Forget Rental Properties: Invest $10,000 Into These Dividend Growth Stocks With Ultra-High Yields for Passive Income
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-22 16:15
Sit back and let the dividends start rolling in with these income stocks.Passive income is a popular concept these days. Defined as money earned outside of a traditional job and requiring minimal time or effort, it is a tantalizing proposition for investors tired of the rat race.Many people will pitch buying rental properties as the best form of passive income. But I think this is a misnomer. Managing a rental property may be profitable, but it requires a lot of time and effort to maintain. That is not "pas ...
British American Tobacco: Gushing Cash And Finding New Growth Catalysts (Rating Downgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-19 19:44
At PropNotes, we focus on finding top-notch, high-yield investment opportunities for individual investors. With our background in professional Prop Trading, we make complex concepts easy to understand and offer clear, actionable advice to help you achieve better returns. Occasionally, we will also share exclusive options strategies to help you enhance your performance even further. Every piece of content we produce is designed to help you make smart decisions in the market, backed by expert research you won ...
British American Tobacco: Shares Still A Bargain After The Mid-Year Rally
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-17 20:23
Freelance Financial Writer | Investments | Markets | Personal Finance | RetirementI create written content used in various formats including articles, blogs, emails, and social media for financial advisors and investment firms in a cost-efficient way. My passion is putting a narrative to financial data. Working with teams that include senior editors, investment strategists, marketing managers, data analysts, and executives, I contribute ideas to help make content relevant, accessible, and measurable. Having ...
Should You Invest in British American Tobacco (BTI) Based on Bullish Wall Street Views?
ZACKS· 2024-09-12 22:31
Investors often turn to recommendations made by Wall Street analysts before making a Buy, Sell, or Hold decision about a stock. While media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm employed (or sell-side) analysts often affect a stock's price, do they really matter?Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about British American Tobacco (BTI) .British American Tobacco currently has an ...
Dividend Harvesting Portfolio Week 184: $18,400 Allocated, $1,706.01 In Projected Dividends
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-12 21:30
PM ImagesIn week 184, the Dividend Harvesting Portfolio declined in value for the second time over the past 12 weeks. We're heading into a CPI report, a Fed meeting, and are currently in the middle of an election cycle. Portfolios can't finish higher each week indefinitely, and I am expecting volatility until the uncertainty passes. Despite a -2% decline in my overall profitability, dividend income is generated around the clock, and I am very happy buying into weakness. I am a long-term investor, and ju ...
Buy These 6 Ultra High Yielding Dividend Aristocrats Before It's Too Late
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-07 19:00
DeagreezMarket volatility has returned, with Nvidia (NVDA) plunging 9.5% in a single day (11.5% including after hours), wiping out $280 billion in market cap in one day. For context, that equals Chevron's (CVX) value being wiped out in hours. Bloomberg reports that Jenson Huang's net worth fell by $10 billion, the worst single-day decline since they began tracking him in 2016. Always And Forever A Market Of Stocks, Not A Stock Market YchartsBig tech is suffering, and dividend aristocrats are thriving. H ...
These Ultra-High Dividend Stocks Are Soaring: Is It Too Late to Buy Shares?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-05 18:15
Investors are beginning to search for yield with the Federal Reserve set to drop interest rates. These stocks may continue to benefit.The Federal Reserve has officially signaled that interest rate hikes have peaked and that interest rate cuts will begin this year. Since the start of 2022, the Federal Reserve in the United States has increased the interest rate it charges banks, which leads to increasing interest rates paid to customers for banks and savings products. Higher interest rates make slow-growth d ...
Is British American Tobacco (BTI) Outperforming Other Consumer Staples Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-09-03 22:40
For those looking to find strong Consumer Staples stocks, it is prudent to search for companies in the group that are outperforming their peers. British American Tobacco (BTI) is a stock that can certainly grab the attention of many investors, but do its recent returns compare favorably to the sector as a whole? A quick glance at the company's year-to-date performance in comparison to the rest of the Consumer Staples sector should help us answer this question.British American Tobacco is a member of our Cons ...
