Air Products and Chemicals (APD) Up 9.9% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 01:36
A month has gone by since the last earnings report for Air Products and Chemicals (APD) . Shares have added about 9.9% in that time frame, outperforming the S&P 500. Will the recent positive trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Air Products and Chemicals due for a pullback? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at the most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important catalysts. Air Products’ Q1 Earn ...
Air Products' Chairman, President and CEO Seifi Ghasemi to Speak at J.P. Morgan Industrials Conference on March 13
Prnewswire· 2024-03-07 01:00
公司介绍 - Air Products公司主席、总裁兼首席执行官Seifi Ghasemi将在2024年3月13日星期三上午8:45在J.P. Morgan工业会议上发表讲话[1] - Air Products是一家成立80多年的世界领先的工业气体公司,专注于为能源、环境和新兴市场提供服务[2] - 公司在2023财年的销售额为126亿美元,市值约为600亿美元,拥有约23,000名员工[3]
Air Products and Chemicals: Betting On Tomorrow's Air, Today
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-05 15:56
Editor's note: Seeking Alpha is proud to welcome Rabih Aridi, CFA as a new contributor. It's easy to become a Seeking Alpha contributor and earn money for your best investment ideas. Active contributors also get free access to SA Premium. Click here to find out more » SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images Introduction I recommend buying Air Products and Chemicals (NYSE:APD) stock with a target price of $285 over the next 12 months following its 16% drop over the Q1 2024 earnings release. ...
The Top 3 Hydrogen Stocks to Buy in March 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-05 06:06
多家公司的股票分析和展望 - 多家公司的股票分析和展望[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9] 美国政府可能会放宽氢能源相关规定,对氢能源公司的发展有望带来增长 - 美国政府可能会放宽氢能源相关规定,对氢能源公司的发展有望带来增长[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9] 公司股票的表现和分析 - 公司股票的表现和分析[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9] ETF投资的优势和相关公司 - ETF投资的优势和相关公司[8],[9] 投资者的持股情况和作者的观点 - 投资者的持股情况和作者的观点[10],[11]
My Top 10 High Yield Dividend Stocks For March 2024
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-02 19:12
Chonlatee Sangsawang Market Recap 2024 is off to a pretty good start, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) has posted positive returns during each of the first two months. The gain in February of 5.22% was much more impressive than the 1.59% gain in January. Year-to-date the ETF is up 6.89% and on pace for a pretty strong first quarter. Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM) is moving in the same direction this year, however not as such an impressive pace. VYM posted a decent gain of 2.62% in February and is up ...
3 Hot Hydrogen Stock Picks for Today's Value Investors
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-02 03:03
As the world continues to think in green, investors keep an eye on hot hydrogen stocks as part of their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. The current market size is around $242 billion and some on Wall Street believe it could turn into as much as an $11.7 trillion market by 2050. Why? Hydrogen has the potential to be used as a clean, carbon-free fuel source and become an integral part of the green economy that the world aims to go. Hydrogen stocks have the potential to provide long-term val ...
