安信国际证券· 2024-05-08 11:32
业绩总结 - 2024年第一季度,谷歌总收入为805.39亿美元,同比增长15.4%,超出市场预期[1] - GoogleService业务同比增长13%至704亿美元,GoogleCloud业务同比增长28%至96亿美元[1] - 谷歌2024Q1财报业绩普遍超预期,广告业务保持稳定增长,云业务增长对公司业绩和估值重要[4] - 谷歌2024Q1营业利润从174亿美元增长至255亿美元,营业利润率提升至32%,表明公司在提高效率和控制成本方面取得成效[5] - 谷歌2024Q1公司净利润大涨57.2%至236亿美元,超出市场预期[5] 公司运营 - 公司营业利润率从25%提升至32%,营销、研发和管理费用率同比均有超过1个百分点的下降[5] - 谷歌员工人数从去年同期的190,711人降至180,895人,2024Q1公司净利润大涨57.2%至236亿美元[5] 资本开支和股东回报 - 谷歌2024Q1公司资本开支12亿美元,同比去年几乎翻倍,主要由AI投入的需求推动[2] - 谷歌宣布将在今年6月17日进行公司史上首次发放股息红利,每股派发0.20美元现金,并授权额外回购不超过700亿美元的A类和C类股票[3] 其他信息 - 安信国际拥有此报告提到的上市公司的财务权益少于1%或完全不拥有该上市公司的财务权益[17] - 公司评级体系中,买入对应预期未来6个月的投资收益率为15%以上[18] - 安信国际证券(香港)有限公司的联系方式为电话:+852-22131000 传真:+852-22131010[19]
The 3 Best Social Media Stocks to Buy in May 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-05-08 08:36
社交媒体用户规模 - 社交媒体用户数量庞大,占据全球互联网用户的大部分,超过全球人口的一半,因此最佳社交媒体股票值得关注[1] 社交媒体广告市场 - 社交媒体对广告业是一大利好,全球广告市场预计在2024年价值约1万亿美元,Instagram和TikTok等平台正在改进功能,让用户可以在应用内购物,约三分之一的购物者在社交媒体上发现新商品[2] 生成式人工智能应用 - 生成式人工智能在社交媒体上的应用越来越多,例如TikTok提供Creative Assistant等工具帮助用户制作有趣的视频[3]
Why Alphabet (Google) Is Still A Great AI Stock For 2024 and Beyond
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-07 06:30
财务表现 - Alphabet在2024年第一季度报告中显示出强劲的财务表现,营收和利润均有显著增长[3] - 公司通过股票回购和首次宣布的季度股息等方式回报股东,展示了财务稳健和持续盈利能力[4] 人工智能领域 - Alphabet在AI领域拥有巨大优势,通过大规模数据中心升级和AI系统采购,持续投资以保持行业领先地位[5][6] - 在人工智能竞争加剧的市场环境下,Alphabet具有明显的优势,投资者对其未来发展前景持乐观态度[8] 资金支持 - 公司拥有庞大的现金储备和短期长期投资,以及持续增长的自由现金流,为未来投资提供了充足的资金支持[6][7] 投资前景 - 尽管Alphabet的股价不便宜,但考虑到其在数据中心计算方面的投资和盈利能力,仍然被认为是长期投资组合的不错选择[9]
Is Alphabet (GOOGL) a Solid Growth Stock? 3 Reasons to Think "Yes"
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-07 01:51
投资增长股 - 投资者寻找增长股,以利用金融领域的高于平均增长,这有助于吸引市场关注并产生异常回报[1] - 通过Zacks Growth Style Score(Zacks Style Scores系统的一部分)的帮助,可以更轻松地找到前沿的增长股[3] Alphabet股票推荐 - Alphabet(GOOGL)是我们专有系统目前推荐的股票之一,除了有利的增长评分外,还具有顶级的Zacks Rank[4]
2 Top Stocks That Could Make You Richer in 2024
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-06 16:10
Alphabet数字广告业务 - Alphabet在数字广告市场占据主导地位,有望从数字广告增长中获利[2] - YouTube作为Alphabet的子公司,拥有庞大的用户群体和广告销售额,为数字营销人员提供重要平台[3] Alphabet云计算业务 - Alphabet的云计算业务Google Cloud的收入和利润均呈现增长趋势,未来有巨大的增长空间[4]
Are Computer and Technology Stocks Lagging Alphabet (GOOGL) This Year?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-02 22:46
Alphabet(GOOGL)公司 - Alphabet是计算机和技术组中的一家公司[1] - Alphabet目前在Zacks Sector Rank中排名第6[2] - Alphabet目前的Zacks Rank为1(强烈买入)[3] - Alphabet今年迄今为止的股价上涨了17.3%[4] - Alphabet所属的互联网服务行业今年迄今平均上涨了15%[7] Bruker(BRKR)公司 - Bruker今年迄今为止的回报率为7.6%[5] - Bruker当前的Zacks Rank为2(买入)[6] - Bruker所属的科学仪器行业今年迄今上涨了3.7%[8] 投资建议 - Alphabet和Bruker可能会继续表现良好,投资者应继续关注这些股票[9]
2 No-Brainer Stocks to Buy Right Now for Less than $500
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-02 18:40
These top tech stocks could double your money in five years. There are no guarantees in the stock market, but investing in industry leaders with a track record of above- average growth is a relatively safe way to grow your savings over time. Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL 0.66%) (GOOG 0.56%) and Microsoft (MSFT 1.44%) are solid companies that generate billions in profits every year. An investor can buy one share of either stock for less than $500. Here's why these two stocks are compelling buys right now. 1. ...
Prediction: 2 Magnificent Stocks That Can Crush Nvidia in the Return Column Over the Next 3 Years
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-02 17:06
Nvidia has gained $1.9 trillion in market cap since the start of 2023 -- but the sledding is about to get tougher. Over the last three decades, Wall Street has entertained no shortage of next-big-thing investment trends. Since the advent of the internet changed the long-term growth trajectory for corporate America, investors have been waiting for the next innovation that would alter the business landscape. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) might just be the unicorn the investment world has been waiti ...
Here's My Favorite Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock, and It's Not Nvidia
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-01 18:45
This company's stock is trending up after beating earnings forecasts in Q1 2024. Interest in artificial intelligence (AI) has skyrocketed over the last year, attracting businesses and consumers from dozens of industries. The launch of OpenAI's ChatGPT reinvigorated the AI market and forced the public to rethink what was currently possible with the generative technology. In the last 12 months, the Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Index has risen 55%, with much of that growth owed to Nvidia. The chipmaker's busin ...
5 Most-Loved ETFs of the Best Week of 2024
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-01 00:16
Overall, ETFs pulled in $7.2 million in capital last week. U.S. fixed-income ETFs led the way higher with $3.1 million in inflows, followed by inflows of $1.9 million in U.S. equity ETFs and $1.3 million in leveraged ETFs. iShares MBS ETF (MBB) , Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO) , SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) , Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) and SPDR Bloomberg Barclays High Yield Bond ETF (JNK) dominated the top creation list last week. Wall Street wrapped up the best week of 2024 with the S&P 500 and the ...