Inter & Co(INTR)
Inter & Co Q2: Excellent Results, Thesis Materializing
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-18 23:31
More than 5 years of experience in equity analysis in LatAm. We provide our clients with in-depth research and insights to help them make informed investment decisions.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relat ...
Inter & Co(INTR) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-08 08:52
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司总贷款组合增长35%达到357亿雷亚尔,FGTS贷款和房地产贷款分别增长93%和50% [25][28] - 资产质量指标保持稳定,不良贷款率略有改善,拨备覆盖率维持在130%左右 [30][31] - 公司存款总额达到478亿雷亚尔,同比增长34%,活期存款占比32% [21][32][33] - 净利差(NIM)呈现上升趋势,风险调整后的净利差达到历史新高 [36] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 个人账户数增长8倍于行业,FGTS贷款增长4倍于行业 [7] - 电商GMV同比增长50%超过11亿雷亚尔,客户数超过300万 [18] - 忠诚度计划客户达800万,人均消费和RPAC分别高出2.7倍和1.7倍 [19] - 保险业务销售突破100万件,客户数达260万 [20] - 投资管理AUC首次突破1000亿雷亚尔,客户数增长60%达570万 [21][22] - 美国业务存款和资产规模同比增长133%达5.16亿美元 [23] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 总交易额(TPV)同比增长47%达2900亿雷亚尔,PIX交易额占8%市场份额 [16] - 信用卡交易额首次超过借记卡,带动更高的交易手续费收入 [16] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司专注于提升客户体验和创新,持续推出个性化产品和服务 [10][11] - 收购Granito(现Inter Pack)后将进一步整合收单业务,实现银行和收单的协同 [15] - 公司在中小企业市场有较大发展空间,未来将推出银行和收单的捆绑产品 [80][81][86][87] - 公司在消费金融领域推出PIX贷款和买现付后等新产品,提升风险收益比 [52][53][83][84] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司的执行力和创新能力表示满意,有信心实现既定的6-30-30战略目标 [6][42] - 管理层认为公司在数字化银行领域具有竞争优势,未来将持续提升客户体验和创新 [11][42][58] - 管理层对公司的存款基础和资金成本优势表示乐观,将持续提升资产负债表效率 [91][92][95][96] 其他重要信息 - 公司任命Shanji为巴西CEO,Rafaela Vitoria为IR主管,并增加多名高管以支持未来发展 [42][43][44] - 公司推出社交平台,让客户可以在平台上进行讨论、分享体验和集体投资 [45] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Gustavo Schroden 提问** 询问风险调整后净利差的改善主要来自于降低风险成本,而非贷款利率的提升 [46][47] **Santiago Stel 回答** 公司预计未来风险成本将维持在5-5.5%的水平,同时贷款利率也有望继续提升,推动风险调整后净利差的改善 [48][49][50] 问题2 **Eduardo Rosman 提问** 询问公司如何平衡增长投资和盈利能力,如何区分维护性支出和资本性支出 [55][56] **João Vitor Menin 回答** 公司注重在不增加大量资本性支出的情况下实现创新和增长,未来将继续保持增长和盈利的平衡 [56][57][58] 问题3 **Neha Agarwala 提问** 询问公司在中小企业市场的战略和机会 [79][80] **Alexandre Riccio 回答** 公司将利用收单业务的整合,通过产品捆绑和交叉销售等方式,进一步开拓中小企业市场 [81][82][86][87]
Inter & Co. Inc. (INTR) Q2 Earnings Meet Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 21:40
文章核心观点 - 公司本季度每股收益为0.09美元,符合市场预期,同比增长350% [1][2] - 公司本季度收入为2.84亿美元,超出市场预期7.22%,同比增长22.1% [3] - 公司股价今年以来上涨14%,优于标普500指数9.9%的涨幅 [5] - 分析师预计公司未来业绩表现将优于市场 [9] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 财务表现 - 公司本季度每股收益为0.09美元,符合市场预期,同比增长350% [1][2] - 公司本季度收入为2.84亿美元,超出市场预期7.22%,同比增长22.1% [3] - 分析师预计公司下季度每股收益为0.09美元,全年每股收益为0.37美元 [10] 股价表现 - 公司股价今年以来上涨14%,优于标普500指数9.9%的涨幅 [5] - 分析师预计公司未来股价表现将优于市场 [9] 行业表现 - 公司所属的技术服务行业目前在250多个行业中排名前40% [11] - 分析师认为排名前50%的行业整体表现优于后50%的行业2倍以上 [11]
Inter&Co Inc. Reports Record Profit in Q2, Advances 60/30/30 Plan
Newsfilter· 2024-08-07 19:19
BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Inter&Co Inc. (NASDAQ:INTR, B3: INBR32))), the leading financial super app providing financial and digital commerce services to over 33 million customers, today reported financial results for the second quarter of 2024. Highlights: Record net income of R$ 223 million.10.4% ROE, surpassing the double-digit milestone.TPV increased 47% YoY, reaching R$ 290 billions. AuC reached R$ 105 billion, a 37% increase YoY. Inter&Co reported strong results with a ...
Inter&Co Inc. Reports Record Profit in Q2, Advances 60/30/30 Plan
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-07 19:19
BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Inter&Co Inc. (NASDAQ: INTR | B3: INBR32), the leading financial super app providing financial and digital commerce services to over 33 million customers, today reported financial results for the second quarter of 2024. Highlights: Record net income of R$ 223 million.10.4% ROE, surpassing the double-digit milestone.TPV increased 47% YoY, reaching R$ 290 billions. AuC reached R$ 105 billion, a 37% increase YoY. Inter&Co reported strong results with a ...
