Bakkt (BKKT)
Bakkt (BKKT) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-05-16 04:13
Exhibit 99.1 Bakkt Reports First Quarter 2024 Results - $854.6 million total revenues including gross crypto revenues and net loyalty revenues - Strong client crypto trading activity with notional traded volume up 324% quarter-over-quarter - $48.8 million operating expenses excluding crypto costs, execution, clearing and brokerage fees, down 16% year-over-year - Updated full year 2024 outlook to reflect recently implemented strategic reduction in force and restructuring which is expected to reduce operating ...
Bakkt Cuts 13% of Staff as Execs Depart
PYMNTS· 2024-05-06 18:46
Bakkt is cutting staff after warning earlier this year about the future of the company. The cryptocurrency platform said in a securities filing Friday (May 3) that it is laying off 28 workers, or 13% of its non-call center staff. “The reduction in force is a component of a broader strategic review of the company’s operations that is intended to more effectively align resources with business priorities,” the filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said. The document also notes that Charles G ...
Why Is Bakkt (BKKT) Stock Moving Today?
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-29 20:43
Bakkt (NYSE:BKKT) stock has been on a wild ride recently as the company’s shares underwent a reverse stock split last week. That reverse stock split took place when markets closed on Friday. As a result, traders are starting to see the effects of this split on Monday morning. That’s resulted in some massive jumps and drops in price as exchanges adjust their prices. The BKKT reverse stock split has Bakkt consolidate 25 shares of its stock into a single share. The company underwent a reverse stock split to bo ...
Bakkt (BKKT) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-03-26 09:08
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年第四季度总收入为2.145亿美元,其中1.994亿美元为加密货币服务总收入 [40] - 2023年全年总收入为7.801亿美元,同比大幅增长,主要由于收购Bakkt Crypto [45] - 2023年第四季度运营费用为2.93亿美元,同比大幅增加,主要由于加密货币服务相关成本增加 [41] - 2023年全年运营费用为10.08亿美元,同比大幅增加,主要由于加密货币服务相关成本增加 [45] - 2023年第四季度调整后EBITDA为-1900万美元 [46] - 2023年全年现金流量使用为1.691亿美元,包括5500万美元用于收购Bakkt Crypto [57] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年第四季度加密货币服务总收入为1.994亿美元,同比增长4% [50] - 2023年第四季度加密货币服务成本和执行清算费用为1.978亿美元 [50] - 2023年第四季度加密货币交易净收入为160万美元,毛利率约80个基点 [51] - 2023年第四季度加密货币启用账户为620万个,保持稳步增长 [53] - 2023年第四季度加密货币交易账户为21.5万个,同比下降53% [53] - 2023年第四季度加密货币交易量为2.03亿美元,同比增长6% [54] - 2023年第四季度忠诚度兑换交易量为2.39亿美元,同比下降9% [54] - 2023年第四季度托管资产为7.02亿美元,同比增长39% [56] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年第四季度公司在香港、新加坡、巴西、危地马拉和西班牙等市场扩张业务 [32] - 2023年第四季度公司还进入台湾市场,进一步拓展亚洲市场 [32] - 2023年第一季度公司交易量同比增长206%,资产托管规模超过10亿美元 [33] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正处于关键的发展阶段,重点是要扩大业务规模 [17] - 公司将通过拓展客户网络、丰富产品线、提升运营效率等方式来实现可持续增长 [28][29] - 公司在合规、安全、灵活可扩展的加密货币解决方案方面具有优势,有利于吸引更多客户 [25][26][27] - 公司正在加强机构加密货币业务,包括推出协作式托管和机构交易等新产品 [34][36][37] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 2023年上半年行业经历了一些挑战,但随着比特币ETF获批等重要里程碑,行业开始出现强劲的利好因素 [13] - 2024年第一季度公司零售客户的交易量有所增加,反映客户群体对加密货币的兴趣有所提升 [14] - 公司对未来市场的发展持谨慎乐观态度,相信行情将继续稳定和改善 [13] - 公司正专注于提高运营效率、增加经常性收入,以实现可持续增长和盈利 [21][22] 其他重要信息 - 公司最近完成了一轮融资,有助于缓解持续经营的担忧,为未来发展提供资金支持 [18][19][58] - 公司计划进行股票反向拆分,以解决摘牌风险 [19][20] - 公司将继续保持上市地位,致力于为股东创造价值 [19][60] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **投资者提问股价表现** 投资者对公司股价表现不佳感到沮丧和失望 [73][74][77] **公司回应** 公司理解投资者的失望,但相信通过持续的经营业绩提升和财务表现,最终将推动股价回升 [73][74][77][88] 问题2 **投资者询问托管业务发展** 投资者关注公司是否成为比特币ETF的托管服务商 [80][81] **公司回应** 公司已经签约成为某些比特币ETF的托管服务商,未来还有更多此类合作在洽谈中 [80][81] 问题3 **投资者询问公司未来发展前景** 投资者关注公司能否持续经营和实现增长 [83][84][85] **公司回应** 公司正全力以赴提升运营效率和盈利能力,并有信心通过扩大客户网络、丰富产品线等方式实现可持续增长 [83][84][85][88]
Bakkt (BKKT) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-03-26 05:11
Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Earnings March 25, 2024 Important notice Unless the context otherwise provides, "we," "us," "our," "Bakkt" and like terms refer to Bakkt Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This presentation and accompanying oral presentation contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such statements include, but are not limi ...
