Aurora Innovation(AUR)
Why Aurora Innovation Looks Well-Positioned To Generate Attractive Profits
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-18 11:53
Sometimes in investing, an uncomplicated thesis generates huge rewards. For example, someone who bought Google's shares soon after its IPO, based on the relatively uncomplicated idea that the company was well-positioned to eventually obtain very large amounts of revenue by selling internetAnalyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of AUR, AMZN either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not r ...
Self-driving truck startup Aurora Innovation to sell up to $420M in shares ahead of commercial launch
TechCrunch· 2024-08-02 00:34
Self-driving technology company Aurora Innovation is looking to raise hundreds of millions in additional capital as it races towards a driverless commercial launch by the end of 2024. Aurora, which went public in 2021 through a special purpose acquisition merger, is pursuing a driver-as-a-service model, wherein carriers purchase trucks with the Aurora Driver tech on board and then offer their services via those trucks to shippers. But the company is planning to go to market as a carrier, offering up to 20 a ...
Aurora Innovation(AUR) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 05:08
业绩总结 - 公司在2024年第二季度的现金及现金等价物和短期投资为1,020百万美元[50] - 公司的研发支出为170百万美元,总运营支出为198百万美元[50] - 公司预计根据当前业务计划,到2028年实现正的自由现金流需要额外的约850百万美元资本[53] 新产品和新技术研发 - 公司与Uber Freight合作推出了Premier Autonomy计划[8] - 公司收到了第一辆Volvo VNL自动驾驶卡车[9] - 公司完成了FirstLight激光雷达芯片的设计和初步制造[10] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司已经签订了2025年预期产能的重要部分合同,剩余供应正在最后阶段签订,多个客户已经批准无人驾驶[29] - 公司已经开始每周安排140次运输,几乎是一年前商业量的三倍[34] - 公司现在专注于提高不需要任何现场支持的商业货物比例,目标是100% API[25]
Aurora Innovation(AUR) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-01 04:16
自动驾驶业务发展 - 公司正在开发Aurora Driver,这是一个基于最先进和可扩展的自动驾驶硬件、软件和数据服务的平台[65] - 公司计划首先推出用于货运的Aurora Driver服务,并计划之后扩展到乘客出行和本地货运市场[66] 财务表现 - 研发费用同比下降9%,主要由于开发车队的硬件成本下降以及股份支付费用下降[71] - 销售及一般管理费用同比下降7%,主要由于人员成本和其他一般管理费用的下降[71] - 公司的总流动性在未来12个月内预计将足以满足营运资金和资本支出需求[77] 经营风险 - 公司认为通胀对其业务、财务状况或经营业绩尚未产生重大影响,但如果成本受到通胀压力影响,公司可能无法完全通过价格上涨来抵消更高的成本[86] - 由于内在局限性,内部财务报告控制可能无法防止或发现错报,未来有效性的预测也存在风险[90] - 公司目前面临的各种索赔、诉讼和其他法律行政程序,个别或总体上都不会对其业务产生重大不利影响[91] 内部控制 - 公司管理层评估了截至2024年6月30日的信息披露控制和程序的有效性,认为这些控制和程序是有效的[88] - 在2024年6月30日结束的财务季度内,公司的内部财务报告控制未发生任何重大变化[89]
Aurora Innovation(AUR) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-01 04:13
商业进展 - 奥罗拉公司第二季度实现了良好的商业进展,宣布了另一个启动客户,并已经为2025年的预期产能签订了大部分合同[3] - 奥罗拉公司正在为商业发布做准备,第二季度达到了75%的100%API商业运载量,预计在商业发布时可达到90%[14][15] - 奥罗拉公司与优步货运扩大了合作关系,将在2024年底开始在达拉斯到休斯顿航线进行无人驾驶运输[21][23][24] - 奥罗拉公司已经累计交付了6,785个商业运载量,行驶里程超过180万英里,准时率接近100%[25][26][27][29] 监管与合作 - 奥罗拉公司正在与监管机构和政策制定者积极合作,为自动驾驶卡车技术的安全优势获得双党支持[32][33][35][36] - 奥罗拉公司与沃尔沃卡车、PACCAR和大陆等公司建立了行业领先的合作伙伴关系,支持其规模化部署自动驾驶卡车[40][41][42] 技术进展 - 奥罗拉公司的FirstLight激光雷达芯片技术进展顺利,有助于降低成本并实现自动化制造[43] 财务表现 - 公司在第二季度保持了强劲的财务纪律,执行商业发布计划[53] - 第二季度运营费用(包括股票激励)为1.98亿美元,不包括股票激励为1.6亿美元[53] - 第二季度使用了1.76亿美元的运营现金,其中包括4900万美元的2023年年度激励计划支付[54] - 公司在第二季度末拥有10亿美元的现金和短期投资,预计可支持到2025年第四季度的运营[55] - 公司第二季度的研发支出为1.38亿美元,主要用于行业领先的自动驾驶技术[53] - 公司第二季度的资本支出为1100万美元[54] 未来展望 - 奥罗拉公司正在推进从商业发布到规模化部署的路径,预计将实现盈利[46]
3 Autonomous Driving Stocks That Can Steer You to Riches
