Alibaba's Future: International Commerce And Cloud AI Deployment
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-27 15:21
Robert Way Chinese online retail has been a once-in-a-generation growth opportunity. Not only was e-commerce penetration increasing, but the income of Chinese consumers has also been soaring and boosting demand for discretionary goods. The Chinese e-commerce market has grown by double digits for years. The golden age of Chinese e-commerce has ended though and retailers are now having to struggle for market share to continue growing. Alibaba (NYSE:BABA) is the largest retailer in China, but its growth potent ...
China Baby Stores Market Research Report 2024 Featuring Alibaba, JD, Kidswant Children Products, Shanghai Aiyingshi, & Zhuhai LBaby New Retail Management
Dublin, July 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Baby Stores in China - Industry Market Research Report" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares. Industry revenue is expected to increase at a CAGR of 6.4% over the five years through 2023 ...
3 China Stocks to Buy on the Dip: July 2024
Investor Place· 2024-07-25 18:02
The Chinese market has quite a lot of differences when compared to the traditional American or Western market. The extent of government and regulatory control and the “communist” nature of the country make it unattractive to some investors, despite large-scale market activity. However, for investors who are willing to put up with the risks of investing in the Chinese market, the companies present offer immense value for money, along with impressive growth potential. China’s economy grew at a reported 5.3% i ...
Forget Nvidia: This Could Be the Most Underrated AI Stock to Buy Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-25 18:00
Alibaba Group could be a steal of a deal at its current valuation.If you're thinking about buying shares of Nvidia now, one issue you might be finding it hard to get around is its valuation. While the chipmaker's growth prospects are undoubtedly amazing, is the stock really worth paying more than 70 times earnings for? For many investors, the answer has been a resounding yes -- the chipmaker's market cap is up by around 150% this year to $3 trillion.But if you're worried that Nvidia's high valuation could l ...
Alibaba (BABA) Rises Higher Than Market: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-07-23 06:52
The most recent trading session ended with Alibaba (BABA) standing at $76.64, reflecting a +1.82% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. This change outpaced the S&P 500's 1.08% gain on the day. Elsewhere, the Dow saw an upswing of 0.32%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq appreciated by 1.58%.The online retailer's shares have seen an increase of 2.17% over the last month, surpassing the Retail-Wholesale sector's loss of 0.31% and the S&P 500's gain of 0.43%.The investment community will be closely monito ...
Alibaba: Super Bullish Chart Momentum, Crossed With Bargain Valuation
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-22 13:30
akinbostanci I know it's fashionable to bash China this election season. I know doubts about China's economy are everywhere. I know fears of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan are growing. I also fully understand a stock market correction is getting overdue globally. However, if you can ignore the noise and simply look at the supply/demand data, Alibaba Group Holding ADR (NYSE:BABA) (OTCPK:BABAF) could be set for a nice upmove in price the rest of 2024 and during 2025. That's what the charts are saying to me, any ...
交银国际证券· 2024-07-21 20:31
报告公司投资评级 - 阿里巴巴(BABA US)的目标价为111美元/107港元,对应2024/25年市盈率9/7.6倍,维持买入评级 [6][10] 报告的核心观点 业绩预览 - 预计2025财年1季度总收入2510亿元,同比增7%,调整后EBITA 439亿元,同比下降3% [3] - 预计阿里电商GMV同比增6%,与大盘表现一致,CMR与GMV增速差呈收窄趋势 [4] - 淘天收入预计同比增1%,直营电商收入预期较预期低约5% [5] - 国际商业预计将继续维持收入高增长预期,同比增39% [5] - 云业务恢复中高个位数同比增速,得益于公有云及AI相关收入拉动 [5] - 本地生活预计收入同比增14%,表现与行业一致 [5] - 菜鸟收入同比增22%,得益于跨境物流履约服务 [5] - 上调数字娱乐收入9%,受优酷表现优异拉动 [5] 估值分析 - 预计2025财年1季度公司整体EBITA增速或仍承压,主要考虑淘天继续投入商品竞争力和用户体验带来的GMV恢复效果以及国际商业海外的积极布局 [6] - 按SOTP,维持111美元/107港元(9988 HK)目标价,公司现价对应2024/25历年市盈率9/7.6倍 [6] 分部业绩总结 淘天集团 - 客户营销管理、直营、批发业务情况 [18][19][20] 阿里国际数字商业集团 - 零售、批发业务情况 [18][19][20] 本地生活集团 - 业务情况 [18][19][20] 菜鸟集团 - 业务情况 [18][19][20] 云智能集团 - 业务情况 [18][19][20] 大文娱集团 - 业务情况,包括优酷 [18][19][20] 其他业务 - 业务情况 [18][19][20] 财务数据 - 总收入、Non-GAAP EBITA、Non-GAAP利润率等财务指标预测 [23][24][25][26]
3 Chinese Stocks to Buy Now: Q3 Edition
Investor Place· 2024-07-19 18:30
Since the post-pandemic reopening, China’s economy has struggled to return to its growth trajectory. Still, China is the second largest global economy, accounting for 15% of global exports. With sentiment washed out and trough valuations, it’s time to consider some Chinese stocks to buy now.In terms of sentiment, investors are extremely bearish on China, pointing to its real estate issues, slowing growth and geopolitical tensions. However, this could be a contrarian signal that it’s time to consider buying ...
What's Happening With Alibaba Stock?
Forbes· 2024-07-17 18:30
文章核心观点 - 阿里巴巴股价今年表现疲弱,仅上涨约1%,而同期亚马逊股价上涨27% [2] - 阿里巴巴受到多重因素影响,包括中国经济放缓、新电商玩家竞争加剧 [2][3] - 但阿里巴巴估值合理,且在人工智能等领域有增长潜力 [6] 中国经济和消费状况 - 中国经济增长放缓,第二季度GDP同比增长4.7%,低于第一季度的5.3% [3] - 中国消费支出和零售销售疲软,零售销售创18个月新低,受通胀和失业率高企影响 [3] - 阿里巴巴面临来自拼多多等新电商玩家的竞争压力,电商业务增速放缓 [3] - 阿里云业务增长也有所放缓,受疫情后远程办公、教育等需求下降影响 [3] 阿里巴巴股价表现 - 阿里巴巴股价从2021年初的235美元下跌65%至目前约80美元,而同期标普500指数上涨约50% [4] - 阿里巴巴股价在过去3年内每年都低于标普500指数 [4] - 相比之下,Trefis高质量投资组合在同期内每年都跑赢标普500指数 [5] 阿里巴巴的估值和发展前景 - 阿里巴巴的监管风险有所缓解,正在调整电商策略以应对竞争 [6] - 阿里巴巴当前估值较低,仅9.5倍预期收益,远低于亚马逊的42倍 [6] - 阿里巴巴正加大股票回购力度,同时人工智能业务有望为公司带来增长 [6] - 分析师预计阿里巴巴股价有37%的上涨空间 [6]
Here's Why Alibaba (BABA) Gained But Lagged the Market Today
ZACKS· 2024-07-17 06:51
In the latest trading session, Alibaba (BABA) closed at $78.38, marking a +0.47% move from the previous day. The stock's change was less than the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.64%. On the other hand, the Dow registered a gain of 1.85%, and the technology-centric Nasdaq increased by 0.2%.Heading into today, shares of the online retailer had gained 4.64% over the past month, outpacing the Retail-Wholesale sector's gain of 2.58% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.82% in that time.Investors will be eagerly watching for th ...