Arm plc(ARM)
AI Bubble or Deep Value? 3 Semi Stocks to Watch After Last Week's Plunge
Investor Place· 2024-08-15 18:30
文章核心观点 - 近期人工智能(AI)相关半导体股票出现大幅下跌,引发投资者关注是否存在泡沫破裂的风险[1][2] - 尽管短期内可能会出现剧烈波动,但从长期来看AI技术带来的生产力提升将推动相关行业持续发展[2] 行业总结 Arm Holdings - Arm Holdings股价在最近一个月内下跌约43%,但仍较年初上涨约80%[5][6] - Arm Holdings正在推进自主芯片的研发,有望在未来主导PC市场的芯片架构[6] - Arm Holdings的长期发展前景看好,是投资者把握AI浪潮的良机[6][7] Broadcom - Broadcom股价已从8月低点反弹约15%,公司看好AI芯片市场的巨大机遇[9][10] - 尽管短期内增长可能无法达到英伟达(NVIDIA)的水平,但Broadcom在AI领域的布局使其估值较低[11] Qualcomm - Qualcomm股价较近期高点下跌约25%,公司新推出的基于Arm架构的PC芯片有望带动业绩增长[13] - 苹果(Apple)正在研发自有基带芯片,可能会对Qualcomm的业务造成一定冲击,但Qualcomm有足够时间调整业务结构[13][14][15]
2 AI stocks to Buy Now With $200
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-15 17:20
文章核心观点 文章介绍了两家人工智能(AI)领域的上市公司Palantir Technologies和Arm Holdings,认为它们是未来10年内可能带来丰厚回报的增长型公司 Palantir Technologies - Palantir的AI软件平台需求加速增长 [4] - Palantir收入增长27%,政府收入增长23%,商业客户数量翻倍 [5][6] - Palantir与多个行业的大型企业签订合作协议,展现其软件能力的广度 [7][8] - Palantir是一家盈利公司,第二季度净利润1.34亿美元 [9] Arm Holdings - Arm是半导体行业的全球领导者,其芯片技术广泛应用于智能手机 [10] - Arm的商业模式是授权芯片设计并获取每单位的专利费,毛利率高达47% [11][12][13] - Arm的最新Armv9芯片技术正在云计算、汽车、消费电子等领域获得强劲需求 [14][15] - Arm在600亿美元的半导体行业拥有出色的增长前景 [16]
Arm Holdings (ARM) Down 33% in a Month: Should You Buy the Dip?
ZACKS· 2024-08-13 02:45
文章核心观点 - ARM股价在过去一个月下跌33.4%,但仍较年初上涨55.7%,表明当前下跌属于更广泛调整的一部分 [1][2] - ARM股价较52周高点下跌38%,且低于50日均线,显示投资者情绪偏空 [4] - 股价下跌可归因于整体经济数据疲弱以及日本央行加息等因素,而非ARM自身的具体消息 [7][8] 公司概况 - ARM在人工智能、云计算和智能手机领域处于领先地位,为苹果、英伟达等主要客户提供创新的芯片设计 [10][11] - ARM预计第一季度版税收入将环比增长约20%,得益于v9架构的更高采用率和智能手机市场复苏 [12] - 但物联网和网络设备市场持续疲软,可能影响ARM的收入 [13] 财务表现 - ARM预计2025财年和2026财年的收入和利润将保持20%以上的增长 [14] - 但目前股价估值较高,市盈率和EV/EBITDA均大幅高于行业平均水平 [15][16] 投资建议 - 考虑到当前估值偏高,投资者可能需要等待股价进一步下跌后再考虑入场 [17][18] - 公司目前被评为中性评级 [19]
Arm Holdings Plummets 40% Amid the Sell-Off, Is It a Strong Buy Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-11 22:40
Arm has terrific results and an awesome business model; is it enough?Semiconductors are among the most essential technologies on the planet. They enable everything from thermostats to smartphones to autonomous vehicles. Now, artificial intelligence (AI) demands even higher performance. These high-performance products are so important that there is geopolitical tension between the U.S. and China related to import and export bans and Taiwan, where most of the world's semiconductors are manufactured.Because of ...
