Interactive Brokers (IBKR) Reports a Rise in February DARTs
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-05 00:30
Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. (IBKR) released the Electronic Brokerage segment’s performance metrics for February 2024. The segment deals with the clearance and settlement of trades for individual and institutional clients globally. It reported a rise in client Daily Average Revenue Trades (DARTs) on a sequential and year- over-year basis. Total client DARTs for February were 2,243,000, which increased 11% from January 2024 and 15% year over year. Cleared client DARTs were 2,180,000 in February, which inc ...
Interactive Brokers Group Reports Brokerage Metrics and Other Financial Information for February 2024, includes Reg.-NMS Execution Statistics
Businesswire· 2024-03-02 01:30
GREENWICH, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: IBKR), an automated global electronic broker, today reported its Electronic Brokerage monthly performance metrics for February. Brokerage highlights for the month included: 2.443 million Daily Average Revenue Trades (DARTs)1, 15% higher than prior year and 11% higher than prior month. Ending client equity of $448.2 billion, 35% higher than prior year and 6% higher than prior month. Ending client margin loan balances of $47.4 billion ...
Interactive Brokers Unveils Next-Generation Trading Platform: IBKR Desktop
Businesswire· 2024-02-28 23:00
Interactive Brokers新一代桌面交易应用程序IBKR Desktop - Interactive Brokers推出了新一代桌面交易应用程序IBKR Desktop,旨在为当今需要简单性但又重视强大交易工具的交易者提供服务[1] - IBKR Desktop提供全球股票、期权和期货交易,以及独家交易工具,如MultiSort和Option Lattice,帮助交易者提升投资策略和分析能力[2] - Interactive Brokers致力于不断更新IBKR Desktop,扩展支持更多产品和整合先进工具,确保客户始终处于交易世界的前沿[4]
IBG, Inc.(IBKR) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-27 00:00
公司概况 - IBG, Inc. 是一个控股公司,主要资产是持有 IBG LLC 大约 25.4% 的股权[9] - IBG, Inc. 是 IBG LLC 的唯一管理成员,拥有对 IBG LLC 的控制权[9] - 自 2011 年至 2023 年,公司向 Holdings 发行了 40,111,445 股普通股,价值约 19 亿美元,以换取 IBG LLC 的成员权益[15] 交易平台和服务 - 公司提供高速交易执行和低佣金率,得益于其先进的电子经纪平台[18] - 公司拥有大约 260 万机构和个人经纪客户,提供行业内最有效和高效的电子经纪平台[17] - 公司提供多种交易平台,包括 TWS、IBKR Mobile、IBKR Client Portal、IBKR GlobalTrader 和 IBKR APIs,以满足不同客户的需求[19][20][21][22][23] - Investors’ Marketplace是第一个将个人投资者、理财顾问、基金经理、研究分析师、技术提供商、业务开发人员和管理员聚集在一起的电子交易平台[29] - Mutual Fund Marketplace为我们的客户提供全球超过48,000只共同基金的访问权限,其中包括来自550多个基金家族的超过19,000只无交易费基金[30] - Cryptocurrency允许客户交易比特币(BTC)、以太坊(ETH)、莱特币(LTC)和比特币现金(BCH),并由Paxos Trust Company或Zero Hash LLC执行、清算和托管加密货币[32] - Fractional Trading允许客户购买和出售任何符合条件的美国、加拿大或欧洲股票(或ETF,如果可用),使用指定的现金金额或分数股份[33] 产品和服务特点 - IBKR Pro 是为复杂投资者设计的核心服务,提供最低成本的股票、期权、期货、外汇、债券、共同基金、ETF、贵金属和加密货币访问[24] - IBKR Lite 为美国客户提供无限制的免佣金交易,旨在满足寻求简单、免佣金交易方式的投资者的需求[25] - IBKR Universal Account 允许客户在一个统一账户中进行跨 27 种货币的交易,涵盖 34 个国家的 150 多个电子交易所和市场中心的多类可交易产品[26] 技术和风控 - 我们的平台提供低成本交易,包括低执行、佣金和融资成本,以及IBKR Pro客户从我们的高级订单路由中受益[38] - IB SmartRouting持续搜索最佳价格,动态路由客户订单以实现最佳执行和行业内最低的执行和佣金成本[39] - Automated Risk Controls实时计算客户的保证金要求,警示接近保证金违规,并在客户资产不足时尝试自动清算头寸[40] - 我们的平台灵活且可定制,提供高度自动化的账户开立流程、快速交易执行和报告,支持多屏系统,并可通过IBKR移动平台方便地访问账户[41] 公司治理和员工福利 - 公司的董事会和高管团队包括创始人Thomas Peterffy在内,拥有丰富的行业经验和背景[135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146] - 公司截至2023年12月31日在全球27个地点拥有2,932名员工[100] - 我们的员工福利计划包括产假、收养和生育支持、儿童保育支持、心理健康服务和医疗旅行报销[100] - 我们实施了全球性的心理健康计划,包括同行互助、互动小组会议和一对一会议,以促进员工对心理健康主题的认识和教育[102] - 我们支持员工资源群体,促进公司内女性、少数族裔等人员的个人成长和职业发展[107]
3 Investment Banks to Buy on Rebounding Industry Prospects
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-26 22:31
Given the reversal in corporate debt and equity issuances and deal-making activities, the Zacks Investment Bank industry is expected to witness a turnaround in investment banking fees in the quarters ahead. Also, heightened client activity in the trading business is expected to continue as uncertainty-induced volatility is likely to persist in the near term. While costs related to technological upgrades might impede bottom-line growth, these will eventually lead to improved operating efficiency. These facto ...
