First Solar: Take Advantage Of The Market's Post-Election Overreaction (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-24 09:49
In my October 7 article , I explained why First Solar (NASDAQ: FSLR ) was well positioned to thrive and to reward investors regardless of the 2024 US Election results . I took the perspective ofI look for wonderful businesses at fair prices that pay quality dividends. A quality dividend is one that is safe, expected to grow meaningfully, and part of an attractive total return. My research focuses on SWOT analysis, forward-looking information, and DCF and/or DDM valuation models. I have an MBA in Finance and ...
First Solar Could Be Well Poised As A Future Leader In Renewable Energy
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-21 04:25
The renewable energy wave is in full swing, and despite an incoming Trump Presidency potentially pushing back to some degree on some elements of climate change policy, the sector looks to be one to watch for the coming decades. One ofGordon is a freelance investment writer from Glasgow, Scotland. With a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering, he also works in Asset Management, and runs a financial education company called Oak Investing with a wide following across 40 countries. With a passion for empowering in ...
Is It Time to Sell First Solar Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-11 19:00
First Solar stock is expensive and the future doesn't look as bright as it might seem.First Solar (FSLR 1.46%) is one of the best companies in the solar industry. But after a strong run the last few years, the company is reporting less backlog and profits may come under fire due to subsidy reductions. In this video, Travis Hoium looks at the company's trends and why now may be a great time to sell the stock.*Stock prices used were end-of-day prices of Dec. 7, 2024. The video was published on Dec. 9, 2024. ...
兴业证券· 2024-12-04 14:39
报告公司投资评级 - 增持(维持)[1] 报告的核心观点 - 美国对东南亚组件双反初裁结果公布,本土龙头First Solar受益于美国贸易保护政策[1] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 市场数据 - 收盘价:199.27美元[1] - 总股本:1.07亿股[1] - 总市值:213.3亿美元[1] - 净资产:75.9亿美元[1] - 总资产:114.4亿美元[1] - 每股净资产:70.9美元[1] 投资要点 - First Solar是全球碲化镉(CadTel)薄膜电池组件龙头,聚焦美国市场,并扩充美国产能,受益于IRA补贴[1] - 截至2024Q3末,公司在手订单72.8GW[1] - 预计2024-2026年净利润分别为14.06、23.77、30.64亿美元,分别同比+69.3%、+69.0%、+28.9%[1] - 预计剔除IRA补贴后的净利润分别为3.92、8.58、13.54亿美元[1] - 截至2024年11月29日收盘,公司股价对应PE(考虑补贴)分别为15.2x、9.0x、7.0x,对应PE(剔除补贴)分别为54.4x、24.9x、20.2x[1] 相关报告 - 2023年末名义产能16.6GW,其中美国6GW、印度3.2GW、东南亚7.4GW;指引2026年总产能25.2GW,其中美国3.5GW新产能将在俄亥俄州工厂碲化镉产线启用[1] - 2024Q2业绩点评:利润释放,尽享政策红利[1] - 跟踪报告:Q1业绩符合预期,公司维持全年利润指引[1] - 跟踪报告:IRA补贴逐步到账,业绩强劲增长[1] - 首次评级覆盖报告:美国产能逐步释放,利润增长确定性强[1] - 2023Q2业绩点评:持续受益于IRA,组件订单火爆[1] - 2023Q1业绩点评:受益于IRA补贴,并购增强研发实力[1] - 2022Q4业绩点评:美国产能扩充超预期,年度业绩指引[1] - 2022Q3业绩点评:碲化镉薄膜电池组件龙头,产能扩充[1] 主要财务指标 - 营业收入:2023A 3,319百万美元,2024E 4,233百万美元,2025E 5,707百万美元,2026E 6,717百万美元[1] - 同比增长:2024E 27.6%,2025E 34.8%,2026E 17.7%[1] - 净利润:2023A 831百万美元,2024E 1,406百万美元,2025E 2,377百万美元,2026E 3,064百万美元[1] - 同比增长:2024E 69.3%,2025E 69.0%,2026E 28.9%[1] - 毛利率:2023A 39.2%,2024E 46.8%,2025E 56.8%,2026E 60.1%[1] - 净利润率:2023A 25.0%,2024E 33.2%,2025E 41.6%,2026E 45.6%[1] - ROE:2023A 13.3%,2024E 19.1%,2025E 25.7%,2026E 25.7%[1] - 每股收益-摊薄:2023A 7.74美元,2024E 13.08美元,2025E 22.11美元,2026E 28.49美元[1] 资产负债表 - 非流动资产:2023A 5,730百万美元,2024E 7,152百万美元,2025E 8,027百万美元,2026E 8,755百万美元[3] - 物业、厂房和设备净额:2023A 4,397百万美元,2024E 5,577百万美元,2025E 6,361百万美元,2026E 7,001百万美元[3] - 递延所得税资产净额:2023A 143百万美元,2024E 186百万美元,2025E 195百万美元,2026E 205百万美元[3] - 受限制的有价证券:2023A 198百万美元,2024E 238百万美元,2025E 250百万美元,2026E 262百万美元[3] - 应收政府补助:2023A 152百万美元,2024E 52百万美元,2025E 80百万美元,2026E 106百万美元[3] - 商誉:2023A 30百万美元,2024E 30百万美元,2025E 30百万美元,2026E 30百万美元[3] - 无形资产净值:2023A 65百万美元,2024E 68百万美元,2025E 71百万美元,2026E 71百万美元[3] - 库存其他资产:2023A 267百万美元,2024E 426百万美元,2025E 436百万美元,2026E 447百万美元[3] - 流动资产:2023A 4,635百万美元,2024E 5,139百万美元,2025E 7,072百万美元,2026E 9,809百万美元[3] - 现金及现金等价物:2023A 1,947百万美元,2024E 1,239百万美元,2025E 2,430百万美元,2026E 4,479百万美元[3] - 有价证券:2023A 155百万美元,2024E 291百万美元,2025E 306百万美元,2026E 321百万美元[3] - 应收贸易款净额:2023A 661百万美元,2024E 736百万美元,2025E 901百万美元,2026E 1,025百万美元[3] - 未开票账户和保留金账户:2023A 0百万美元,2024E 0百万美元,2025E 0百万美元,2026E 0百万美元[3] - 库存:2023A 820百万美元,2024E 1,310百万美元,2025E 1,341百万美元,2026E 1,372百万美元[3] - 其他流动资产:2023A 392百万美元,2024E 549百万美元,2025E 576百万美元,2026E 605百万美元[3] - 总资产:2023A 10,365百万美元,2024E 12,290百万美元,2025E 15,098百万美元,2026E 18,564百万美元[3] - 流动负债:2023A 1,306百万美元,2024E 1,617百万美元,2025E 1,820百万美元,2026E 1,971百万美元[3] - 应付账款:2023A 207百万美元,2024E 243百万美元,2025E 337百万美元,2026E 378百万美元[3] - 应缴所得税:2023A 22百万美元,2024E 29百万美元,2025E 32百万美元,2026E 35百万美元[3] - 预提费用:2023A 525百万美元,2024E 636百万美元,2025E 672百万美元,2026E 700百万美元[3] - 长期债务的流动部分:2023A 96百万美元,2024E 125百万美元,2025E 138百万美元,2026E 151百万美元[3] - 递延收入:2023A 414百万美元,2024E 538百万美元,2025E 591百万美元,2026E 651百万美元[3] - 其他流动负债:2023A 42百万美元,2024E 46百万美元,2025E 51百万美元,2026E 56百万美元[3] - 非流动负债:2023A 2,372百万美元,2024E 2,609百万美元,2025E 2,870百万美元,2026E 3,156百万美元[3] - 应计组件收集和回收责任:2023A 135百万美元,2024E 149百万美元,2025E 163百万美元,2026E 180百万美元[3] - 长期债务:2023A 464百万美元,2024E 510百万美元,2025E 562百万美元,2026E 618百万美元[3] - 递延收入:2023A 1,592百万美元,2024E 1,751百万美元,2025E 1,926百万美元,2026E 2,118百万美元[3] - 其他负债:2023A 181百万美元,2024E 199百万美元,2025E 219百万美元,2026E 241百万美元[3] - 总负债:2023A 3,678百万美元,2024E 4,226百万美元,2025E 4,690百万美元,2026E 5,128百万美元[3] - 股本:2023A 0.1百万美元,2024E 0.1百万美元,2025E 0.1百万美元,2026E 0.1百万美元[3] - 资本公积:2023A 2,890百万美元,2024E 2,890百万美元,2025E 2,890百万美元,2026E 2,890百万美元[3] - 累计盈余:2023A 3,971百万美元,2024E 5,377百万美元,2025E 7,754百万美元,2026E 10,817百万美元[3] - 累计其他综合收益:2023A -174百万美元,2024E -204百万美元,2025E -236百万美元,2026E -271百万美元[3] - 股东权益合计:2023A 6,687百万美元,2024E 8,064百万美元,2025E 10,409百万美元,2026E 13,437百万美元[3] - 负债及权益合计:2023A 10,365百万美元,2024E 12,290百万美元,2025E 15,098百万美元,2026E 18,564百万美元[3] 利润表 - 收入:2023A 3,319百万美元,2024E 4,233百万美元,2025E 5,707百万美元,2026E 6,717百万美元[3] - 销售成本:2023A 2,018百万美元,2024E 2,250百万美元,2025E 2,463百万美元,2026E 2,680百万美元[3] - 毛利:2023A 1,301百万美元,2024E 1,983百万美元,2025E 3,244百万美元,2026E 4,038百万美元[3] - 销售费用:2023A 198百万美元,2024E 189百万美元,2025E 217百万美元,2026E 235百万美元[3] - 研发费用:2023A 152百万美元,2024E 194百万美元,2025E 249百万美元,2026E 278百万美元[3] - 生产启动费用:2023A 65百万美元,2024E 93百万美元,2025E 116百万美元,2026E 125百万美元[3] - 企业销售净收益:2023A 7百万美元,2024E 1百万美元,2025E 2百万美元,2026E 2百万美元[3] - 营业利润:2023A 857百万美元,2024E 1,507百万美元,2025E 2,664百万美元,2026E 3,402百万美元[3] - 汇兑(损)益净额:2023A -22百万美元,2024E -24百万美元,2025E -21百万美元,2026E -22百万美元[3] - 利息收入:2023A 98百万美元,2024E 97百万美元,2025E 62百万美元,2026E 85百万美元[3] - 利息支出净额:2023A -13百万美元,2024E -38百万美元,2025E -36百万美元,2026E -41百万美元[3] - 其他收(支)净额:2023A -29百万美元,2024E -6百万美元,2025E -7百万美元,2026E -8百万美元[3] - 税前利润:2023A 891百万美元,2024E 1,537百万美元,2025E 2,663百万美元,2026E 3,416百万美元[3] - 所得税(支出)收益:2023A -61百万美元,2024E -131百万美元,2025E -286百万美元,2026E -352百万美元[3] - 净利润(亏损):2023A 831百万美元,2024E 1,406百万美元,2025E 2,377百万美元,2026E 3,064百万美元[3] - IRA补贴额:2023A 660
