Here's Why You Should Hold Onto Air Products Stock for Now
ZACKS· 2024-09-10 21:10
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (APD) is expected to gain from its project investments, productivity actions and new business deals amid the softness in China and Europe.The company’s shares have lost 9.6% over a year compared with a 10.6% decline of its industry. Image Source: Zacks Investment ResearchLet’s find out why this Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) stock is worth retaining at the moment.High-return Projects and Productivity Actions Aid APD StockAir Products is well-placed to benefit from its investments in h ...
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (APD) Jefferies Industrials Conference - (Transcript)
2024-09-05 01:27
会议主要讨论的核心内容 氢能业务 - 公司是全球最大的灰色氢生产商,每天生产超过10,000吨氢气,拥有110多个生产设施 [2] - 过去3年,能源转型领域出现了重大进展,得益于美国IRA法案和欧洲等地区的政策支持 [2] - 公司已于2023年5月将NEOM绿氢项目推进到FID阶段,该项目每年可生产1.2吨绿色氨 [2] - 公司正在亚洲、欧洲等地区布局蓝氢和绿氢项目,根据不同地区的资源优势采取不同策略 [4][6] - 公司在氢气制造技术方面拥有45项专利,在氨解离和电解槽技术方面具有竞争优势 [6][7] 项目投资和融资 - 公司未来15年将投资150亿美元用于能源转型项目,其中20亿美元用于下游基础设施建设 [6][7] - 公司在项目融资方面采取灵活策略,利用项目融资、绿色债券等多种工具 [16][19] - 公司的合资企业在会计处理上存在一定复杂性,需要根据具体情况采取不同的方式 [16][19] 市场需求和行业趋势 - 中国市场受到外资投资限制和房地产问题的影响,需求较为疲软 [21] - 欧洲市场在低碳产品需求和工业需求方面保持良好态势,但冬季天然气价格走势将是关键 [21] - 美国市场目前尚未出现明显放缓迹象,氢气业务表现良好 [21] CEO交接 - 公司正在进行CEO交接,新任CEO将在Seifi Ghasemi的指导下工作2年左右 [23][24] - 新任CEO需要具备项目交付、团队建设、客户策略等方面的专业能力 [24]
Why Air Products & Chemicals Deserves A Spot In Your Portfolio
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-02 04:07
aluxum/E+ via Getty Images Introduction On August 30, I wrote an article titled "Dividend Kings Are Overrated." In that article, I explained that although dividend consistency is a great thing, dividend stocks should never be selected based on Dividend Aristocrat or Dividend King status. That said, there are plenty of good Dividend Aristocrats on the market who are still capable of elevated growth. One of them is Air Products & Chemicals (NYSE:APD). I was "lucky" to call the bottom on February 6, when ...
Air Products and Tatung Forever Energy Sign Power Purchase Agreement for Solar Electricity in Taiwan
Prnewswire· 2024-08-28 23:00
文章核心观点 - 空气产品公司与台湾大同公司的子公司大同永续能源签署10年期太阳能电力购买协议,以可再生能源供应工业气体生产所需电力 [1][2][3] - 这一战略性可再生能源协议体现了空气产品公司长期致力于应对气候变化,支持台湾工业气体行业脱碳和可持续发展的承诺 [3] - 通过此协议,空气产品公司台湾子公司可避免相当于8万户台湾家庭用电排放的二氧化碳排放 [2] - 空气产品公司台湾子公司是台湾首家获得ISO9002、ISO14000和ISO17034认证的工业气体公司 [5] 公司概况 - 空气产品公司是一家全球领先的工业气体公司,在全球50多个国家拥有业务,2023财年销售额达126亿美元 [6][7] - 公司拥有约2.3万名员工,致力于创新解决方案,支持环境保护和可持续发展 [7] - 公司在台湾市场已有70多年历史,在主要科技园区拥有强大的管道网络,为半导体和平板显示客户提供服务 [5] - 公司在金属加工、玻璃、电子、半导体、平板显示和石化等多个领域拥有60多个生产设施 [5] 行业动态 - 随着碳减排意识的提高,可再生能源需求正在快速增长 [4] - 台湾政府正在推动创新工业生态系统,支持绿色技术发展 [3] - 工业气体行业正在加速脱碳和可持续发展 [3]
Air Products' Vice President, Investor Relations, to Speak at Jefferies Industrials Conference on September 4
Prnewswire· 2024-08-28 21:00
LEHIGH VALLEY, Pa., Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Air Products today announced that Sidd Manjeshwar, vice president, Investor Relations, will speak at Jefferies Industrials Conference on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 8:05 a.m. US ET.Access to the session is available via Air Products' Investor Relations Event Details website.About Air ProductsAir Products (NYSE: APD) is a world-leading industrial gases company in operation for over 80 years focused on serving energy, environmental, and emerging markets. T ...