Bakkt (BKKT) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-03-26 04:31
公司概况 - 公司成立于2018年,截至2023年12月31日,公司在2023年和2022年的收入分别为7.27亿美元和5.62亿美元[121] - 公司在2023年和2022年分别出现净亏损22.58亿美元和19.89亿美元[121] - 公司在2022年增加运营成本和费用,完成产品路线图并建立上市公司基础设施,预计在可预见的未来将减少运营费用[122] 业务风险 - 公司的收入中有很大一部分集中在少数几个客户身上,任何一个客户的损失都会对公司的业务、财务状况、运营结果和未来前景造成重大不利影响[108] - 公司的未来收入很大程度上取决于客户在平台上进行加密货币和忠诚积分交易所产生的交易费用和我们在这些交易中收取的利润率。如果我们无法继续扩大客户基础,我们将无法继续扩大客户基础、收入或业务,这可能对我们的业务、财务状况和运营结果产生负面影响,并可能导致我们无法继续作为一个持续经营的实体[120] - 公司可能无法实现过去或未来投资、战略交易或收购的预期收益[137] - 公司可能面临整合挑战,管理分散注意力,业务受到干扰,股东价值被稀释或影响业务、财务状况和运营结果[137] 财务风险 - 公司可能需要进行股权或债务融资以获得额外资金支持业务[140] - 公司可能会发行额外的股票,导致股东被稀释,新股权可能优先于现有证券[141] - 公司计划通过ICE Offering发行额外8772016股A类普通股和购买8772016股A类普通股的认股权证,预计可获得约760万美元的总收益[143] - 公司计划利用现金和到期可供出售债务证券的收益来资助日常运营、激活新的加密客户、维持产品开发工作和优化技术基础设施和运营支持[144] 法律风险 - 公司可能面临诉讼风险,可能导致巨额成本和管理资源分散[1] - 公司根据Opco LLC协议有义务向Opco Common Units持有人支付税款分配[190] - 公司根据Tax Receivable Agreement有义务支付Opco资产税基增值的85%作为净所得税节省[192] - 公司可能需要额外借债来支付税收协议下的款项,以满足现金流不足的情况[194]
Bakkt (BKKT) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-03-26 04:23
公司信息 - Bakkt Holdings, Inc.是一家总部位于乔治亚州阿尔法雷塔的公司[1] - Bakkt Holdings, Inc.的股票在纽约证券交易所上市,交易代码为BKKT[1] 财务业绩 - Bakkt Holdings, Inc.于2024年2月29日发布了截至2023年12月31日的季度和年度初步财务业绩的新闻稿[4]
Bakkt Announces Leadership Transition
Businesswire· 2024-03-19 04:51
ALPHARETTA, Ga.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: BKKT) today announced that Andy Main has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer, effective March 26, 2024. He will succeed Gavin Michael, who is stepping down to pursue other opportunities. Michael will serve in an advisory role through March 2025 to assist in the leadership transition and advise the Board and executive team on strategic matters. Andy Main has served on Bakkt’s Board of Directors since its public listing in 2021 and ...
Bakkt Now Available Through Unchained's Collaborative Custody Network
Businesswire· 2024-03-08 21:15
ALPHARETTA, Ga.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (“Bakkt”) (NYSE: BKKT) today announced that the company is available now as a key agent for Unchained’s enterprise collaborative custody product. This collaborative model helps bitcoin holders increase security when safeguarding their assets through the use of a vault secured by multiple institutional key agents. As a part of the network, Bakkt will serve as an institutional signatory for Unchained customers' multi-signature vaults. “ Secure and regulat ...
Beleaguered Bakkt Completes $32 Million Direct Offering
Forbes· 2024-03-06 06:40
Bakkt融资情况 - Bakkt完成了价值32.4亿美元的两项证券购买协议[1] - Bakkt向机构投资者发行了约3500万股A类普通股和预先融资认股权[2] - Bakkt向其前母公司和纽约证券交易所所有者ICE出售了280万股股票[3] - Bakkt获得了1500万美元的资本筹集批准[5] Bakkt股价及销售情况 - Bakkt在2021年10月完成SPAC交易后,股价飙升至45.52美元,市值超过20亿美元[6] - Bakkt在2023年第四季度的销售额约为2.13-2.15亿美元,主要得益于收购了加密交易公司Apex Crypto[7] Rosenblatt Securities评级 - Rosenblatt Securities将Bakkt股票的目标价从1.70美元降至0.75美元,但仍维持“买入”评级[8]