Canoo (GOEV)
Wall Street Analysts See Canoo (GOEV) as a Buy: Should You Invest?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-09 22:31
投资建议 - 投资者通常依赖华尔街分析师的推荐来决定是否买入、卖出或持有股票[1] - Canoo目前的平均经纪推荐(ABR)为1.33,介于1到5之间(强烈买入到强烈卖出),根据六家经纪公司实际推荐(买入、持有、卖出等)计算得出[2] - 六家推荐中有五家是强烈买入,占所有推荐的83.3%[3] - 经纪推荐建议购买Canoo,但仅凭此信息做出投资决策可能不是一个好主意[4]
Best Momentum Stocks to Buy for April 8th
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-08 23:01
Here are three stocks with buy rank and strong momentum characteristics for investors to consider today, April 8: SM Energy Company (SM) : This energy company has a Zacks Rank #1 and witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 10.1% over the last 60 days. SM Energy Company's shares gained 38.6% over the last three months compared with the S&P 500’s advance of 9.5%. The company possesses a Momentum Score of A. Canoo Inc. (GOEV) : This mobility technology company has a Zack ...
New Strong Buy Stocks for April 8th
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-08 19:51
Here are five stocks added to the Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) List today: SM Energy Company (SM) : This energy company has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 10.1% over the last 60 days. Uber Technologies, Inc. (UBER) : This technology solutions provider has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 15.4% over the last 60 days. Canoo Inc. (GOEV) : This mobility technology company has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current yea ...
Canoo Further Expands its International Market Presence through the Red Sea Global Partnership in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Newsfilter· 2024-04-08 18:00
文章核心观点 - 公司Canoo与沙特阿拉伯的Red Sea Global公司达成合作,将在Red Sea Global的旅游目的地试点使用Canoo的电动车型,包括Lifestyle Vehicle、Lifestyle Delivery Vehicle 190和Bulldog皮卡车型 [1][2][3] - 这次试点将有助于Canoo根据Red Sea Global的使用场景和出行需求,优化其零排放车型 [4][5] - Canoo认为Red Sea Global是一个很有启发性的发展项目,体现了沙特阿拉伯王储2030愿景中以环保方式多元化经济的目标 [4] - Red Sea Global表示,他们在实现可再生旅游愿景的过程中,需要与像Canoo这样的前沿技术公司合作,共同应对气候变化挑战 [5] 公司相关 - Canoo是一家专注于电动汽车的高科技出行公司,致力于为大众带来电动车 [6] - 公司开发了模块化电动车平台,可根据不同应用场景进行定制 [6] - 公司在加州、德克萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州和密歇根州都有团队 [6] 行业相关 - Red Sea Global是沙特阿拉伯公共投资基金全资拥有的垂直整合房地产开发商 [7][8] - 公司正在开发多个旅游、住宅、体验、基础设施、交通、医疗和服务等领域的项目,包括The Red Sea和AMAALA [8][9] - 这些项目是沙特阿拉伯多元化经济发展的重要组成部分,体现了可持续发展的理念 [10]
Canoo to Present at LD Micro Conference April 8-9
Newsfilter· 2024-04-06 01:33