Why You Should Hold Off On ARM Stock Despite The Discount
Investor Place· 2024-08-09 19:15
文章核心观点 - ARM公司作为芯片设计公司,其芯片指令被广泛应用于手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑等需要高能效的设备中 [1][2] - 随着英特尔的处理器性能和能效问题,ARM公司的芯片设计在市场上越来越占优势,ARM股票价格也因此大涨 [3][4][5] - 苹果和微软等科技巨头纷纷采用基于ARM架构的自主芯片,进一步推动了ARM公司的发展 [6][7][9] 财务表现 - ARM公司最近一个季度的收入同比增长39%,达到9.39亿美元,超出了此前的收益预期 [12][13] - 尽管如此,ARM公司的股价近期有所下跌,市盈率高达272倍,存在被高估的风险 [10][11][15][16][18] - 考虑到当前市场的不确定性,投资者可能需要等待ARM股价进一步下跌后再考虑买入 [17][18][19]
Why Arm Holdings Stock Rallied on Thursday
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-09 01:07
文章核心观点 - 半导体公司Arm Holdings股价大涨,主要是因为华尔街分析师给予了积极评级和目标价[2][3] - 分析师认为Arm未来几个月有明确的上涨空间,因为不会出现经济衰退,联储将很快开始降息[5] - Arm最近一个季度的财报表现出色,收入大幅增长,体现了公司的良好发展态势[6] - 人工智能的兴起为Arm带来了重大机遇,其最新处理器产品在AI芯片中扮演关键角色,有望带来更高的收益[7] 公司表现 - Arm最近一个季度(2025财年第一季度)收入达9.39亿美元,同比增长39%[6] - 其中许可收入激增72%,版税收入增长17%[6] - Arm的最新处理器产品Arm V9在人工智能芯片中扮演重要角色,如英伟达的最新产品就采用了144个Arm V9核心[7] - Arm的新产品不仅提供更强大的计算能力,带动需求增长,而且还有更高的版税率,将提升公司收益[7] 行业发展 - 分析师认为不会出现经济衰退,联储将很快开始降息,这为Arm未来几个月的发展提供了良好环境[5] - 人工智能的兴起为Arm带来了重大机遇,其最新处理器产品在AI芯片中扮演关键角色[7]
Why Nvidia, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, Arm Holdings, and Other Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks Rallied on Tuesday
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-07 02:43
文章核心观点 - 人工智能(AI)技术的采用持续增加,投资者对AI公司的股票表现出强烈兴趣 [2] - 尽管AI股票估值较高,但其高增长特性使得估值合理 [10][11] - AI技术的应用前景广阔,未来增长空间大 [12] 行业总结 AI行业发展 - AI公司如Nvidia、台积电、Broadcom、Arm等股价大涨,反映了AI技术持续受到市场追捧 [3] - Palantir公司业绩强劲,显示AI技术在企业中的应用仍在持续增长 [5][6][7][9] - 分析师对Nvidia股票给予买入评级,看好其AI业务前景 [8] - 但也有投资者认为AI被过度炒作 [8] AI公司估值 - AI公司股票估值较高,但考虑到其高增长特性,估值水平合理 [10][11] - 使用PEG估值指标,AI公司股票普遍被低估 [11] 行业前景 - AI技术应用前景广阔,未来增长空间大,投资者应长期持有优质AI公司股票 [12]
Arm Stock Plunges. Is This a Buying Opportunity or a Warning Sign?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-06 17:10
Valuation concerns and disappointing guidance pushed the stock lower.Arm Holdings (ARM -2.64%) has been one of the top artificial intelligence (AI) stocks on the market since its initial public offering nearly a year ago, but shares of the chipmaker ran into a wall on Thursday. The stock fell despite beating estimates on the top and bottom lines.Investors sold the stock, which was priced for perfection coming into the report, on concerns that its guidance was weaker the expected. The company failed to raise ...
Arm Holdings Shares Sink Despite Huge Revenue Growth. Is This a Golden Opportunity to Buy the Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-05 17:39
Why did the stock price drop so much?Arm Holdings (ARM -6.63%) share price plunged despite the semiconductor company reporting robust revenue growth in the latest quarter. Investors were not happy with the company's guidance, as it just reiterated its full-year outlook while lowering its growth expectations for royalty revenue.Despite the recent decline, the stock is still trading up nearly 51% this year. Despite that performance, it still trades down over 39% from an all-time high set in early July.The que ...
3 Stocks to Dump After Disastrous Q2 Earnings Results
Investor Place· 2024-08-04 21:00
Earnings season for this year’s second quarter rolls on. And while the results have been largely better than expected, some prints have been real doozies. Certain companies have seen their share price fall by 15% or more in a single day after they delivered financial results and guidance than fell short of Wall Street expectations.According to data from FactSet, a little more than 4o% of companies in the benchmark S&P 500 have reported Q2 results. Of those, 78% have beaten their profit targets and 60% have ...