Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Date for Its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Newsfilter· 2024-04-11 20:31
ATHENS, Greece, April 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE:DSX), (the "Company"), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, announced today that the Company will hold its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time on May 21, 2024 in virtual format only. All shareholders of record as of April 1, 2024, who wish to attend may do so by following the instructions included in the Notice of Annual Meetin ...
Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Date for Its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
GlobeNewsWire· 2024-04-11 20:31
ATHENS, Greece, April 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE:DSX), (the "Company"), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, announced today that the Company will hold its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time on May 21, 2024 in virtual format only. All shareholders of record as of April 1, 2024, who wish to attend may do so by following the instructions included in the Notice of Annual Meetin ...
Diana Shipping Inc. Announces the Filing of Its 2023 Annual Report on Form 20-F
Newsfilter· 2024-04-05 21:16
ATHENS, Greece, April 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE:DSX), (the "Company"), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, today announced that it has filed its 2023 Annual Report on Form 20-F with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The Annual Report is available for download on the Company's website, www.dianashippinginc.com. Any shareholder may receive a hard copy of the Company's complete Annual Report, which ...
Diana Shipping(DSX) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-04-05 05:34
船队规模和运营 - 公司的船队规模在过去三年中有所增长,2023年平均船只数量为41.1艘,船队利用率达到99.7%[455] - 公司的时间租金等价率(TCE)在2023年下降至16,713美元,较2022年的22,735美元有所减少[455] - 公司预计2024年的航次费用将减少,因为预计收入将下降[459] - 公司预计2024年的运营费用将减少,因为船队规模将平均减少[461] - 公司预计2024年的折旧费用将减少,因为在2023年废钢率提高,船队规模减少[463] 费用和成本 - 公司预计2024年的总务和行政费用将增加,主要是由于预期的薪资和其他办公费用增加[466] - 公司预计2024年的利息和融资成本将保持与2023年相同的水平,因为预计利率不会上升,而未偿还债务预计会减少[467] - 公司通过与浮动和固定利率的融资协议保持利率风险的平衡[468] 财务数据 - 2023年时间租船收入为2.621亿美元,较2022年的2.9亿美元下降了9.6%[479] - 2023年航行费用为1,360万美元,较2022年的690万美元增长了97%[480] - 2023年船舶运营费用为8550万美元,较2022年的7200万美元增长了19%[481] - 2023年折旧和摊销费用为4,980万美元,较2022年的4,330万美元增长了15%[482] - 2023年一般和行政费用为3,300万美元,较2022年的2,940万美元增长了12%[483] - 2023年利息支出和融资成本为4,930万美元,较2022年的2,740万美元增长了80%[487] - 2023年利息和其他收入为8,200万美元,较2022年的2,700万美元增长了204%[489] 融资和债务 - 公司于2021年6月发行了一笔1.25亿美元的到期日为2026年6月的高级无抵押债券,票面利率为8.375%[521] - 2022年,公司通过融资活动提供的净现金为8490万美元,其中包括2.751亿美元的长期债务和融资负债的收入[505] - 截至2023年12月31日,公司的长期债务总额为5.17亿美元[512] 船舶价值评估 - 公司对未来现金流量的估计假设包括固定租金日的租金率、维护支出、船舶运营费用、船队利用率和船舶的残值,根据公司的历史表现和未来船队利用率预期,2023年底存在减值迹象的船舶的账面价值加上未摊销的延迟成本为3.782亿美元[529] - 公司船舶市场价值历史上存在波动,某些船舶的免租金市场价值可能低于其账面价值加上未摊销的延迟成本,根据2023年和2022年底各船舶的账面价值加上未摊销的延迟成本和我们认为的免租金市场价值,12艘和17艘船舶的总账面价值分别超过其总免租金市场价值约4900万美元和8300万美元[530] - 公司对免租金市场价值的估计假设船舶处于良好和适航状态,无需维修,如果检查将被认证为无任何标记的船级社[532] - 公司的免租金市场价值估计基于各种行业来源的信息,包括行业分析师和数据提供商的报告、类似船舶销售的新闻和行业报告、潜在购买者的报价以及与船东、船舶经纪人等航运行业参与者和观察者的正式和非正式沟通中了解到的船舶销售价格和价值[533] - 公司的免租金市场价值估计具有不确定性,船舶价值波动较大,因此我们的估计可能不代表当前或未来船舶的免租金市场价值,如果租金率下降并持续较长时间,可能会对公司的收入、盈利能力和未来船舶减值评估产生不利影响[534] 高管团队 - 2022年11月,Ms. Paliou担任Diana Shipping Inc.的代理首席执行官[doc id='550'] - Mr. Palios自1969年以来一直在航运行业拥有经验,并担任Diana Shipping Inc.的董事长[doc id='544'] - Mr. Margaronis自1980年以来在航运行业拥有经验,包括船舶融资和保险[doc id='546'] - Mr. Zafirakis自1997年以来一直在航运行业担任各种高管职务,包括首席财务官和首席战略官[doc id='550'] - Mr. Papatrifon曾担任Quintana Shipping Ltd的首席执行官,Excel Maritime Carriers Ltd的首席财务官[doc id='553'] - Mr. Riris曾在PricewaterhouseCoopers(PwC)担任高级合伙人和董事会主席[doc id='559'] - Mr. Kontoyannis拥有超过40年的航运金融经验,目前担任多家航运公司的财务顾问[doc id='562'] - Mr. Fotiadis曾担任Reckitt & Colman(Greece)的总裁和董事长[doc id='565'] - Mr. Morecroft曾在Braemar Shipbrokers Ltd担任销售和购买经纪人,直到2021年退休[doc id='567'] - Ms. Chao是Wah Kwong Shipping Holdings Limited的董事,担任Wah Kwong China Investment的董事总经理[doc id='568'] 股权和董事会 - 公司设立了审计委员会、薪酬委员会、提名委员会和可持续发展委员会[583][584][585][586] - 公司设立了执行委员会,由四名董事组成[587] - 公司设立了关于回收错误授予的薪酬的政策[589] - 公司在2023年雇佣了1018名岸