Air Products Up 20% in 6 Months: What's Driving the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-08-27 21:55
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.’s (APD) shares have popped 19.9% over the past six months. The company has also outperformed its industry’s rise of 4.1% over the same time frame. APD has also topped the S&P 500’s roughly 11.2% rise over the same period.Let’s take a look into the factors that are driving this Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) stock. Image Source: Zacks Investment Research What’s Going in APD’s Favor?Forecast-topping earnings performance in the fiscal third quarter and upbeat prospects have contributed t ...
Why You Should Retain Air Products (APD) Stock in Your Portfolio
ZACKS· 2024-08-16 21:31
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (APD) is expected to benefit from its project investments, productivity actions and new business deals. However, the softness in China and Europe is a concern.The company’s shares have lost 3.7% over a year, compared with an 8% decline of its industry. Image Source: Zacks Investment ResearchLet’s find out why this Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) stock is worth retaining at the moment.APD Gains on High-return Projects and Productivity ActionsAir Products is well-placed to gain from its ...
Air Products & Chemicals A Top Ranked Dividend Stock With 2.6% Yield
Forbes· 2024-08-16 21:29
Air Products & Chemicals has been named to the Dividend Channel ''S.A.F.E. 25'' list, signifying a stock with above-average ''DividendRank'' statistics including a strong 2.6% yield, as well as a superb track record of at least two decades of dividend growth, according to the most recent ''DividendRank'' report.According to the ETF Finder at ETF Channel, Air Products & Chemicals Inc is a member of the iShares S&P 1500 Index ETF (ITOT), and is also an underlying holding representing 1.31% of the SPDR S&P Div ...
The 3 Best Hydrogen Stocks to Buy in August 2024
Investor Place· 2024-08-08 03:15
Hydrogen is quickly becoming an essential part of the green energy matrix. For this reason, I recommend that investors consider the best hydrogen stocks to buy.The hydrogen market is expected to expand in the future, with estimates placing it at $410 billion by 2030. This growth is due to increased innovation and significant spending on hydrogen infrastructure globally, especially from entities such as the U.S. Department of Energy, which has spent $1 billion on hydrogen production projects​.Hydrogen has hu ...
Q3's Rising Stars: 3 Hydrogen Stocks for Your Must-Watch List
Investor Place· 2024-08-03 18:13
文章核心观点 - 全球能源结构正处于关键时刻,清洁能源兴起,化石燃料受到挑战,能源行业存在丰富的投资机会[1] - 其中氢能尤其是绿色氢能是一个值得关注的机会,预计到2030年将以39.5%的年复合增长率增长[1] - 尽管氢能股票受到系统性支持,但需要谨慎筛选,因为存在许多增长陷阱[2] 行业和公司总结 行业概况 - 氢能行业正处于快速发展阶段,预计未来增长潜力巨大[1] - 但同时也存在一些风险隐患,需要谨慎筛选优质标的[2] 公司1:Air Products and Chemicals (APD) - 是全球领先的垂直整合氢气供应商[4] - 虽然是一家成熟公司,但绿色氢能业务为其带来了新的增长机会,5年复合增长率达6.26%[4] - 近期财报表现良好,第三季度每股收益超预期16美分,EBITDA利润率达42.4%,显示出良好的运营效率[5] - 最近签署了与TotalEnergies的供应协议,股价也呈现良好的上涨趋势[6] 公司2:ITM Power (ITMPF) - 是一家英国清洁能源储存和清洁燃料公司,参与氢能行业[8] - 作为一家新兴公司,财务表现尚未成熟,最近一年营收仅5.2百万英镑,EBITDA为-94.2百万英镑,股价下跌44%[9] - 但公司拥有2.826亿英镑的强大现金储备,加上最近宣布的转型计划,以及氢能行业的系统性支持,仍存在一定的投机性机会[9][10] 公司3:Bloom Energy (BE) - 是一家美国固体氧化物燃料电池生产商,致力于绿色经济和氢能技术[12] - 最近宣布了一些积极的事件驱动因素,如与Chirisa Technology Parks的战略合作以及与英特尔的容量协议[13] - 这些因素推动了公司16.21%的复合增长率,加上合理的估值水平,BE股票被认为存在一定的投资价值[14]