Lowe's: Laggards Are Affected More (Pre Q2 Earnings View)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-18 12:11
文章核心观点 - 文章讨论了Home Depot和Lowe's两家公司在家庭装修行业的市场表现和财务状况,指出Home Depot作为行业领导者,其市场表现和财务健康状况优于Lowe's。文章认为在当前市场环境下,Lowe's作为行业追随者,面临更大的下行风险,因此提出了通过购买Lowe's的深度虚值看跌期权来对冲投资组合的策略[2][3][6][7][11][12][13][14][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37] 公司概况 - **Home Depot和Lowe's的市场地位**:Home Depot在家庭装修行业占据主导地位,市场份额为62%,而Lowe's的市场份额为35%。Home Depot的盈利增长稳定,而Lowe's在过去15年中增长不如Home Depot稳定[3] - **财务表现**:Home Depot的EPS和EBITDA表现优于Lowe's。Home Depot的EPS为$13.1,EBITDA为$30B,而Lowe's的EPS和EBITDA数据未明确给出,但通过图表可以看出Lowe's的表现不如Home Depot[4][5][9] - **运营策略**:Home Depot的收购和运营策略成功,而Lowe's的扩张策略失败,曾退出墨西哥和加拿大市场。Lowe's在2018年更换管理层,试图改善运营状况[7] - **财务健康**:Lowe's的长期偿债能力指标(如总债务/股权比率)高于Home Depot,显示出较低的财务健康状况[11][12] 行业和市场环境 - **市场反应**:市场对Home Depot和Lowe's的财报反应积极,但文章认为市场可能忽视了Lowe's在弱势市场中的风险[2] - **行业挑战**:Home Depot预警家庭装修行业将面临困难时期,预示着行业整体可能面临挑战[13] - **经济信号**:尽管有警告信号如劳动力市场疲软和信贷违约率上升,但也有零售销售增长的积极信号,显示经济状况复杂[25][26] 投资策略 - **对冲策略**:文章建议通过购买Lowe's的深度虚值看跌期权来对冲投资组合,利用期权的高杠杆特性,以小额投资获取大额回报,同时限制损失[35][36] - **期权策略**:选择至少3个月到期的深度虚值看跌期权,以利用高波动性或股价大幅下跌带来的潜在收益[36] - **风险管理**:强调在选择期权时需确保足够的流动性和合理的买卖价差,以及考虑期权到期时间和执行价格[36]
When Will Home Depot Start to Rebound? Persistent Decline in Same-Store Sales Raises Questions
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-18 06:10
公司业绩 - 公司过去两年面临挑战,尽管同店销售额持续下滑,但股价在此期间仍实现了19%的总回报[2] - 公司连续七个季度报告同店销售额下降,具体数据如下:Q3 '22为4.3%,Q4 '22为-0.3%,Q1 '23为-4.5%,Q2 '23为-2.0%,Q3 '23为-3.1%,Q4 '23为-3.5%,Q1 '24为-2.8%,Q2 '24为-3.3%[5] - 2024财年第二季度,交易量下降2.2%,客单价下降1.3%,显示不仅访客减少,且消费金额也在减少[6] - 大额商品(定义为1000美元以上)销售额下降5.8%,公司指出大型项目需求减少,仅管道部门实现正增长[7] - 公司总销售额微增0.6%至432亿美元,调整后每股收益(EPS)下降0.01美元至4.67美元[8] 市场预测与展望 - 公司下调全年同店销售额预期,预计将下降3%至4%,此前预测为下降1%[9] - 公司预计全年销售额将增长2.5%至3.5%,包括额外一周的收益和最近收购SRS Distribution的影响[10] - 同店销售额的下滑源于疫情时期大型项目需求的提前释放、利率上升导致项目融资成本增加、房地产市场放缓以及房屋买卖活动减少[11] - 预计装修活动将在2025年第二季度有所改善,同店销售额可能在中期2025年或之后转正[12][13] 投资建议 - 尽管公司股价在过去两年表现不佳,但市盈率(P/E)仍接近历史水平,约为23[14][15] - 建议持有公司股票,预计随着利率下降,公司明年可能反弹,但不建议在当前水平买入,因为市场已部分反映好转预期,且存在行业条件恶化的风险[16]
Is Home Depot an Excellent Dividend Stock to Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-17 21:00
Parkev Tatevosian, CFA has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Home Depot. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Parkev Tatevosian is an affiliate of The Motley Fool and may be compensated for promoting its services. If you choose to subscribe through his link, he will earn some extra money that supports his channel. His opinions remain his own and are unaffected by The Motley Fool. ...
Home Depot (HD) Is Considered a Good Investment by Brokers: Is That True?
