Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA)
Ginkgo Bioworks Announces Nomination of Myrtle Potter and Ross Fubini to Board of Directors
Prnewswire· 2024-04-30 04:01
BOSTON, April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), which is building the leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity, announced the nomination of Myrtle Potter and Ross Fubini for election as independent directors at Ginkgo's upcoming annual meeting, scheduled to be held on June 13, 2024. Marijn Dekkers, who has served on Ginkgo's Board since 2019 and as Ginkgo's Board Chair from 2019 through 2023, and Reshma Kewalramani, who joined Ginkgo's Board in 2021 and serves as Nomi ...
Il Granaio delle Idee and Ginkgo Bioworks Announce Strategic Collaboration to Optimize Sourdough Strains for Bakery Products
Prnewswire· 2024-04-16 19:02
IGDI与Ginkgo Bioworks合作 - IGDI与Ginkgo Bioworks宣布新合作,利用Ginkgo的ALE技术改进酸面团发酵剂产品[1] - IGDI计划利用Ginkgo的ALE技术,将新菌株演化至更高的生长速率,以进一步提升烘焙产品的口味和香气[3] IGDI的新产品Pater - IGDI开发了Pater产品,可改善面包的口味和香气,同时保持酸面团的活性和稳定性[2]
Ginkgo Bioworks Announces Acquisition of AgBiome's Platform Assets
Prnewswire· 2024-04-11 19:01
收购详情 - Ginkgo Bioworks宣布收购AgBiome的平台资产,包括超过115,000株完全测序和分离的菌株,超过5亿个独特基因序列,相关功能数据和元数据,以及AgBiome的开发管线[1] - 收购将扩展Ginkgo的专有统一宏基因组数据库,创造了一个深度和先进的农业生物发现和开发平台,为生物研发提供丰富资源[2] AgBiome成就 - AgBiome自2012年成立以来,通过其Genesis Discovery Platform,成功商业化了多种生物产品,包括Howler和Theia产品系列,同时开发了包括一打经过温室或田间验证的产品候选品在内的强大产品概念管线[3]
Ginkgo Bioworks and Novo Nordisk Expand Alliance to Collaborate Across R&D Value Chain
Prnewswire· 2024-04-10 19:02
BOSTON, April 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), which is developing the leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity, today announced the expansion of its strategic partnership with global healthcare leader Novo Nordisk under a framework agreement that initially is contemplated to run over five years. Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk and Ginkgo have created a flexible and scalable new model for their R&D partnership. Together, the partners aim to improve the manufacturing of Novo Nordi ...
Bull Market and Beyond: 3 Stocks Just Waiting to Soar
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-09 16:50
Moderna公司 - Moderna公司在疫情期间因冠状病毒疫苗而获得数十亿美元的收入,但随着疫苗需求下降,股价也下跌[3] - Moderna公司可能在今年推出第二款产品,且计划在未来五年推出多达15款产品[4] Intellia Therapeutics - Intellia Therapeutics专注于CRISPR基因编辑技术,虽然尚未有产品上市,但在关键领域取得进展[7] - Intellia最近在其NTLA-2001用于心肌病的III期试验中给第一名患者注射了剂量,计划在未来三年内完成患者招募[9] Ginkgo Bioworks - Ginkgo Bioworks是一家具有潜在改变行业格局的细胞工程和生物安全公司,其生物制药收入去年同比增长40%[11] - Ginkgo已经与包括辉瑞和礼来在内的多家知名公司合作,其生物制药项目数量从2020年的7个增长到了现在的23个[12]
IdeeLab Joins the Ginkgo Technology Network to Provide Agriculture Companies in Brazil with End-to-End Product Development & Manufacturing Service
Prnewswire· 2024-04-08 19:00
Ginkgo customers will now have access to IdeeLab's local strain discovery capabilities, as well as the ability to manufacture next-generation products in IdeeLab's manufacturing facilities PIRACICABA, Brazil, April 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IdeeLab Biotechnology, a Brazilian company aiming to develop innovations and biological solutions for agriculture, today announced that is has entered into an agreement with Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), which is building the leading platform for cell programming and biosec ...