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (APD) Citi Global Industrial Tech and Mobility Conference Transcript
2024-02-23 06:00
业绩总结 - 公司预计2024年每股收益约为12.35美元,同比增长约7%至7.5%[1] - 美洲地区的炼油业务表现强劲,化工业务也稳健,但钢铁行业表现较弱[1] - 欧洲地区的氢气项目表现良好,建筑化工行业仍有一定的软弱迹象[1] - 亚洲地区,尤其是中国市场表现疲弱,未达预期增长[1] 未来展望 - 公司在低碳氢项目方面有重大增长策略,重点发展蓝氢项目[3] - 欧洲对低碳氢需求增长迅速,未来市场潜力巨大[3] - 低碳氢生产成本较高,但随着技术发展可能会变得更具竞争力[4] 新产品和新技术研发 - 公司在NEOM项目上投入大量人力资源,计划于2026年底投产[4] - 公司正在积极谈判长期合同,以确保NEOM项目的稳定运营[4] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司计划向重工业领域投入大部分资金,其中一位客户已经提出了对50万吨绿色氢的报价请求[5] - 公司拥有每天生产1千万吨灰色氢的能力[5] 其他新策略和有价值的信息 - 公司在路易斯安那州项目中决定增加二氧化碳封存量至1千万吨,需要更多的资本支出[6] - 公司自行承担项目的建设,以保持对项目的全面控制[7]
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (APD) Barclays 41st Annual Industrial Select Conference 2024 (Transcript)
2024-02-22 04:25
公司参与会议 - Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 参加 Barclays 41st Annual Industrial Select Conference 2024[1] - 公司主席、总裁兼首席执行官 Seifi Ghasemi 参加电话会议[1] - 投资者关系副总裁 Sidd Manjeshwar 也参加电话会议[2] - Barclays 的 Mike Leithead 主持电话会议[3] 股票情况 - Air Products 股票持有者对股票持有情况的调查结果显示60%的人不持有股票[6] - Air Products 预计通过周期的每股收益增长应该高于同行[8] - 大多数人认为 Air Products 应该以16倍以上的市盈率交易[12] 股价展望 - Air Products 股价受到资本配置和战略方面的影响[17] - Seifi Ghasemi 认为公司股价应该在349美元左右[24] 业务表现 - Air Products 基础工业气体业务表现优异,有望继续保持或增长利润和销量[37] - 公司专注于氢气业务,将氢气转化为氨并出售以提高利润率[55] - 公司强调绿色氢气项目需符合环保标准,不能仅为少数公司谋利[56] 市场展望 - 公司认为IRA法案不会被废除,并表示即使没有IRA,项目也不会停止[58] - 欧洲规定2030年燃料销售中1%必须使用绿色氢气,公司看好未来需求增长[63] - 德国政府计划投资35亿美元建设氢气管道系统,公司对未来充满信心[64]
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (APD) Barclays 41st Annual Industrial Select Conference 2024 (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-22 04:25
投资者态度 - 投资者对Air Products的股票持有情况和看法进行了调查,大部分投资者对新投资机会持否定态度[2] - 投资者对Air Products的股票持有态度呈现积极、消极和中立的混合态势[3] - 投资者对Air Products未来的EPS增长预期与同行公司相比处于什么位置[4] - 投资者对Air Products未来的现金运用方式进行了调查,结果显示大部分人倾向于股票回购和内部投资[5] - 投资者对Air Products未来的市盈率预期呈现多样化,大部分人认为应该在16倍以上到21倍之间[7] - Air Products的首席执行官Seifi Ghasemi提出了55倍的市盈率预期,但并未得到投资者的选择[8] - 投资者认为Air Products面临的最大股价下行压力主要来自资本运用和战略方面[10] - 投资者对Air Products最近发布的第一季度业绩和全年指引做出了负面反应,公司认为市场对业绩修订反应过度[11] 公司展望 - Air Products认为市场对公司业绩修订反应过度的原因可能是某些投资者试图通过空头操作压低股价,以便低价买入股票[13] - Air Products认为公司股价应该在28美元左右,而不是当前的低价水平[14] - Air Products强调公司基础工业气体业务的优势,包括高利润率、地理平衡和项目实施能力[26] - Air Products表示公司未来项目的资本支出估计已经基本稳定,不存在大幅通胀风险[32] - Air Products专注于拥有整个价值链,而不仅仅是ASU或ATR过程[33][37] - Air Products并非从事氨业务,而是从事氢业务,将氢转化为氨是为了运输[37] - Air Products坚信IRA对环境有益,不仅仅是为了公司利益,而是为了减少CO2排放[38] - IRA的废除不太可能发生,即使废除也不会影响Air Products的项目[40] 市场趋势 - 欧洲和日本等地政府对绿氢的需求远远超过实际需求,Air Products认为未来价格会更高[45][46] - 中国经济需要采取重大举措来帮助经济,欧洲表现良好,美国前景不确定[49][50]
3 Hydrogen Stocks That Could Be Multibaggers in the Making: February Edition
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-20 04:40
Hydrogen is a volatile gas. When mishandled, hydrogen is flammable and can lead to deadly explosions. As an investment, hydrogen stocks have often proven similarly dangerous (metaphorically at least). Several leading pureplay hydrogen companies have seen their share prices implode over the past 24 months. Investors could be forgiven for overlooking the whole sector altogether. However, the truth is that hydrogen can be harnessed as a clean carbon-free fuel source which should be a vital part of humanity’s p ...