3 Zero-Debt Stocks to Buy for Stability and Growth
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-21 03:22
I’ve been a fan of zero-debt stocks for a while. Some might argue that companies with zero debt on their balance sheets aren’t optimizing their capital structures for growth. Others might consider these businesses to have fortress-like balance sheets. I would be in the latter group. Fortune recently discussed how the federal government’s debt problem could lead to Americans losing their homes, spending power, and even national security. “The group believes debt could lead to reduced public spending, private ...
Interactive Brokers (IBKR) Reports a Rise in January DARTs
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-06 00:41
IBKR业绩表现 - IBKR发布了2024年1月份电子经纪业务部门的业绩指标[1] - 客户每日平均收入交易(DARTs)在连续和年度基础上均有所增长[1] IBKR客户账户增长 - IBKR的总客户账户从上个月增长了2%,从2023年1月份增长了23%,达到263万[4]
Interactive Brokers Group Reports Brokerage Metrics and Other Financial Information for January 2024, includes Reg.-NMS Execution Statistics
Businesswire· 2024-02-02 01:20
业绩数据 - IBKR在1月份的每日平均营收交易量(DARTs)为220.1万,比去年同期增长11%,比上个月增长12%[2] - 客户权益达到4240亿美元,比去年同期增长26%,与上个月基本持平[2] - 客户保证金贷款余额为443亿美元,比去年同期增长12%,与上个月基本持平[2] - 客户信用余额为1025亿美元,其中包括38亿美元的受保银行存款扫描,比去年同期增长3%,比上个月降低2%[3] - 客户账户数量为263万,比去年同期增长23%,比上个月增长2%[3] - 每个客户账户的年化平均清算DARTs为190[3] 佣金和成本 - 平均每笔可计佣金订单的佣金为3.03美元,包括交易所、结算和监管费用[4] - IBKR PRO客户在1月份执行和结算美国Reg.-NMS股票的总成本约为交易金额的3.4个基点[7] - IBKR PRO客户的美国Reg.-NMS股票交易的全成本为2.6个基点[9] 全球市场 - 全球价值在1月份以美元计价下降了0.46%[5]
The S&P 500 Bull Market Plus High Interest Rates Equals Opportunity for 1 Magnificent Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-25 18:47
股市表现 - 标普500指数创下历史新高,正式进入牛市[1] - 股市繁荣对Interactive Brokers有利,因为交易量增加,客户账户数量创下历史新高[3],[4],[5] Interactive Brokers财务表现 - Interactive Brokers受益于股市看涨和利率上升,利息收入持续增长[2] - Interactive Brokers在2023年实现了财务业绩,股价基于每股收益非常便宜[3] - Interactive Brokers的非利息收入在2023年达到15亿美元,同比增长10.5%[6] - Interactive Brokers的净利息收入在2023年达到28亿美元,同比增长67%[10] - Interactive Brokers的每股收益在2023年达到5.67美元,同比增长51%[12] - Interactive Brokers的股价相对便宜,市盈率约为16,有潜在33%的上涨空间[12] 未来展望 - 预计2024年Interactive Brokers的营收和利润将有所增长,新的牛市将进一步推动客户权益增长[15]
Interactive Brokers (IBKR) Q4 Earnings Miss, Revenues Rise Y/Y
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-18 02:26
Interactive Brokers Group’s (IBKR) fourth-quarter 2023 adjusted earnings per share of $1.52 missed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.54. However, the bottom line reflects a rise of 16.9% from the prior-year quarter. Results were primarily hurt by an increase in expenses. However, higher revenues supported results to an extent. Also, the company recorded an increase in customer accounts during the quarter, which, along with a rise in daily average revenue trades (DARTs), was a tailwind. After considering no ...