3 Reasons to Buy Home Depot Stock Like There's No Tomorrow
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-02 18:05
Home Depot股票分析 - Home Depot股票值得购买,尽管面临一些困难[1] - 专业承包商占据了Home Depot销售的一半,房屋建设的改善将使公司受益[9] - 分析师认为Home Depot将受益于今年开始的广泛复苏[15] - 尽管背景问题重重,Home Depot股票表现仍然出色[17] 经济和房地产市场 - 经济正在可靠的周期性复苏[3] - 房价目前保持稳定[6] - 美国房屋供应不足,房价有望保持稳定[8] - 房屋建筑商信心再次上升[10]
3 Dividend Growth Stocks That Recently Raised Their Payouts
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-29 19:07
Dividend growth stocks can be ideal investments to hold in your portfolio for decades. As long as their fundamentals don't change, these stocks can generate an increasing amount of dividend income for your portfolio over the years. And during that time, their valuations may also rise and boost your overall gains from holding these stocks. Three top dividend growth stocks that recently raised their payouts are Coca-Cola (KO 0.10%), Home Depot (HD 0.55%), and Walmart (WMT 0.05%). Here's how large their recent ...
Home Depot: High Valuation And Weak Remodeling Market
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-28 10:01
公司背景 - 家得宝是一家家居装修零售商,经营仓储式商店,通常每年库存约3万至4万种商品,包括家居装修产品、工具、建筑材料、草坪和花园用品、维修和保养以及家居装饰[2] 财务表现 - 家得宝财季Q4,营收下降3%至347.9亿美元,超过分析师共识1200万美元。同店销售总体下降3.5%,美国下降4.0%。交易量下降2.1%,平均票价下降1.3%[3] - 1月份的销售特别糟糕,同店销售下降8.5%,其中美国下降9.1%。12月份表现良好,同店销售增长1.1%,其中美国增长0.6%。公司表示核心商品通缩,尤其是木材和铜线,对平均票价造成负面影响。毛利率为33.1%,下降30个基点。运营支出占销售额的21.2%,上升120个基点。利润下降近18%,每股收益下降近15%[4] - 家得宝在整个季度和整年的运营利润受到压力,公司提高工资,同时木材价格对销售和毛利率造成影响[6] - 家得宝预计2024财年同店销售下降约1%,总销售增长1.0%,预计运营利润约为14.1%。预计每股收益增长1%,额外一周将为每股收益增加30美分。计划在该年开设12家门店[7] 股票分析 - 家得宝股票目前交易约为FY2024(截至2025年1月)共识EBITDA的16.5倍,FY2025(截至2026年1月)共识EBITDA的16.0倍。前瞻市盈率超过FY24共识的24倍。预计今年营收增长将持平,明年将增长约7%[10] - 家得宝与同行相比处于中间位置,相对于最接近的竞争对手Lowe's(LOW)有适度溢价,这主要是由于其更好的历史表现和更强的专业市场联系[12] - 从滚动EV/EBITDA的角度看,家得宝股票的交易溢价于大萧条前的历史交易水平,当时通常在13-14倍EBITDA之间交易。根据FY25的估计,我认为家得宝的公平价值在292-319美元之间[13] 评级和风险 - 去年3月,分析师对家得宝公司(NYSE:HD)进行了“卖出”评级,认为股票被高估,维修和翻新市场将开始放缓,公司面临工资通胀和木材通缩的压力[1] - 尽管家得宝在2023年表现平平,包括在5月份大幅削减全年指引,但股票仍然违背了“卖出”评级,尽管整体市场表现良好。因此,我将继续保持“卖出”评级,目标价为300美元[15] - 如果翻新市场在利率下降的情况下反弹,导致同店销售大幅增长,那么我“卖出”评级的最大风险之一是公司可能会受到提振。如果木材价格开始强劲反弹,公司也可能受益[16]
The Home Depot, Inc. (HD) Is a Trending Stock: Facts to Know Before Betting on It
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-27 23:06
股价表现 - Home Depot的股价在过去一个月中上涨了4.5%,而Zacks S&P 500综合指数上涨了3.8%。Home Depot所属的Zacks建筑产品-零售行业在此期间上涨了6.1%[2] - Home Depot在过去四个季度中均超过共识盈利预期,其中三次超过共识营收预期[13] 盈利预期 - Home Depot预计本季度每股盈利为3.61美元,同比下降5.5%。过去30天,Zacks共识预期下调了2.2%[5] - 当前财年的共识盈利预期为15.42美元,同比增长2.1%。过去30天,这一预期下调了1.7%[6] - 下一个财年的共识盈利预期为16.49美元,较Home Depot去年报告的数据增长6.9%。过去一个月,这一预期下调了1.2%[7] 销售预期 - Home Depot当前季度的共识销售预期为366.7亿美元,同比下降1.6%。当前和下一个财年的销售预期分别为1544.7亿美元和1585.1亿美元,同比增长1.2%和2.6%[10] 评级和估值 - 由于共识预期的大幅变化以及与盈利预期相关的其他三个因素,Home Depot被评为Zacks Rank 3(持有)[8] - Home Depot的估值被评为C,表明其与同行公司的估值相当[17] 综合展望 - 总体来看,Home Depot可能会在短期内与整体市场表现一致[18]
The Reasons Our View On Home Depot Remains Neutral
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-27 05:09