公司介绍 - Canoo Inc.(NASDAQ: GOEV)是一家领先的高科技先进移动公司,将在纽约市举办LD Micro Invitational XIV活动[1] - Canoo Inc.的使命是为每个人带来电动汽车,公司开发了颠覆性的电动汽车,重新定义了汽车行业,拥有独特设计和商业模式[2] - Canoo Inc.在新闻稿中提到了未来业务计划、预期和目标,以及风险因素和管理层对未来业务的看法[3]
Canoo to Present at LD Micro Conference April 8-9
GlobeNewsWire· 2024-04-06 01:33
公司活动 - Canoo Inc.宣布将在纽约举行LD Micro Invitational XIV活动,并将进行投资者会议[1] 公司使命 - Canoo Inc.的使命是为每个人带来电动汽车,公司开发了颠覆性的电动汽车,设计独特,模块化的电动平台[2] 公司展望 - Canoo Inc.提供了前瞻性的声明,包括公司的计划、预期和目标,以及未来事件和趋势的预测[3]
GOEV Stock Alert: Canoo Needs to Raise Money ASAP in 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-03 01:15
Canoo公司财务状况 - Canoo公司2023年全年营收仅为$886,000,较2022年的$0有所增长,但仍然亏损严重[1] - Canoo公司仍然亏损严重,2023年净亏损为$302.62百万,但较2022年有所改善[3] - Canoo公司现金流紧张,可能需要很快筹集资金,截至2023年底,现金及现金等价物仅为$6.39百万[6] Canoo公司业务方向 - Canoo公司在私人飞机使用方面支出巨大,远超过其去年的营收[2] Canoo公司未来展望 - Canoo公司在其10-K报告中警告存在重大疑虑,公司未来持续经营能力存疑[4] - Canoo公司预计2024年营收在$50百万至$100百万之间,但由于2023年营收不足$1百万,公司仍然面临巨大风险[7]
GOEV Stock Alert: Canoo Announces Expansion Into Saudi Arabia
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-02 21:44
Canoo (NASDAQ:GOEV) stock is on the move Tuesday after the electric vehicle (EV) company announced its expansion into Saudi Arabia with commercial vehicle sales. According to a press release from Canoo, this expansion is due to a deal with paint manufacturer Jazeera Paints. The company is purchasing 20 of Canoo’s EVs to add to its fleet. The deal also allows it to purchase another 180 units. Canoo notes that this agreement will see Jazeera Paints acquire LDV 130 and LDV 190 delivery vehicles for its fleet. ...
Canoo, Inc. Bites the Dust: Mullen Automotive Is a Better Bet
MarketBeat· 2024-04-02 21:15
Canoo公司财务困境 - Canoo发布了财务困境通知,股价下跌超过25%[1],[2] - Canoo公司需要迅速筹集资金,但可能无法通过现有协议获得资本市场的支持[1],[2] - Canoo公司在2023年第四季度表现不佳,亏损幅度虽有所缩小,但仍持续亏损[4] - Canoo公司面临的成本包括研发、第三方供应商、生产规模扩大、库存扩大以支持生产、销售支持等,现金流问题严重[5] - Canoo公司一直依赖债务和稀释措施来维持运营,股票数量同比增长超过110%,面临着股价下跌风险[6] - Canoo股票价格急速下跌,已确认处于下行趋势,关键支撑位在2.75美元附近,若跌破1.40美元将进一步下行[10],[11] Mullen Automotive业务发展 - Mullen Automotive虽然仍面临困境,但业务正处于高速增长阶段,势头良好[1] - Mullen Automotive已恢复符合纳斯达克上市要求,业务正常运转,首年生产收入超过36.5万美元[8] - Mullen Automotive在2024年第一季度交付量同比增长660%,预计全年增长将持续,商用汽车业务表现良好[9]
Canoo Enters a $30 Billion Market with Multiple Commercial Vehicle Sales in Saudi Arabia
Newsfilter· 2024-04-02 18:00
Canoo与Jazeera Paints合作 - Canoo Inc.与Jazeera Paints签署了一项车辆销售协议,Jazeera Paints将购买20辆Canoo的电动车辆,并有扩展至额外180辆的选项[1] - Jazeera Paints将在其现有车队中部署Canoo的LDV 130和LDV 190交付车辆,以支持沙特绿色倡议,该倡议要求到2030年沙特新车销售的30%为电动车辆[3] Canoo的国际销售产品 - Canoo的电动商用交付车辆将成为首批出口到沙特阿拉伯的国际销售产品,利用了Canoo最近获得批准的外贸区(FTZ),降低了单位成本并提高了利润率[2]