharing company Lyft (NASDAQ:LYFT) are rising 35% so far today despite the firm making a big mistake on its forward guidance. LYFT stock briefly jumped 60% after a press release on earnings goofed on describing future margin expansion. The original release misstated that margins would rise 5%. However, Lyft is actually projecting margins to rise just 0.5%. The company and Chief Financial Officer Erin Brewer called the mistake a typo. As a result, $2 billion in market capitalization had to be ...
One too many zeros: Lyft shares rocket 62% on earnings typo that led to likely bot-buying frenzy
TechXplore· 2024-02-14 23:40
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: In this Jan. 31, 2018, file photo, a Lyft logo is installed on a Lyft driver's car in Pittsburgh. Lyft shares jumped 62% after the bell Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024 thanks in part to a typo in the the ride-hailing company’s earnings release that sent investors’ auto-trading algorithms — also known as “bots” — into a buying frenzy. Cred ...
Uber Stock Hits Record High, Lyft Has Best Day Ever In $18 Billion Ride Hailer Coup
Forbes· 2024-02-14 23:20
Uber和Lyft的股价表现 - Uber和Lyft的股价在周三大幅上涨,Uber的前景比Lyft更受华尔街看好[1] - Lyft在周三股价大涨60%,但由于一个笔误导致股价迅速回落[8] - Uber和Lyft的市值在周三增加了约180亿美元,Uber市值达到了1590亿美元,远高于Lyft的70亿美元[6] 公司业绩展望 - Uber预计未来三年盈利增长将超过预期,将进行70亿美元的股票回购[2] - Lyft的季度收益超出分析师预期,2024年的业绩展望强劲,预计将实现首次正现金流[4] 公司发展历程 - Uber是2018年至2020年间少数以创纪录估值上市的科技公司之一[9]