JetBlue, Spirit agree to terminate merger
Fox Business· 2024-03-04 22:05
JetBlue和Spirit合并协议终止 - JetBlue和Spirit同意终止38亿美元的合并协议[1] - 联邦法官阻止了JetBlue收购Spirit的交易[3] JetBlue和Spirit合并协议终止的原因 - JetBlue首席执行官Joanna Geraghty表示,终止合并是最佳选择[2] - Spirit首席执行官Ted Christie表示对无法达成交易感到失望,但对作为独立航空公司的未来充满信心[4]
JetBlue and Spirit Airlines terminate $3.8 billion merger agreement
CNBC· 2024-03-04 21:37
JetBlue Airways和Spirit Airlines合并 - JetBlue Airways和Spirit Airlines终止合并协议[2] - 联邦法官在一月份阻止了合并尝试[3] - JetBlue的股价在周一盘前交易中上涨了7%[4]
JetBlue Announces Termination of Merger Agreement with Spirit
Businesswire· 2024-03-04 21:30
JetBlue与Spirit Airlines合并协议 - JetBlue与Spirit Airlines终止了2022年7月的合并协议[1] - JetBlue将向Spirit支付6900万美元,解决了所有与交易相关的问题[3] JetBlue未来计划 - JetBlue计划在2024年实施多项收入和成本节约举措,以实现盈利[5] - JetBlue将于2024年5月30日举行投资者日,详细介绍长期战略和持续的收入和成本举措[6]
Why Is JetBlue (JBLU) Up 20.9% Since Last Earnings Report?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-01 01:36
财务表现 - JetBlue航空公司最近的第四季度亏损比预期窄[3] - 营收略高于预期,但同比下降[4] - 乘客收入下降,主要受到东北部空中交通管制问题的影响[5] - 每可用座位英里收入下降[5] - 乘客每可用座位英里收入下降[6] - 综合交通量下降,座位容量增加[7] - 总运营成本略有增加,主要是因为薪资、工资和福利支出增加[8] - JetBlue在季末的现金及现金等价物为11.6亿美元,总债务为47.2亿美元[9] 未来展望 - 预测2024年第一季度的容量将下降3-6%[11] - 预计2024年全年总收入将与2023年持平[13] 市场反应 - 投资者近一个月来看到了估值修订的下降趋势[15] - JetBlue的VGM得分为F,价值方面得分为C[16] - 预期JetBlue股票未来表现将持平[19]
JetBlue customers outraged as airline quietly hikes checked-baggage fees: ‘Inflation and greed rising'
New York Post· 2024-02-22 00:08
JetBlue has quietly hiked the price of checking a bags — sparking outrage on social media from passengers who branded the move a greedy cash grab.The New York-based airline is now charging travelers $45 for their first stardard-size bag checked within 24 hours of departure — and $60 for a second bag.JetBlue is offering a $10 discount for passengers who are ahead of the game: The first checked bag paid for at least a day before departure is $35, while the second is $50. 4 JetBlue raised the price of checki ...
JetBlue to Webcast Chat at Citi Conference
Businesswire· 2024-02-21 00:46
公司背景 - JetBlue是纽约的本地航空公司,也是波士顿、迈阿密、洛杉矶、奥兰多和圣胡安的主要航空公司[2] - JetBlue将客户运送到美国、拉丁美洲、加勒比地区、加拿大和欧洲的100多个城市[2] - JetBlue将参加Citi Industrial Tech and Mobility Conference的研讨会[1]
This investor bought a load of cheap JetBlue stock
MarketBeat· 2024-02-20 20:01
JetBlue股票分析 - JetBlue是股票中潜在EPS增长最高的股票,航空业可能很快会迎来扩张[1] - 分析师认为这一潜力已经被定价,而另一家股票可能会有更大的上涨空间[1] - 伊坎决定关注JetBlue Airways Co.,这是一个具有争议性的举动[3] - 航空股票受到多个有利因素的推动,这也是伊坎大举购买该股票的原因之一[3] - JetBlue股票的价格-账面价值比为0.7倍,相比于行业的63.8%折扣[12] - 分析师预计JetBlue股票在未来十二个月内的每股收益将增长88.7%[12] - JetBlue分析师认为其目标股价4.90美元存在28.8%的下行风险[14] 航空行业趋势 - 随着利率下降,旅行和休闲业可能很快会迎来新一轮扩张[7] - 美国全球航空ETF已经开始在过去一个季度中超过更广泛的标普500指数[8] - 运输业在过去一个月增加了5600个工作岗位,显示出扩张活动[9] - 航空股票平均交易价格为其52周高价的68.5%[10] 美国航空公司分析 - 美国航空分析师预计其每股收益将增长18.7%,但可能会证明这些预测过于保守[13] - Citigroup分析师将美国航空的目标股价上调至每股20美元,预计将从今天的股价上涨36.9%[14] - 与JetBlue可能已经定价的增长相比,选择更受认可的增长,如美国航空,可能是更好的选择[15]
Carl Icahn gets two seats on JetBlue's board. Here's how he may help build value
CNBC· 2024-02-17 21:49
Activist Commentary: Carl Icahn is the grandfather of shareholder activism and a true pioneer of the strategy. He is very passionate about shareholder rights and good corporate governance and will go to extreme lengths to fight incompetent boards and over compensated managers. While Carl Icahn is not slowing down at all, in October 2020, he reached an agreement with his son Brett Icahn to rejoin the firm as the eventual successor. Brett has said that he plans to employ his father's favored approach of pushi ...
Carl Icahn Gains Two JetBlue Board Seats In Long Shadows Of TWA
Forbes· 2024-02-17 18:30
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA - JANUARY 31: JetBlue Airways planes sit on the tarmac at the Fort ... [+] Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport on January 31, 2024 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The company recently announced that it was considering implementing cost-cutting measures due to the forecasted decline in revenue and increase in costs. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)Getty ImagesCarl Icahn’s acquisition of nearly 10% of jetBlue, revealed in a filing posted on Monday, has been good news for the air ...
Carl Icahn wins seats on JetBlue board after taking stake in airline
CNBC· 2024-02-17 06:10
A JetBlue Airways plane prepares to take off from the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport on January 31, 2024 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.Carl Icahn won his push for representation on JetBlue's board of directors, according to a statement from the airline Friday.The activist investor earlier this week revealed a nearly 10% stake in the airline.This is breaking news. Please check back for updates. ...