Should Value Investors Buy Diana Shipping (DSX) Stock?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 22:46
Zacks Rank系统 - Zacks专注于Zacks Rank系统,强调盈利预期和预期修订,以找到优质股票[1] 价值投资策略 - 价值投资是一种寻找被市场低估公司的策略,使用各种估值指标来找到这些股票[2] 公司分析 - Diana Shipping (DSX)是一家值得价值投资者关注的公司,目前具有Zacks Rank 2(买入)和价值评级A[4]
Diana Shipping's Leveraged Balance Sheet And Inferior Fleet Specifications Make It A Hold
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-02 17:48
公司概况 - Diana Shipping(NYSE:DSX)拥有40艘船只,包括4艘Newcastlemax、9艘Capesize、5艘Post Panamax、6艘Kamsarmax、6艘Panamax和9艘Ultramax[2] - DSX与Windward Offshore合资,参与海上风电场维护,已订购两艘委托服务操作船(CSOV)[3] 财务表现 - FY23 DSX的船队利用率达到99.7%,较FY22的98.9%有所提高[4] - DSX在FY23实现了$49.8百万的净收入,较FY22的$119.1百万有所下降[8] - DSX已预订了62%的FY24船只使用天数,FY25为12%,预计2024年将实现2亿美元的总收入[9] - DSX在4Q23实现了$15,162的TCE率,较4Q22下降28%[6] - DSX在4Q23实现了$60百万的收入,净收入为$9.4百万,较4Q22下降63%[6] - DSX在4Q23的每日运营费用保持稳定,为$5,745,船队利用率从4Q22的98.3%提高到4Q23的99.7%[6] - DSX在FY23实现了$262百万的时间租船收入,净利息支出从FY22的$25百万增加到FY23的$41百万[7] 股息和财务结构 - DSX在4Q23宣布每股$0.075的股息,吸引力较高,分别为12.5%的TTM和10.4%的FWD[11] - DSX的长期债务从FY22的$663百万减少到FY23的$642百万,现金储备增加至$161百万[13] - DSX在FY24和FY25没有到期债务,但2026年和2027年的债务到期金额分别为$181百万和$163百万[14] 估值和盈利能力 - DSX的估值为50%的PNAV和58%的毛LTV,相对于其他公司,其船队规格较差[15] - DSX的TTM EV多项式为2.96 EV/Sales和6.58 EV/EBITDA,相对于其他公司,其估值处于中等水平[17] - DSX的毛利率最高,EBITDA利润率最佳的是SB,但需要考虑DSX的资本结构,总债务/股权比率为131%[18]
Are Investors Undervaluing Diana Shipping (DSX) Right Now?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-18 22:45
While the proven Zacks Rank places an emphasis on earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find strong stocks, we also know that investors tend to develop their own individual strategies. With this in mind, we are always looking at value, growth, and momentum trends to discover great companies. Looking at the history of these trends, perhaps none is more beloved than value investing. This strategy simply looks to identify companies that are being undervalued by the broader market. Value investors rely o ...
Can Diana Shipping (DSX) Run Higher on Rising Earnings Estimates?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-05 02:20
Diana Shipping (DSX) could be a solid choice for investors given the company's remarkably improving earnings outlook. While the stock has been a strong performer lately, this trend might continue since analysts are still raising their earnings estimates for the company. The rising trend in estimate revisions, which is a result of growing analyst optimism on the earnings prospects of this shipping company, should get reflected in its stock price. After all, empirical research shows a strong correlation betwe ...
Are Transportation Stocks Lagging Diana Shipping (DSX) This Year?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-04 23:46
The Transportation group has plenty of great stocks, but investors should always be looking for companies that are outperforming their peers. Is Diana Shipping (DSX) one of those stocks right now? A quick glance at the company's year-to-date performance in comparison to the rest of the Transportation sector should help us answer this question. Diana Shipping is a member of the Transportation sector. This group includes 133 individual stocks and currently holds a Zacks Sector Rank of #6. The Zacks Sector Ran ...
What Makes Diana Shipping (DSX) a New Buy Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-02 02:01
Diana Shipping (DSX) could be a solid choice for investors given its recent upgrade to a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). This rating change essentially reflects an upward trend in earnings estimates -- one of the most powerful forces impacting stock prices. The sole determinant of the Zacks rating is a company's changing earnings picture. The Zacks Consensus Estimate -- the consensus of EPS estimates from the sell-side analysts covering the stock -- for the current and following years is tracked by the system. Individ ...