Valuing Hawaiian Electric Industries
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-21 16:12
Peter Blottman Photography/iStock via Getty Images Maui’s tragic wildfires were over a year ago. The state, Governor Josh Green, and all of the parties involved in the event have been working tirelessly, so everyone can heal and get on with their lives. A big step forward took place this month with a settlement between the various parties that contributed and suffered from the event. (You can read more about the settlement here.) Hawaiian Electric Industries (NYSE:HE) has received a substantial amount o ...
Alaska Air Group's Acquisition of Hawaiian Airlines Clears DOJ: What to Know
Kiplinger.com· 2024-08-21 00:32
Alaska Air Group's (ALK) proposed acquisition of Hawaiian Airlines parent Hawaiian Holdings (HA) has cleared the U.S. Department of Justice after the period for its regulatory investigation expired yesterday. Hawaiian Holdings' stock has responded to the news by jumping more than 11% in Tuesday's session, while ALK shares are down slightly at last check."This is a significant milestone in the process to join our airlines," Alaska Air Group said in a statement. The air carrier added that during the Departmen ...
Alaska Air Merger With Hawaiian Clears DOJ Hurdle
Investopedia· 2024-08-20 23:01
文章核心观点 - 阿拉斯加航空集团(Alaska Air Group)宣布,美国司法部(DOJ)审查其以19亿美元收购夏威夷控股公司(Hawaiian Holdings)的期限已经到期,交易进一步推进[1] - 此次合并此前一直被推迟,因为DOJ正在调查是否存在反垄断问题[2] - 该航空公司表示,现在只需要获得交通部(DOT)的批准即可完成收购[1] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 交易进展 - 阿拉斯加航空集团表示,DOJ审查该交易的期限已经到期,这是该交易完成的一个重要里程碑[1] - 该交易仍需获得交通部的批准,一旦获得批准并满足惯例收购条件,双方将完成交易并开始整合[1] 监管审查 - 此次合并此前一直被推迟,因为DOJ正在调查是否存在反垄断问题[2] - DOJ的审查期限曾被推迟三次,双方一直在就获得监管批准的条件进行谈判[2] 股价表现 - 由于担心DOJ会阻止此次合并,夏威夷控股公司的股价昨日下跌[2] - 在DOJ决定不阻止此次交易后,夏威夷控股公司的股价周二上涨11%,今年涨幅已达25%[2] - 阿拉斯加航空集团的股价变化不大[2]
Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines merger clears regulatory hurdle, will now be reviewed by DOT
Fox Business· 2024-08-20 22:55
文章核心观点 - 阿拉斯加航空公司和夏威夷航空公司宣布合并交易已经通过了美国司法部的反垄断调查[1][2][3] - 此次合并交易总额为19亿美元[3] - 夏威夷州州长表示已与阿拉斯加航空公司合作,确保此次合并不会影响夏威夷居民的出行选择和工会就业[4][10] - 此次合并交易还需要获得美国运输部的批准[7][8] 公司相关 - 阿拉斯加航空公司计划保留夏威夷航空公司的品牌,并承诺将在夏威夷州保留和增加工会就业岗位[10] - 此次合并有望为夏威夷居民带来更多直飞或中转北美的航线选择[10] 行业相关 - 航空业并购交易一直受到监管部门的严格审查,今年早些时候联邦法官曾阻止捷蓝航空收购精神航空[11] - 此次阿拉斯加航空和夏威夷航空的合并交易也需要获得美国运输部的批准[7][8]
Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines merger clears Justice Deparment hurdle, now faces DOT
CNBC· 2024-08-20 13:10
文章核心观点 - 阿拉斯加航空公司收购夏威夷航空公司的交易已经通过美国司法部的反垄断审查,双方还需要获得美国运输部的批准才能完成交易 [2][3][5] - 这次交易将成为美国航空业近8年来最大的合并案,合并后的航空公司将拥有超过360架飞机,覆盖超过130个目的地 [4][9] - 夏威夷航空公司在疫情期间一直亏损,但最近预订趋势有所好转,股价也有所上涨 [7][8] 行业概况 - 美国航空业近年来出现多起并购案,如美国东北地区的捷蓝航空与美国航空的合作被司法部否决 [6] - 夏威夷航空公司在疫情期间面临多重挑战,包括毛伊岛山火、来自西南航空的竞争加剧,以及来自亚洲的旅行需求恢复缓慢 [7] 公司概况 - 阿拉斯加航空公司计划以19亿美元收购夏威夷航空公司,双方将保留各自品牌但整合运营平台 [9] - 夏威夷航空公司自2020年初以来除一个季度外一直亏损,但最近预订趋势有所好转,股价也有所上涨 [8]
Hawaiian Holdings Stock Falls as DOJ Set To Rule on Alaska Air Deal