ZACKS· 2024-08-16 22:30
文章核心观点 - 分析师推荐对股票价格有影响,但并不可靠 [1][6] - 分析师倾向于给予积极偏好的评级,与普通投资者利益不一致 [7][8][12] - 使用Zacks Rank评级可能是更有效的投资决策指标 [9][13][14] 公司概况 - Home Depot目前的平均券商评级(ABR)为1.55,介于强烈买入和买入之间 [3] - 32家券商中,23家给予强烈买入评级,占71.9% [4] 行业分析 - 分析师的评级往往存在积极偏差,不能完全反映股票未来走势 [6][7][8][12] - Zacks Rank评级与分析师评级有本质区别,更能预测股价走势 [11][13][14][15] - 根据Home Depot最近的盈利预测修正情况,Zacks Rank评级为4级(卖出) [16][17][18]
Home Depot Earnings: Good or Bad?
ZACKS· 2024-08-16 08:46
Earnings season continues to wind down, with the bulk of S&P 500 companies already revealing quarterly results. And recently, we heard from home improvement retailer Home Depot (HD) , posted results that caused bullish activity.With peer Lowe’s (LOW) on deck to reveal its quarterly results on August 20th, let’s take a closer look at what investors can expect. Home Depot Maintains Bright OutlookHD posted a 2.9% beat relative to the Zacks Consensus EPS estimate and reported sales 1.4% ahead of the consensus. ...
The Home Depot Declares Second Quarter Dividend of $2.25
Prnewswire· 2024-08-16 04:15
ATLANTA, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Home Depot®, the world's largest home improvement retailer, today announced that its board of directors declared a second quarter cash dividend of $2.25 per share. The dividend is payable on September 12, 2024, to shareholders of record on the close of business on August 29, 2024. This is the 150th consecutive quarter the company has paid a cash dividend.The Home Depot is the world's largest home improvement specialty retailer. At the end of the second quarter, the ...
Should Investors Buy Home Depot's Stock After Exceeding Q2 Expectations?
ZACKS· 2024-08-15 05:45
文章核心观点 - 尽管面临宏观经济不确定性和利率上升的压力,但Home Depot在第二季度仍然实现了营收和利润的超预期增长 [1][2][3] - Home Depot连续17个季度超预期,最近4个季度的平均利润超预期率为1.64% [4][5] - Home Depot预计2025财年的总销售增长将在2.5%-3.5%之间,符合分析师预期 [6][7][8] - Home Depot 2026财年的收入预计将增长1%,达到1591.6亿美元 [7][8] - Home Depot 2026财年的每股收益预计将增长5%,达到15.96美元 [9][10][11] 公司表现 - 第二季度销售额为431.7亿美元,同比增长0.6%,超出市场预期 [3] - 第二季度每股收益为4.67美元,同比增长0.5%,超出市场预期 [3] 行业前景 - Home Depot预计未来一年内销售增长将放缓,但仍保持较好的增长态势 [6][7][8] - Home Depot的每股收益预计未来一年内将保持平稳,但2026财年将增长5% [9][10][11]
Home Depot's Price Forecasts For 2024 Lowered By Analysts Amid Modest Sales Growth, Cite Weaker Consumer Outlook
Benzinga· 2024-08-15 01:48
Home Depot, Inc. HD shares are trading higher today. Several analysts cut the price target and lowered the estimates after second quarter FY24 earnings results reported yesterday.Yesterday, Home Depot reported second-quarter sales growth of 0.6% year-over-year to $43.175 billion, marginally missing the consensus estimate of $43.376 billion and adjusted EPS of $4.67 (-0.2% Y/Y), beating the consensus of $4.50.For FY24, Home Depot raised its sales guidance from $154.20 billion to $156.49 billion – $158.01 bil ...
Home Depot Analysts Cut Their Forecasts Following Q2 Results
Benzinga· 2024-08-14 20:34
The Home Depot, Inc. HD reported mixed results for its second quarter on Tuesday.HD reported second-quarter 2024 sales growth of 0.6% year-over-year to $43.175 billion, marginally missing the consensus estimate of $43.376 billion. Adjusted EPS was $4.67 (-0.2% year over year), beating the consensus of $4.50."The underlying long-term fundamentals supporting home improvement demand are strong. During the quarter, higher interest rates and greater macro-economic uncertainty pressured consumer demand more broad ...
3 Dividend Stocks to Buy BEFORE They Announce Earnings Results
Investor Place· 2024-08-14 18:15
As passive income investors, we are always searching for stocks that can generate steady quarterly income for us. The earnings season is an excellent time to rebalance your portfolio and load up on the stocks that can generate promising returns in terms of steady dividends and capital growth. With the ongoing earnings season, investors are eagerly waiting for dividend announcements and I’ve identified three dividend stocks to buy before earnings.These companies have been rewarding shareholders for several y ...