Inter: Is Nu's Main Competitor Also As Good?
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-13 04:26
PM Images Inter & Co (NASDAQ:INTR) has benefited from the digital banking adoption in a country of 216 million inhabitants (Brazil) that was massively dominated by a few large players. Many foreign investors are aware of Nu Holdings (NU) due to its massive growth and fast recovery from a drop-down of -72%. But what many investors probably don't know, is that the 1Y performance of INTR has been approximately 30% higher than the performance of Nu. In this analysis, I will illustrate the fundamentals of Inter ...
Intrepid Metals Drills 20.20% Cu, 8.51 gpt Au and 250.00 gpt Ag (23.85% CuEq) at its Corral Copper Property in Arizona
Newsfile· 2024-07-09 19:00
文章核心观点 - 公司在其位于亚利桑那州科奇斯县的Corral铜矿项目的首次钻探计划中取得了出色的结果,发现了高品位的铜金银矿化 [2][3][4][5][6] - 公司表示这只是Corral铜矿项目的开始,未来还有巨大的发展潜力,计划稍后进行下一轮钻探 [6] - 该项目位于著名的Bisbee矿区附近,具有良好的地质条件和开采历史 [17][18][19] - 公司通过收购和期权协议的方式整合了该项目的多个地块,为后续开发奠定了基础 [20] 分组1: 钻探结果 - 公司在Ringo区域完成了25个钻孔,发现了3.5公里长的铜金银锌矿化带 [9] - 其中部分钻孔取得了非常高的品位,如112.95米平均1.50%Cu、0.53g/t Au和8.22g/t Ag [4] - 包括1.40米平均20.20%Cu、8.51g/t Au和250.00g/t Ag的高品位矿段 [4] - 这些结果表明该项目具有良好的经济潜力,未来有望发现富集的斑岩铜金矿化 [6][10][11][12] 分组2: 公司和项目概况 - 该公司专注于在美国亚利桑那州勘探和开发铜、银、锌等关键金属矿产 [22] - Corral铜矿项目是公司的旗舰项目,是一个大规模的勘探和开发机会 [17][19][20][21] - 公司通过整合历史数据和采用现代勘探技术,有信心快速推进该项目的开发 [21] - 该项目位于著名的Bisbee矿区附近,具有良好的地质条件和开采历史 [17][18][19]
Intrepid Metals Drills 6.22% Cu and 8.83g/t Au (10.71% CuEq) at Its Corral Copper Property in Arizona
Newsfile· 2024-06-19 19:00
文章核心观点 - 公司在其位于亚利桑那州科奇斯县的Corral铜矿项目上进行了首次钻探,取得了令人鼓舞的初步结果 [2][3][6] - 钻探发现了浅表和高品位的铜金银锌矿化,包括在Abrigo石灰岩中发现的高品位的硫化物置换型矿化 [8][9][11][12] - 公司认为Corral铜矿项目具有良好的勘探和开发潜力,计划进行后续的钻探计划 [6][27] 根据目录分别总结 钻探结果 - 在Ringo、Earp和Holliday区域共完成25个钻孔,发现了浅表和高品位的铜金银锌矿化 [6] - 在Ringo区域,发现了厚度1-12.35米的高品位硫化物置换型矿化,包括6.22%Cu、8.83g/t Au和11.8g/t Ag的高品位矿段 [9][11][12] - 在Earp和Ringo区域,发现了0.32-0.71%Cu、0.27-0.43g/t Au和1.82-5.99g/t Ag的较低品位但较厚的矿化 [3][4][5][15][16][17] 地质特征 - 矿化主要赋存于Abrigo石灰岩和Bolsa石英岩中,局部与侵入岩有关 [12] - 矿化类型包括CRD、斜长石-角闪岩型和斑岩铜型 [7][13][14] - 该区域过去曾有小型矿山开采,但开采较为分散和不协调 [25] 公司计划 - 公司有信心通过整合历史数据和应用现代勘探技术,快速推进Corral铜矿项目的勘探和开发 [27] - 公司计划进行后续的第二阶段钻探计划 [6]
Are Business Services Stocks Lagging Inter & Co. Inc. (INTR) This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-06-12 22:41
For those looking to find strong Business Services stocks, it is prudent to search for companies in the group that are outperforming their peers. Has Inter & Co. Inc. (INTR) been one of those stocks this year? Let's take a closer look at the stock's year-to-date performance to find out. Inter & Co. Inc. is a member of the Business Services sector. This group includes 316 individual stocks and currently holds a Zacks Sector Rank of #5. The Zacks Sector Rank considers 16 different sector groups. The average Z ...
Here's How to Find Great Cheap Stocks Under $10 to Buy in June
ZACKS· 2024-06-05 03:56
The stock market has cooled off to close May and start June. The downturn appears to be a healthy recalibration following a bullish stretch wrapped inside an impressive YTD run and a large surge off the market’s October 2023 lows. The recent pullback likely sets up more attractive buying opportunities for strong stocks. The last several years also highlight why investors are often best suited to stay constantly exposed to the market and buy into weakness. Investors who want to keep buying stocks in June mig ...