Beyond Meat(BYND)
Best Stock to Buy Right Now: Beyond Meat vs. Hormel Foods
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-21 23:43
Beyond Meat produces meat alternatives, while Hormel's business is focused on traditional protein. Only one of these companies currently makes money. If you are the type of investor who likes to buy certain stocks when everyone else is selling them, then you will probably find Beyond Meat (BYND 0.16%) and Hormel Foods (HRL 1.05%) interesting. The problem with investing when there is so-called "blood in the streets," however, is making sure that you're not buying a company facing a very real risk of dying. W ...
Beyond IV, the Fourth Generation of the Beyond Burger® and Beyond Beef®, Debuts at Grocery Stores Across the U.S. Including at Walmart and Kroger
Newsfilter· 2024-04-18 21:00
The new products are the company's meatiest, juiciest beef products yet, provide 21g of plant-based protein and are made with avocado oil, which offers heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and helped lower the saturated fat to just 2g per serving Consumers can find the new Beyond Burger and Beyond Beef, which are rolling out now in U.S. retail, by looking for the new eye-catching gold packaging EL SEGUNDO, Calif., April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beyond Meat, Inc. (NASDAQ:BYND), a leader in plant-based mea ...
Should Investors Be Concerned About Beyond Meat's Loss of Market Share?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-15 16:00
股价表现 - Beyond Meat公司股价自2019年IPO后的高点下跌了97%[1] - 公司连续几个季度报告销售额下降和巨额亏损,但第四季度业绩报告受到投资者的欢迎,股价一度上涨60%[2] 市场份额 - Beyond Meat可能正在失去市场份额,尽管肉类替代品行业一直在增长[3] - 公司在2023年第四季度连续第七个季度报告营收下降,而整个行业的销售额却增长了13%[4] 盈利能力 - 公司制定了提高盈利能力的计划,包括削减7,000万美元的运营预算[5] - 购买Beyond Meat股票现在是对管理层执行扭转计划的赌注,但成功并不保证,公司的净亏损从去年第四季度的6690万美元扩大到1.551亿美元,甚至报告了负113.8%的毛利率[6] - 管理层预计今年的营收将达到3.15亿至3.45亿美元,这意味着2024年可能是Beyond Meat再次落后于行业的一年[7]
3 Consumer Staples Stocks Short Sellers Are Targeting: Danger in the Aisles?
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-04 07:44
消费品股票表现 - 消费品股票在2023年下跌了6.5%,远远低于整个市场,这使得投资者对2024年的该行业感到乐观[1] - 短期利率可能会影响消费品股票的表现,因为高短期利率可能意味着股价将在不久的将来下跌[2] Hershey's (HSY)股票表现 - Hershey's (HSY)股票在过去12个月下跌了约21%,主要原因是可可价格上涨,这导致公司的收益受到影响[5]
At 50% Off Its High, Is It Time to Buy Beyond Meat Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-02 21:19
公司业绩 - Beyond Meat公司股价近期下跌,原因在于疫情后需求下降,销售额减少[1] - 公司在美国核心市场以外的一些重要市场上看到增长,库存也在下降,这对于过去两年堆积在仓库里的未售出的素食食品来说是个好消息[3] - 公司正在准备一项积极的重组计划,可能会在2024年后期使公司重返盈利轨道[4] - 公司在美国市场的销售渠道下降,但在欧洲市场需求强劲增长[6] 财务状况 - Beyond Meat公司目前还没有盈利,产品成本超过收入,现金流也一直处于负面状态[8] - 投资者应关注公司的毛利率,以了解公司是否朝着可持续的商业模式发展[9] - 公司的股价目前便宜,但由于盈利前景不佳和持续亏损,投资者应谨慎考虑[10]
Red Alert! 3 Stocks You Should NEVER EVER Own.