Ginkgo Bioworks to Host 5th Annual Ferment Conference
Prnewswire· 2024-04-04 19:01
公司活动 - Ginkgo Bioworks将于2024年4月11日在波士顿举办年度会议Ferment[1] - 会议将汇集来自合成生物学生态系统和Ginkgo社区的利益相关者,包括股东、客户、供应商、学者等[1] - 由于现场容量已满,公司将提供视频直播,包括在Ginkgo的YouTube频道和公司投资者关系网站上[2] 公司业务 - Ginkgo Bioworks是领先的细胞编程横向平台,提供灵活的端到端服务,解决各种市场的挑战,从食品和农业到制药、工业和特种化学品[3] - Ginkgo的生物安全和公共卫生部门Concentric by Ginkgo正在建立全球基础设施,以赋予政府、社区和公共卫生领导者预防、检测和应对各种生物威胁的能力[3] 公司信息获取 - 公司提供更多信息,请访问ginkgobioworks.com和,阅读博客,或关注社交媒体渠道如X (@Ginkgo和@ConcentricByGBW)、Instagram (@GinkgoBioworks)、Threads (@GinkgoBioworks)或LinkedIn[3]
Prozomix and Ginkgo Bioworks Collaborate on Next-Gen Enzyme Development for Sustainable API Manufacturing
Prnewswire· 2024-04-03 19:02
Prozomix与Ginkgo Bioworks合作 - Prozomix与Ginkgo Bioworks合作开发下一代酶,用于可持续API制造[1] - Prozomix加入Ginkgo Technology Network,致力于推动客户研发项目创新[2] - Prozomix和Ginkgo合作推出新一代生物催化剂,基于先前酶库的序列和活性数据[6] 生物催化剂应用需求推动 - 生物催化剂在商业API制造中的应用需求推动了行业向生物催化剂的采用[3] - 现有酶板为用户提供了在开发早期快速筛选潜在候选者的机会[4] - 生物催化剂的采用在很大程度上取决于这些板上可用酶的多样性和性能[5] 新一代酶板推出 - Prozomix打算使用由这些模型设计的下一代酶库来制造新型酶板[7] - 合作伙伴期望这些新一代酶板具有传统板缺乏的多样性和性能,可能解锁先前板失败的生物催化机会[8] 领先地位和未来展望性陈述 - Prozomix首席执行官Simon J. Charnock表示,与Ginkgo的合作将使Prozomix在AI革命中保持领先地位[9] - Ginkgo Bioworks高级总监Cindy Chang表示,API制造将大大受益于最新的酶工程和AI/ML酶模型[10] - Ginkgo Bioworks发布的新闻中提到了未来展望性陈述,这些陈述是基于当前预期和假设的,因此存在风险和不确定性[13]
AI2 Incubator spinout Modulus sells cell therapy tech assets to Boston's Ginkgo Bioworks
GeekWire· 2024-04-03 05:54
Human Natural Killer cell. (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Image) The news: Modulus Therapeutics, a Seattle-based cellular therapy company spun out of the Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence (AI2) Incubator, has sold its cell therapy platform assets to the Boston biotech company Ginkgo Bioworks. The companies did not disclose the terms of the acquisition. An article by Fierce Biotech noted that Ginkgo’s business development team has snapped up a string of companies and assets i ...
Ginkgo Bioworks Acquires Modulus Therapeutics' Cell Therapy Assets to Strengthen Next-Gen CAR Designs
Prnewswire· 2024-04-02 19:02
BOSTON, April 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), which is building the leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity, announced the acquisition of Modulus Therapeutics' cell therapy platform assets, including their chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) and switch receptor libraries. Modulus Therapeutics Ginkgo Bioworks Acquires Modulus Therapeutics’ Cell Therapy Assets to Strengthen Next-Gen CAR Designs Modulus Therapeutics is a cell engineering company focused on the design of ne ...