JetBlue's bid to buy Spirit Airlines blocked by federal judge
Proactive Investors· 2024-01-17 06:03
About this content About Andrew Kessel Andrew is a financial journalist with experience covering public companies in a wide breadth of industries, including tech, medicine, cryptocurrency, mining and retail. In addition to Proactive, he has been published in a Financial Times-owned newsletter covering broker-dealer firms and in the Columbia Misourian newspaper as the lead reporter focused on higher education. He got his start with an internship at Rolling Stone magazine. Read more About the publisher Proact ...
US judge blocks JetBlue-Spirit airline merger
TechXplore· 2024-01-17 04:53
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: - '.,,‘g- : i Nissssntiinsunnny AEEY (NN A US judge has blocked JetBlue's acquisition of Spirit Airlines. A US federal judge on Tuesday ruled against JetBlue's $3.8 billion takeover of low-cost carrier Spirit Airlines, saying that the deal would reduce competition. The decision comes after the US Justice Department last year sued ...
Why JetBlue Stock Is Soaring and Spirit Airlines Is Plummeting Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-17 04:13
联邦法官阻止JetBlue对Spirit的收购 - 联邦法官阻止了JetBlue Airways对Spirit Airlines的38亿美元收购交易,导致两家航空公司重新寻求增长机会[1] - JetBlue和Spirit的竞争引起了法庭的关注,两家公司在美国东海岸和佛罗里达州有很大的重叠,运营模式也有很大差异,这使得JetBlue收购Spirit可能会消除一个低票价领导者的问题[2] - 美国司法部起诉阻止这次合并,法官威廉·杨在周二的裁决中支持政府,并裁定这笔交易具有反竞争性[3] 航空公司的未来前景 - 航空业已经发生了很大变化,航空公司的需求正在减弱,JetBlue的股价上涨,而Spirit则面临着在不适当时期处于脆弱状态的问题[4] - JetBlue追求这种风险收购策略部分原因是因为航空公司需要飞机和飞行员来增长,并希望利用机会跨销Spirit的客户并在核心Spirit市场增长,但在没有交易的情况下,JetBlue如何从这里增长将是一个难题[7] - Spirit的股价下跌是因为航空公司的估值很大程度上与JetBlue愿意支付的价格挂钩,没有买家,Spirit将面临在自己的潜在衰退中生存的艰巨任务[8] 投资建议 - 两家航空公司的未来比昨天更加不明朗,投资者最好在冷静思考后再决定是否投资任何一家股票[10]
Spirit Airlines Stock Price Dives 50% After Judge Blocks JetBlue Merger
Investopedia· 2024-01-17 03:55
Key Takeaways o o ¢ Spirit Airlines stock was down about 50% in afternoon trading after a judge blocked a planned merger with JetBlue. The U.S. Department of Justice had sued to block the deal, saying it would stifle competition and hurt consumers. Judge William Young said "cost-conscious" travelers would suffer if the deal went through. Spirit Airlines (SAVE) shares dumped more than 50% on Tuesday after a judge blocked its proposed merger with rival JetBlue (JBLU). JetBlue’s planned $3.8 billion acquisitio ...
Judge blocks $3.8B JetBlue-Spirit merger
Fox Business· 2024-01-17 03:20
法院裁决 - 法官在周二阻止了JetBlue Airways提出的38亿美元收购廉价航空公司Spirit Airlines的计划[1] - 美国地方法官威廉·杨(William Young)认同司法部的观点,认为该交易将损害廉价航空机票的可获得性[2] - 提议的合并“对反垄断法的核心原则构成了侵犯:保护美国市场及其市场参与者免受反竞争危害”[3] 股价波动 - Spirit的股价在消息公布后暴跌,周二下午交易时下跌超过51%[4] - Spirit的股价在裁决后接近历史最低点,并经历了有记录以来最大的百分比下跌[5]
US judge blocks JetBlue from $3.8bn Spirit Airlines acquisition
The Guardian· 2024-01-17 03:07
法院裁决 - 波士顿法官阻止了捷蓝航空公司收购Spirit Airlines的交易,价值38亿美元[1] - 裁决旨在保持最低成本航空公司之间的竞争,确保航空旅行对更多美国消费者保持负担得起[2] 股价影响 - Spirit股价暴跌60%,JetBlue股价下跌5%[3] - 阿拉斯加航空收购夏威夷航空的交易受到裁决影响,阿拉斯加股价下跌3%,夏威夷股价持平[5][6] 反对意见 - 美国政府和六个州的民主党州检察长以及哥伦比亚特区的检察长认为,JetBlue-Spirit交易将导致更少的航班和更高的价格,损害数百万美国人的利益[7] - JetBlue的律师认为,这个案件是对美国第六和第七大航空公司之间合并的错误挑战,两家公司合并后在市场上的控制不到8%[9] 公司模式 - Spirit是美国第一家允许乘客选择支付飞行特色的国内航空公司,其模式促使竞争对手削减价格[11] - JetBlue比Spirit更高成本,但与较大的航空公司相比,一直保持低成本模式,并且在进入新航线时也能够施加压力,促使较大的航空公司降低价格[12]
Judge Blocks JetBlue's $3.8 Billion Acquisition of Spirit
WSJ· 2024-01-17 03:01
联邦法官阻止JetBlue收购Spirit航空公司 - 联邦法官周二阻止了JetBlue航空公司收购Spirit航空公司的计划[1] - 司法部认为这笔价值38亿美元的交易将消除对注重价格的旅客重要的竞争对手[1]
Spirit Airlines Stock Plummets Over 50% After JetBlue Deal Blocked
Forbes· 2024-01-17 02:37
Topline Spirit Airlines’ stock plunged as much as 60% on Tuesday following news that a federal judge blocked its $3.8 billion acquisition at the hands of JetBlue Airways, scoring a win for the Justice Department, which sued JetBlue last year to stop the acquisition on antitrust grounds. The merger was first announced in July 2022. (Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images) Gado via Getty Images Key Facts U.S. District Judge William G. Young said the proposed acquisition of Spirit would have eliminated th ...
JetBlue's Merger With Spirit Blocked. It Would Harm Price-Sensitive Consumers, Judge Says.
Barrons· 2024-01-17 02:28
JetBlue Airways stock was rising and Spirit Airlines tumbled after a federal judge Tuesday blocked the proposed merger of the two airlines. ...
Judge blocks JetBlue-Spirit merger in a major win for Biden's Justice Department
CNBC· 2024-01-17 02:04
收购交易 - 联邦法官阻止了JetBlue Airways收购廉价竞争对手Spirit Airlines的交易[2] - JetBlue提出的38亿美元收购Spirit的计划将使两家航空公司合并成为美国第五大航空公司[3] - 波士顿的一名联邦法官周二做出的这一决定标志着司法部取得了一次胜利[4] - 司法部在三月份的诉讼中声称,JetBlue的计划将消除Spirit提供的独特竞争[5] 股价波动 - JetBlue的股价在决定公布后暴跌,东部时间下午1点后下跌了60%[6] - JetBlue的股价在短暂飙升后下跌了约5%[6] 公司战略 - JetBlue表示,获得Spirit类似的空中客车飞机将使其在飞机和飞行员短缺时快速增长[8] - JetBlue计划通过去除紧凑飞机上的品牌和座位来改造Spirit的黄色飞机,以提供更多的全方位服务模式[11] 行业竞争 - JetBlue在纽约等城市的高度拥挤的空域中运营,并计划利用Spirit来获得更多航线和旅客[10] - Spirit近年来通过提供廉价机票和对座位分配到随身行李等一切收费的方式迅速增长[12]