中金在线· 2024-04-18 20:34
4月16日,受主办方邀请,跨越速运作为独家物流合作伙伴参加2024百度Create AI开发者大会。全球首个AI 开发者大会,为何只选跨越速运?作为“独一份”,跨越速运又是凭借哪些“独门秘籍”征服全场? 引领全球AI风潮的百度Create AI开发者大会至今已举办五届,屡次引领了科技突破与行业变革,文心大模 型3.0、自动驾驶、AI芯片昆仑芯等一系列重大成果均曾在此首次亮相。本次大会聚焦炙手可热的AI话 题,在大会主论坛、分论坛以及超30节AI公开课、3000平方米AI互动体验区等精彩环节逐一展示,中国AI 前沿科技与顶尖开发者、业界领袖顶峰相见,共赴这场“AI春晚”。 跨越速运作为一家“披着物流外衣”的科技型企业,凭借在这场备受瞩目的AI开发者大会中展现的科技实 力和专业的定制化方案,受到主办方和广大参展商们的一致好评。同时,跨越速运不仅为大会提供高效的 物流服务,还在现场投入了充足的接送车次,在大会期间为部分参展商们提供酒店至深圳国际会展中心的 来回接送服务,让他们无须担心交通问题,更加专注于大会的交流和学习,参展商们直呼“省心”。而这已经 不是跨越速运第一次在专业展会中大放异彩。 追根溯源,跨越速运与科 ...
Baidu releases new AI tools to promote application development
CNBC· 2024-04-18 10:03
In this article BIDU Baidu CEO Robin Li speaks during the company's Create conference in Shenzhen, China, on April 16, 2024. Bloomberg | Bloomberg | Getty Images SHENZHEN, China – One year after Chinese search engine operator Baidu released its ChatGPT-like Ernie bot, the company this week announced tools to encourage locals to develop artificial intelligence applications. "In China today, there are 1 billion internet users, strong foundation models, sufficient AI application scenarios and the most complete ...
Baidu: Buy The AI Story Without Paying For It
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-18 08:07
JHVEPhoto/iStock Editorial via Getty Images Baidu's (NASDAQ:BIDU) transition from China's leading search engine company to artificial intelligence (AI) leader has only gained traction since I last covered the stock (see Baidu: Poised For Upside As AI Monetization Begins). The good news is that the company has also begun monetizing its AI capabilities; Q4 2023 results showed the company had already unlocked ~CNY 656m (or ~$100m) of AI revenue, with guidance outlining a path to further ramping up its AI-relat ...
Baidu Launches Second ERNIE Cup, A Global Innovation Challenge to Discover the Next Big AI-Native Applications
Prnewswire· 2024-04-17 19:03
百度创新挑战赛 - 百度宣布启动第二届ERNIE杯创新挑战赛,面向全球专注于AI原生应用的创业团队,提供高达5千万人民币的资金和资源[1] - 百度创始人、董事长兼首席执行官李彦宏在2024年创造大会上宣布了第二届ERNIE杯创新挑战赛的开幕,增加了对创业者的支持,包括更多战略投资、商业资源和媒体曝光[2] - 百度在去年五月推出了首届ERNIE杯创新挑战赛,旨在促进基础模型生态系统的蓬勃发展,帮助创业者和开发者创建各种AI原生应用[3]
3 No-Brainer Stocks to Buy With $100 Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-17 17:21
投资股市 - 投资股市时,选择具有长期竞争优势的企业,即使只投入少量资金,也能获得长期回报[1] - 随着2020年初股市波动,道琼斯工业平均指数、标准普尔500指数和纳斯达克综合指数在熊市和牛市之间震荡,但长期来看,这些指数总是向上走[2] - 在华尔街投资股市时,大多数在线券商已经取消了对主要美国交易所普通股交易的最低存款要求和佣金费用,这意味着任何金额的资金都可以投入股市[4] 辉瑞公司 - 辉瑞公司是一家不容错过的股票,其COVID-19疫苗和口服治疗药物在2022年创造了超过560亿美元的销售额,2023年预计这两款产品的收入将达到80亿美元[6] - 辉瑞公司的非COVID产品组合也在不断增长,2023年除去COVID产品的销售增长率为7%,2024年预计运营销售增长率为3%至5%[10] - 辉瑞公司的特殊护理部门是其主要增长驱动力,2023年实现了11%的运营增长,Vyndaqel产品系列去年销售额达到33.2亿美元,镰状细胞病药物Oxbryta的销售额增长了四倍[11] - 辉瑞公司收购了癌症药物开发商Seagen,这将大大扩展辉瑞公司的癌症药物管道,尽管这笔交易将使2024年的每股收益减少0.40美元,但两家公司的结合将带来显著的成本节约[12] 菲利普莫里斯国际 - 菲利普莫里斯国际是另一家不容错过的股票,具有明确定义的竞争优势,如烟草价格上涨抵消香烟销量下降等[15] - 菲利普莫里斯国际在烟草以外的领域也在积极扩展,2013年其加热烟草单位销量增长了近15%,在销售其IQOS加热烟草设备的市场上,HTU份额增加了120个基点至9.1%[18] 百度 - 百度是中国一家不可错过的股票,拥有互联网搜索引擎和人工智能等领域的领先地位,未来有望受益于中国经济复苏和人工智能发展[20] - 百度在2023年底拥有超过280亿美元的现金、现金等价物和各种投资,具备足够的现金用于高增长项目,并且以8倍的未来年度收益倍数,百度可能再也不会这么便宜了[27]