Investor Place· 2024-07-09 18:00
文章核心观点 - 自动驾驶汽车从科幻小说概念逐渐成为现实 [1] - 自动驾驶汽车市场规模巨大,预计未来10年内将超过2.65万亿美元 [2] - 科技巨头纷纷进入自动驾驶领域,相互竞争推动技术进步 [3] 公司总结 Alphabet (GOOG, GOOGL) - 作为科技巨头,Alphabet旗下的Waymo部门专注于自动驾驶出租车业务,为该领域提供实际解决方案 [4] - Alphabet财务实力雄厚,过去4个季度平均每股收益为1.63美元,高于预期1.47美元 [5] - 预计2024财年每股收益和收入将分别增长30.5%和12.8% [6] Mobileye (MBLY) - Mobileye专注于开发和部署先进驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)及自动驾驶技术,是该领域的主要参与者 [8] - 过去4个季度平均每股收益为0.15美元,高于预期0.125美元,盈利能力较强 [9] - 股票估值合理,有望进一步提升 [10] - 预计2025财年收入将大幅增长38.7%至26.2亿美元 [11] Aurora Innovation (AUR) - 作为自动驾驶技术公司,Aurora专注于开发自适应和可互操作的自动驾驶平台 [12] - 过去4个季度平均每股亏损为0.138美元,低于预期0.153美元 [13] - 目前尚未实现收入,但预计2024和2025财年收入将分别达到83万美元和1761万美元 [14]
Uber Freight and Aurora to Democratize Driverless Trucks for Carriers of All Sizes
Newsfilter· 2024-06-25 19:00
DALLAS, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Uber Freight and Aurora Innovation (NASDAQ:AUR) are launching Premier Autonomy, a new program providing early access to over 1 billion of Aurora's driverless miles to Uber Freight carriers through 2030. The program is the latest in their longstanding partnership to integrate and deploy autonomous trucks on the Uber Freight network to enable carriers of all sizes to improve utilization and enhance business efficiency through autonomous technology. Additionally, Uber ...
Penny Stocks That Insiders Are Loading Up On: 3 Names to Watch Closely
Investor Place· 2024-06-05 18:15
Penny stocks are risky. That’s why we attach a warning to the tail-end of penny stock articles. It’s also why the SEC warns of their dangers. “Penny stocks may trade infrequently — which means that it may be difficult to sell penny stock shares once you have them. Because it may also be difficult to find quotations for penny stocks, they may be impossible to accurately price. Investors in penny stock should be prepared for the possibility that they may lose their whole investment.” In short, pay close atten ...
The Hidden Gem Hit List: 3 Under-the-Radar Stocks to Buy Before Wall Street Wises Up
Investor Place· 2024-06-03 18:00
With the advancement of the Internet, you might think under-the-radar stocks might be an obsolete concept. In a way, that’s true. Combined with social media, it’s difficult for any truly viable enterprise to not be talked about. However, it’s more than possible that Wall Street analysts fail to give compelling companies their fair share of the spotlight. For this article, I’m going to focus on consensus hold ratings. The experts are pensive on these under-the-radar stocks. Here’s why that might be a mistake ...
The Volvo VNL Autonomous – Proving the Way Forward
Newsfilter· 2024-05-21 09:10
Greensboro, N.C., May 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Volvo Autonomous Solutions (V.A.S.) today unveiled Volvo's first-ever production ready autonomous truck at the Advanced Clean Transporation (ACT) Expo in Las Vegas. The Volvo VNL Autonomous brings together Volvo's commercial vehicle expertise with industry-leading autonomous driving technology from Aurora Innovation (NASDAQ:AUR). The result is a purpose-designed and purpose-built autonomous truck that will be the key enabler to increasing freight capacity a ...