L'Oreal says it's working on a form of bioprinted skin that can actually ‘feel'
cnbc.com· 2024-05-30 17:17
L'Oreal says it is working with start-ups and research institutions to bioprint skin that can actually "feel." PARIS, France — French beauty and cosmetics giant L'Oreal is working on a form of synthetically produced skin that it says will one day be able to "feel" like we do. At the Viva Technology conference in Paris last week, L'Oreal showed off demonstrations of "bioprinting," technology that can 3D print humanlike skin, in action. The firm has been using this tech for several years to test new makeups o ...
World's Richest Woman Loses $7 Billion On L'Oreal's Worst Day Since 2008
Forbes· 2024-02-10 02:04
财富变动 - 弗朗索瓦·贝滕库尔-梅耶的财富在周五急剧下降,因为法国美容公司欧莱雅的股票,这家公司约有三分之一的股份由这位亿万富翁及其家人持有,出现了自大衰退以来最糟糕的单日表现[1] - 贝滕库尔-梅耶及其家族的财富在周五下跌了69亿美元,降至917亿美元,使这位70岁的女掌门人成为当天任何亿万富翁中最大的输家,根据福布斯的实时亿万富翁追踪器[2] - 贝滕库尔-梅耶的财富主要来自她家族在化妆品巨头的股份,她仍然是全球第15富有的人,远远超过第二富有的女性沃尔玛继承人爱丽丝·沃尔顿260亿美元左右的财富[3]
L'Oreal shares slide as cosmetics giant cites weakness in China
Market Watch· 2024-02-09 17:58
L’Oreal股价表现 - L’Oreal股价下跌8%,主要受到中国大陆市场和旅行支出的影响[1] L’Oreal销售情况 - L’Oreal第四季度可比销售增长6.9%,全年销售增长11%,但分析师预期全年可比销售增长为11.6%[2] - L’Oreal年度利润增长8%至61.8亿欧元,销售额从382.6亿欧元增至411.8亿欧元,但分析师预期利润为62.5亿欧元,销售额为414.9亿欧元[2] L’Oreal市场前景 - L’Oreal对美容市场前景持乐观态度,认为有能力超越市场[3] 摩根大通评级 - 摩根大通对公司保持中立评级,指出公司交易时的估计2025年收益为33倍,不包括其在赛诺菲的股份[4]
L'Oreal shares down 7% on lower-than-expected sales, slowdown in Asia
CNBC· 2024-02-09 17:23
LONDON — L'Oreal shares fell more than 7.3% in early deals Friday, before slightly paring losses, as the company reported lower-than-expected sales and pointed to a slowdown in demand in Asia. Shares in the stock had recovered slightly to trade down 7% by 8:20 a.m. London time. The world's largest beauty brand on Thursday reported fourth-quarter sales below estimates, rising 2.8% to 10.6 billion euros. Barclays analysts had anticipated a figure near 10.9 billion euros, according to Reuters. The company also ...
1 Technology Stock That Has Created Millionaires, and Will Continue to Make More
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-25 19:10
Even if you're not an investor that regularly swings for the fences, you've likely dreamed of hitting a proverbial grand slam that gets your portfolio over the seven-figure hump. The thing is, such trades aren't as uncommon as you might think. You just have to find the right company in the right business at the right moment. Time will take care of the rest. On that note, there's one particular technology stock that's not only already turned many patient investors into millionaires, but can continue doing so ...
L'Oreal heir Francoise Bettencourt Meyers becomes first woman with $100B fortune
New York Post· 2023-12-28 10:48
法国美容品牌L'Oreal - 孙女Francoise Bettencourt Meyers成为首位拥有千亿美元财富的女性[1] - Bettencourt Meyers的财富主要来自她在L'Oreal的股份,该公司是全球最大的化妆品公司[6] - Bettencourt Meyers是L'Oreal董事会副主席,家族拥有公司近35%的股份,已经获得超过112亿美元的股息[12]