公司背景 - Home Depot是一家总部位于亚特兰大的家居装修零售商,销售各种建筑材料、家居装修产品、园艺产品和装饰品,以及设施维护、维修和运营产品[1] 股票评级 - 公司在2022年8月进行了初始的中性评级,后来在2022年将其降级为“卖出”,最终在2023年再次回到了中性评级[2][27] 财务表现 - 在2023年第四季度,Home Depot的销售额达到348亿美元,同比下降2.9%[4] - 公司对2024年持谨慎态度,预计大部分特定于家居装修市场的宏观经济阻力将持续存在[11] 市场表现 - CEO Ted Decker承认了销售下降的情况,并表示2023年是一个适度增长的一年[5] - 销售下降的主要原因包括不利的天气影响、核心商品通货紧缩以及大额自由支配性购买的疲软[6] - 尽管宏观经济环境具有挑战性,但客户继续进行较小规模的项目,建材部门和户外花园部门的销售额呈现正增长[7] 股息政策 - Home Depot一直是可靠的股息支付者,并通过股票回购向股东回报价值[17] - 最新的股息增长为7.7%,季度股息达到每股2.25美元,年度股息率为2.4%[18] 估值分析 - 根据传统价格倍数,Home Depot目前的估值相对于行业中位数和自身5年平均水平处于显著溢价状态[19] - Home Depot相对于同行公司Lowe's仍然处于溢价状态,主要是因为盈利能力和增长指标略好于后者[21] - 在当前负增长和宏观经济阻力的情况下,20倍以上的市盈率对于一家公司来说似乎过高,尽管其商业模式质量较高[23] 资本配置 - 公司在2023年的资本配置决策表现出色,通过收购扩大业务,并通过股息和股票回购向股东回报价值[26]
What You Should Know Before Buying Home Depot Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-24 22:45
Home Depot (HD 0.17%) just gave investors a slew of updates about its business momentum heading into 2024. The home improvement retailer's fourth-quarter report contained more than just a look back at the previous three months, too. Management also outlined its official 2024 outlook, including details on its operating results and its capital return plans. The report was mostly positive, although there were some yellow flags for investors to take note of if they're considering buying this stock. Let's take a ...
Here's Why Home Depot Is a Top Retail Stock to Buy Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-23 22:30
Home Depot (HD 1.98%) just reported its fiscal 2023's fourth-quarter results, and they were a mixed bag. For the period ended Jan. 28, revenue totaled $34.8 billion, down 2.9% year over year. This missed analysts' expectations by $150 million. While diluted earnings per share of $2.82 also declined, this figure beat estimates. This top retail stock has soared 18% in the last three months amid a strong market backdrop. But it remains 13% off its peak price. There's an opportunity here for prospective investo ...
Home Depot Is More Important Than Nvidia Stock
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-23 00:56
I like tracking Home Depot (NYSE:HD) stock given just how important housing is to the broader economy (and I like that they sell lumber!). That’s why its fourth-quarter earnings report is particularly interesting. Home Depot reported a decline in same-store sales of 3.5% in the fourth quarter of 2023, with a notable 4% decrease observed within the U.S. market specifically. Yet, housing seems to remain strong. I say “seems” purposely here, because the decline in Home Depot’s sales does seem to suggest there’ ...
Should You Buy the 10 Dow Dividend Stocks That Just Made New All-Time Highs?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-21 21:12
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is underperforming the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite year to date. But there are 10 dividend-paying Dow components that reached new all-time intraday and closing highs within the last month. Of the 10, The Home Depot (HD 0.06%) and Microsoft (MSFT -0.31%) stand out as the best dividend stocks to buy now. Here's why. New heights ...
Range-bound Home Depot stock still is, lower prices ahead
MarketBeat· 2024-02-21 20:51
Home Depot第四季度表现 - Home Depot在第四季度表现疲软,给出了弱指引,可能会面临调整[1][2] - Home Depot的Q4表现不错,但核心业务持续疲弱,指引也不令人振奋[4] 股价走势 - Home Depot的股价可能会跌破关键支撑位,回到两年来主导市场状况的交易区间内[1] - 股价可能会跌破关键支撑位,回到可能主导未来几个季度价格走势的交易区间内[2] 股息和股票回购 - 股息增加,但股票回购可能在2024年放缓[1] 资本回报和分析师预测 - Home Depot的资本回报前景可能对股价走势产生影响[6] - 分析师可能在季度进展中对股价走势产生影响[7] 风险预警 - Home Depot可能面临更深的下跌风险[8]