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-09 03:11
Beware of falling for value traps! In today’s challenging market environment, some stocks may look enticingly cheap on the surface. But if you peer a little deeper, you’ll realize many of these companies are just barely staying afloat, waiting out their last days or hoping for a miracle turnaround. While many startups stand little chance of survival in the coming years, these public companies have continued to hang on by diluting their shareholders by executing constant reverse splits. These are not busines ...
Beyond Meat's Biggest Problem Just Got Bigger, and Investors Should Be Paying Attention
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-07 20:17
Beyond Meat (BYND -3.76%) took off like a rocket ship when it reported fourth-quarter 2023 earnings, with the shares gaining roughly 50% in value in a single day. Within a few days, the stock had given back much of that gain, and if you look further back in time, it's still down roughly 95% from its high-water mark in 2019. If you are looking at Beyond Meat, you need to tread very carefully. The good earnings news isn't as good as it may seem at first. Beyond Meat had a strong quarter -- for Beyond Meat To ...
The 3 Best Stocks to Short This Week: March 5th, 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-06 01:09
Even though the Fed’s interest rate hikes flushed a lot of losers out of the market since 2022, a handful of stocks to short remain, against all odds. These three companies are pure products of ZIRP-era enthusiasm, and though each trades well below pandemic period highs, they’re still grossly overvalued. While each may not face delisting anytime soon, that’s a good thing—if you’re looking for the best stocks to short. Each of these three companies face continued challenges ahead and, in many cases, even mor ...
3 Reasons to Avoid Beyond Meat Stock Like the Plague
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-04 22:37
Don't look now, but Wall Street is starting to warm up to Beyond Meat (BYND -0.41%) stock again. The plant- based meat specialist's shares rallied after its late-February earnings update and are now up about 10% year to date, outpacing the 8% gain of the S&P 500. The company will still likely disappoint long-term investors. The business isn't on a clear path toward steady sales growth and is generating big losses. Here's why you'll want to avoid Beyond Meat stock for now. 1. Demand is weak A lot of the curr ...
Beyond Meat(BYND) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-03-01 00:00
公司风险 - 公司面临的风险包括不利和不确定的经济和政治条件,可能导致经济衰退、通货膨胀或经济不确定性[47] - 公司需关注产品安全和食品相关风险,以及消费者口味偏好的准确预测和快速应对新趋势[48] - 行业和品牌方面的风险包括市场竞争加剧、品类整体疲软、品牌声誉受损等[49] - 国际业务风险涉及在中国和欧洲经营的商业、监管、政治、金融和经济风险[50] - 知识产权、信息技术、网络安全和隐私方面的风险包括技术保护、信息系统依赖、网络安全事件等[52] 公司运营 - 公司销售和利润受到植物肉类品类的疲软影响,销售量下降8.1%[63] - 公司在2023年实施了全球运营审查,计划裁员65名员工,以降低运营成本[65] - 公司考虑退出或停止某些产品线,调整定价结构,加速现金增长,优化制造能力和房地产布局[65] - 公司需准确预测产品需求和库存需求,以确保有足够的制造能力[67][69] - 公司需避免过度估计需求和过度建设产能或库存,以免资产被严重闲置[68] - 公司需及时销售库存,避免库存过期,否则需进行库存减值或报废,影响运营结果[70] 公司财务 - 公司的财务表现在很大程度上取决于公司能否以竞争性价格安排购买足够数量的原材料[76] - 公司与豌豆蛋白供应商签订了多年销售协议,公司需要按照协议规定的最低月度和半年度数量购买豌豆蛋白[76] - 市场上一些原料的供应可能会受到影响,如鳄梨油,由于供应来源有限、季节性变化、气候条件等因素,市场可能会变得特别波动[76] - 公司的成功和盈利能力部分取决于能否以成本效益的方式获取新客户或保留现有客户[80] - 食品服务客户通常会在有限的地点或有限的测试基础上最初将我们的产品添加到他们的菜单中,之后这些客户可能选择不再提供我们的产品或最终减少后续扩张[80]