2 Solar Stocks to Watch as Election Sparks Uncertainty
MarketBeat· 2024-11-25 21:00
The election of Donald Trump has reignited speculation about the future of clean energy stocks, particularly in the solar sector. With a Republican-controlled White House and likely GOP majorities in Congress, investors are bracing for potential changes to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which has been pivotal in driving clean energy growth. The Invesco Solar ETF, a key barometer for solar stocks, has dropped over 7% this month and is down 35% year-to-date, reflecting market concerns about the sector's o ...
A Rare Chance to Buy This Winning Stock on Sale
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-23 22:00
The solar industry is in a downturn, but this one company is primed to continue its winning ways.In this video, Motley Fool contributors Jason Hall and Tyler Crowe explain why First Solar (FSLR 2.25%) is starting to look like a very good buy.*Stock prices used were from the afternoon of Nov. 21, 2024. The video was published on Nov. 23, 2024. ...
Buy First Solar Stock on the Dip. Solar Energy Will Be Too Good an Opportunity for President-Elect Trump to Pass Up.
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-23 16:18
Solar power's growth has become unstoppable for all the right reasons.It's been a tough past few days for First Solar (FSLR 2.25%) shareholders. And understandably so. Investors suspect pro-oil President-elect Donald Trump could also prove unsupportive of renewable energy. Iin fact, most clean energy stocks are down since his Nov. 5 election on this very worry. First Solar has been no exception to the industrywide sell-off.This weakness, however, is also a buying opportunity for anyone interested in owning ...
First Solar Stock Loses 21% in Three Months: Should You Buy the Dip?
ZACKS· 2024-11-22 23:21
First Solar Inc.’s (FSLR) shares have plunged 21.2% in the past three months, underperforming the Zacks solar industry’s decline of 6.3% as well as the S&P 500’s return of 5.2%. However, it has outpaced the broader Zacks Oil-Energy sector’s loss of 31.7% in the same time frame. Image Source: Zacks Investment ResearchOther heavyweight solar stocks like Canadian Solar (CSIQ) , Enphase Energy (ENPH) and SolarEdge Technologies (SEDG) also performed poorly at the bourses, as evident from their share price loss o ...
First Solar: Dominant Market Position
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-19 15:57
核心观点 - First Solar是一个很好的投资机会因为其独特定位[1] First Solar相关 - First Solar的薄膜技术相比传统硅基面板不仅为其专有而且在效率环境影响和制造方面有重要优势[1]
Wall Street Analysts See First Solar (FSLR) as a Buy: Should You Invest?
ZACKS· 2024-11-18 23:30
The recommendations of Wall Street analysts are often relied on by investors when deciding whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock. Media reports about these brokerage-firm-employed (or sell-side) analysts changing their ratings often affect a stock's price. Do they really matter, though?Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about First Solar (FSLR) .First Solar currently has an average brokerag ...