Baidu says its ChatGPT-like Ernie bot exceeds 200 million users
CNBC· 2024-04-16 12:27
Men interact with a Baidu AI robot near the company logo at its headquarters in Beijing, China April 23, 2021. Florence Lo | Reuters SHENZHEN — Baidu CEO Robin Li said Tuesday the company's ChatGPT-like Ernie bot has exceeded 200 million users. He added the company would hold another round of its AI development competition, and offer a prize of 50 million yuan ($7 million). Li, who is also co-founder and chairman of Baidu, was delivering an opening speech titled "Everyone is a Developer" at Baidu's AI Creat ...
3 Stocks to Buy Now Before the Robotaxi Revolution
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-16 04:22
When Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) founder and CEO Elon Musk announced a date of August 8 for its robotaxi event, the stock managed to nudge higher amid its multi-year downturn. Though shares have since reversed lower again, everybody will tune in when Musk hits the stage this summer. The company’s potential innovations may just be able to help Tesla regain its magnificence. Undoubtedly, the nascent robotaxi market has experienced setbacks over the past year. With General Motors (NYSE:GM) pulling back on its Cruise r ...
Why Baidu Stock Is a Real Bargain at It Current Levels
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-15 20:43
Chinese tech giant Baidu stock (NASADAQ:BIDU) is growing significantly while its profitability is rapidly increasing. Moreover, the firm is a leader in both artificial intelligence and driverless vehicles. Over the long term, these businesses should cumulatively tremendously boost Baidu’s top and bottom lines, lighting a fire under Baidu stock. Also importantly is that, given the company’s impressive financial results and strong outlook, the valuation of the shares is extremely low. Baidu owns and operates ...
3 Must-Buy International Stocks for a Diversified Portfolio
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-15 02:38
While the U.S. may consistently be the best house in the worst block, sometimes, it can be advantageous to consider international stocks. Generally, financial advisors will recommend keeping your bread and butter in what you know; that is, American companies. Still, going abroad can expand horizons and opportunities. One possible advantage is that most of your peers will likely be targeting U.S.-based securities. That means you can find some underappreciated gems that have a greater upside pathway. Also, be ...
3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks That Could Go Parabolic
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-14 18:46
UiPath - UiPath是全球最大的RPA公司,服务于100多个国家的超过10,800家客户[2] - 在2023财年,UiPath的营收增长了19%,2024财年又增长了24%,预计2025财年将再增长19%[3] SentinelOne - SentinelOne是一家提供XDR工具的网络安全公司,其营收在2023财年翻了一番,在2024财年增长了47%,预计2025财年将增长31%至32%[7]