Investopedia· 2024-08-20 02:45
文章核心观点 - 夏威夷航空公司母公司夏威夷控股公司的股价在周一盘中交易时下跌,原因是担心美国监管机构将阻止阿拉斯加航空公司以19亿美元收购该公司[1][2] - 原定于8月5日完成的审查期限已经延长了三次,因为监管机构和航空公司一直在就获得政府批准所需的让步进行谈判[3] 交易背景 - 该并购交易于去年12月宣布,当时夏威夷控股公司的股价大涨[4] - 2月,司法部要求提供更多信息以评估可能的反垄断影响,5月双方表示已"实质性遵守"要求,启动了审查期[4] - 在7月底的二季度财报电话会议上,夏威夷控股公司CEO表示对该并购交易获得监管批准持乐观态度,双方将继续与司法部合作[5] 股价表现 - 自交易宣布以来,夏威夷控股公司的股价已经翻了三倍多,周一下跌约4.5%至15.86美元[6] - 阿拉斯加航空公司股价周一小涨,但今年迄今已下跌约11%[6]
First Hawaiian: Few Surprises In Recent Results
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-17 22:18
JHVEPhoto/iStock Editorial via Getty Images I wasn't thrilled with First Hawaiian's (NASDAQ:FHB) immediate prospects when I last covered this bank back in March. The worst of its top line pressure was definitely behind it, but the outlook for revenue was still pretty flat, with management guidance of mid-single-digit growth in core operating expenses ultimately implying fairly weak earnings. The stock has actually done okay since then. Regional banks have pulled back a bit in recent weeks, but a roughl ...
Hawaiian Holdings Stock Surges on Extended Review of Alaska Airlines Takeover
Investopedia· 2024-08-14 23:38
Key TakeawaysShares of Hawaiian Holdings rose Wednesday after the Hawaiian Airlines parent agreed to extend the U.S. Department of Justice's review period of its proposed acquisition by Alaska Air Group.The review period for the $1.9 billion deal was originally set to expire earlier this month, and has so far received two extensions, with the new deadline set for 12:01 a.m. ET Friday.Regulators have ramped up antitrust investigations into the airline industry recently, with DOJ lawsuits leading JetBlue and ...
First Hawaiian: Dividend Has Been The Same For 5 Years
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-13 12:15
Matteo Colombo First Hawaiian (NASDAQ:FHB) was founded back in 1858 and is headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii. It is among the best-known banks in the country, and although it has a significant deposit cost advantage, recent years have not been easy. Seeking Alpha As you can see, since the IPO the price return has been -6.08%, a poor result considering that the S&P500 has experienced one of its most bullish phases ever. In particular, since the Fed has gradually raised rates, it seems to have gotten worse. I ...
Hawaiian Electric Warns About Future Viability Because of Maui Fire Costs
Investopedia· 2024-08-12 22:32
Key TakeawaysHawaiian Electric Industries said it might not be able to continue as a going concern because of payments needed to cover a legal settlement from the 2023 Maui wildfires.The company and its Hawaiian Electric unit don't have a plan in place to cover the $1.71 billion litigation costs.The company reported a second-quarter loss of $1.3 billion, mostly related to expenses from the fires. Shares of Hawaiian Electric Industries (HE), or HEI, sank Monday after the utility operator warned it may not be ...