JetBlue Names Warren Christie Chief Operating Officer
Businesswire· 2024-01-30 05:30
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--JetBlue Airways (NASDAQ: JBLU) today announced the promotion of Warren Christie to chief operating officer effective February 12, 2024, concurrent with the previously announced transition of current president and chief operating officer Joanna Geraghty to the role of chief executive officer. Christie will report to Geraghty. “I’m thrilled that my first leadership appointment is to promote Warren into the role of chief operating officer, where he will help lead our teams in our eff ...
Spirit Airlines (SAVE) Stock Plunges as JetBlue Preps to Give Up
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-27 03:52
合并裁定 - 美国地区法院裁定阻止Spirit Airlines和JetBlue Airways的合并[1] - JetBlue和Spirit已向第一巡回上诉法院提交联合上诉通知,支持合并[2] 合并协议终止可能性 - JetBlue提交8-K表明可能无法满足合并协议条件,合并协议可能会在1月28日后终止[4] - Spirit回应称认为没有终止合并协议的依据,要求JetBlue继续遵守协议[6]
Spirit shares sink 17% after JetBlue casts doubt on closing $3.8B merger
New York Post· 2024-01-27 00:49
JetBlue Airways on Friday expressed doubts over closing its $3.8 billion merger with Spirit Airlines, saying that it might not meet certain conditions required as part of the deal before the due date. Shares of Spirit tumbled 17% after the announcement, adding to their losses of about 55% this month that were sparked by a US judge’s move to block the deal. The airline said it had informed Spirit that the merger agreement might be terminated on and after Sunday due to the unmet conditions. JetBlue said it co ...
Spirit Airlines' stock tumbles after JetBlue warning that merger deal may need to be terminated
Market Watch· 2024-01-26 22:03
JetBlue Airways Corp. - JetBlue Airways Corp. 在提交给证券交易委员会的8-K文件中披露,可能需要终止与 Spirit Airlines Inc. 的合并协议[1] - JetBlue Airways Corp. 表示将评估有关合并协议的各种选择[1] Spirit Airlines Inc. - Spirit Airlines Inc. 的股价在 JetBlue Airways Corp. 发出警告后暴跌10.9%[1] - Spirit Airlines Inc. 的股价在法院裁决阻止合并后创下历史新低[1]
America's Worst Airline
24/7 Wall Street· 2024-01-26 20:30
America's Worst Airline cityswift / Flickr Some media and research firms rate the best and worst airlines. One released by The Wall Street Journal is particularly visible because of the paper’s 3.9 million subscribers. The Wall Street Journal’s “The Best and Worst Airlines of 2023” includes nine major U.S. airlines. Its metrics include on-time arrivals, canceled flights, extreme delays, two-hour tarmac delays, mishandled baggage and involuntary bumping. The data came from Pulse, a data platform owned by Anu ...
Spirit Airlines shares extend rebound after it appeals ruling blocking JetBlue merger
CNBC· 2024-01-23 00:31
Spirit航空股价 - Spirit航空股价周一上涨约10%[2] - Spirit股价自裁决以来下跌约50%,但在上诉和Spirit提高2023年第四季度预测后略有反弹[6] JetBlue计划 - JetBlue计划将Spirit的飞机改装为JetBlue的布局,并向其客户收取JetBlue更高的平均票价[5]
Spirit Airlines and JetBlue bolstered by fresh hopes of $3.8mln merger
Proactive Investors· 2024-01-23 00:13
William Farrington - William Farrington是一名资深的研究员和记者,曾在一家全球法律出版物担任职务,涵盖公共法律和并购等领域[2] Proactive Investors - Proactive Investors的新闻团队遍布全球金融和投资中心,拥有位于伦敦、纽约、多伦多、温哥华、悉尼和珀斯的办事处和工作室[4] - Proactive专注于中小市值市场,同时也让社区了解蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[5]
What's in the Offing for JetBlue (JBLU) in Q4 Earnings?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-22 22:11
JetBlue Airways Corporation (JBLU)业绩预测 - JetBlue Airways Corporation (JBLU)将于1月30日在市场开盘前公布2023年第四季度业绩[1] - 预计JBLU的乘客收入将从2022年第四季度实际数据下降5.7%,总收入预计将在4-7%的范围内下降[4] - 燃料费用可能会影响底线,尽管燃料价格已经从之前的高点下降,但仍处于较高水平[4]
Will Spirit Airlines Go Under?
24/7 Wall Street· 2024-01-21 19:00
Spirit Airlines债务问题 - 美国地区法官阻止了Spirit Airlines与Jetblue的合并,导致Spirit Airlines股价暴跌64%[4] - 尽管Spirit Airlines表示财务状况有所改善,但其债务问题仍然存在引发破产的深刻担忧[5] - Spirit Airlines表示可以协商解决其沉重的债务,并披露其收入状况良好[4]
JetBlue, Spirit Airlines to appeal judge's ruling that blocked $3.8B merger
New York Post· 2024-01-20 08:31
法院裁定 - JetBlue Airways和Spirit Airlines计划的合并被法官裁定违反美国反垄断法[1][2] - 法院裁定认为合并将导致航班减少和价格上涨,对数百万美国人造成影响[10][12] - 法官认为合并将消除Spirit的低价机票,并削弱其对其他高价航空公司的竞争压力[13] 上诉情况 - 两家航空公司决定上诉法官的裁决,向第一美国巡回上诉法院提出上诉[3] - 上诉的目的是为了继续争取合并的机会,尤其是Spirit Airlines面临财务困境的情况下[5] - 上诉可能需要数月甚至更长时间,JetBlue面临7月的合并截止期限[14][15] 公司财务状况 - Spirit Airlines股价在上诉通知后上涨12%,但自裁决以来下跌超过50%[6] - Spirit Airlines正在评估重新融资2025年到期债务的选项,同时合并交易仍然有效[16] - Spirit Airlines一直在努力实现可持续盈利,但面临着不断上升的运营成本和持续的供应链问题[17][18] 合并交易影响 - Spirit Airlines敦促JetBlue Airways上诉法官的裁决,称合并协议要求他们尽最大努力完成交易[8][9] - 一些分析师认为,裁决后,Spirit可能考虑破产申请来重组资产,重新组建财务稳健的航空公司[19]