Wall Street Analysts Look Bullish on British American Tobacco (BTI): Should You Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-08-20 22:31
文章核心观点 - 分析师推荐对股票价格有影响,但其可靠性存在问题 [1][6] - 分析师推荐存在积极偏差,不能完全反映股票未来走势 [7][8] - 自有研究工具如Zacks Rank更可靠,可用于验证分析师推荐 [9][13][14] 公司分析 - 英美烟草目前的平均分析师评级(ABR)为1.94,介于强烈买入和买入之间 [3][4] - 英美烟草的盈利预测在过去一个月内上调了0.6%,分析师对其前景持乐观态度 [16][17] - 综合多方面因素,英美烟草目前被评为Zacks Rank 2(买入) [18] 行业分析 - 分析师推荐普遍存在积极偏差,往往给出更多的强烈买入评级 [7][12] - Zacks Rank更客观平衡,能更及时反映股票未来走势 [13][14][15]
I Am Locking In 2 Fat +7% Yields As Interest Rates Fall
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-17 22:30
文章核心观点 - 文章通过物理学中的作用与反作用原理,阐述了在投资领域中,投资者通过购买如股息股票、优先股或债券等收入产生资产,以获得稳定回报,从而平衡市场波动和不确定性。文章还具体分析了两个投资选择:Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated (HR) 和 British American Tobacco p.l.c (BTI),展示了它们如何通过稳定的运营和增长策略,为投资者提供持续的收入[3][6][15][26] HR - Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated 公司概况 - HR是一家专注于医疗办公楼(MOB)的房地产投资信托(REIT),拥有并运营673处物业,主要位于市场领先的医院校园周边。公司报告了2024年第二季度的业绩,每股FFO(资金流)为$0.38,足以覆盖其每季度$0.31的股息,且NOI(净营业收入)增长超出预期[7] 财务表现 - HR预计2024年下半年NOI同比增长将在4.5%至5.5%之间。公司还提高了全年FFO指导范围的中点,从$0.005/股增加,如果没有Steward收入储备,增加幅度将达到$0.01/股[8][9] 运营亮点 1. **强劲的租赁活动**:HR在第二季度连续第四个季度签署了超过400,000平方英尺的新租赁合同,新租赁管道达到创纪录的190万平方英尺,预示着未来季度的活动[10] 2. **高占用率水平**:HR报告了连续第二个季度占用率超过85%,从去年的79.3%上升到85.5%。管理层预计2024年下半年占用率将达到约87%,并有望在未来几年达到90%[11] 3. **强劲的NOI增长**:由于占用率提高和费用控制,HR的NOI增长超出预期。如果没有Stewart Reserve,HR的同店NOI在第二季度同比增长3.5%,总多租户NOI增长3.9%,均处于指导范围的高端[12] 4. **完全覆盖的股息**:HR的每股$0.38 FFO足以覆盖每季度$0.31的股息。公司预计2024年全年正常化FFO在$1.53至$1.55/股之间,年度股息支付率为79%[13] 5. **股票回购**:HR与KKR & Co.的合资企业为REIT注入了急需的流动性,生成了4亿美元的收益。公司预计全年将通过合资和资产销售获得超过10亿美元的总收益,用于计划资本承诺和债务结算及股票回购[14] 6. **财务健康**:HR在第二季度结束时,包括计划债务偿还,杠杆率为6.4倍。公司预计到2024年底,杠杆率将降低,股息支付率将提高[15] BTI - British American Tobacco p.l.c 公司概况 - BTI是全球最大的烟草公司,其普通股票价格已从低点上涨约24%,这仅仅是其被低估的烟草领导者所能提供的开始。公司正在引领大型烟草集团向无烟未来转型[16] 财务表现 - 在2024年上半年,BTI的新类别产品消费者增加了140万,总数达到2640万。新类别产品在2024年上半年贡献了17亿英镑的收入,占集团收入的17.9%,自2020年以来年复合增长率达到28.4%[18] 运营亮点 1. **新类别增长**:新类别增长主要由尼古丁产品Velo驱动,Vuse电子烟品牌继续保持市场领导地位,在主要市场中占有40.9%的价值份额[21] 2. **传统烟草业务**:尽管在美国可燃烟草收入下降,但被美洲与欧洲以及亚太中东非洲市场的强劲增长所抵消。公司在美国的热门品牌如Newport、Lucky Strike和Natural American Spirit继续增加市场份额[22] 3. **财务健康**:BTI在2025年上半年结束时,拥有强大的流动性位置,平均债务到期年限为9.2年,固定债务比例为84%。公司预计到财政年度结束时,调整后的净债务/调整后的EBITDA将在2.0至2.5倍之间[24] 4. **股票回购**:公司启动了一项重大的股票回购计划,计划在2024年回购7亿英镑的股票,在2025年回购9亿英镑的股票。截至2024年6月30日,公司已回购1510万股,价值3.66亿英镑[25] 行业展望 - 烟草行业具有将价格上涨轻松转嫁给消费者的特点,尽管存在健康问题,政府在限制方面行动有限。烟草产品在人类社会中根深蒂固,未来将继续存在,只是形式会根据消费者偏好而变化[25]