AGNC: Double Down Opportunity On Its Dirt Cheap Valuations
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-26 23:30
公司概况 - 公司是一家专注于发现高增长潜力投资机会的研究公司 [1] - 公司擅长分析股票价格走势和基本面,识别风险收益比较优的投资机会 [1] - 公司倾向于避免炒作过度和估值过高的股票,而关注那些遭受重创但仍有较大上涨空间的股票 [1] 投资策略 - 公司运营一个专注于发现高增长潜力机会的投资组合 [2] - 该投资组合主要关注具有强劲基本面、买入动力和反转机会的增长型股票,估值吸引 [2] - 公司的投资时间框架为18-24个月,旨在等待投资主题充分发酵 [2]
This 14%-Yielding Dividend Has Been Stable for 55 Months in a Row (Can the Streak Continue?)
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-26 17:22
AGNC Investment has provided investors with lots of passive income over the past several years. AGNC Investment (AGNC -0.10%) is a prolific dividend stock. The mortgage-focused real estate investment trust (REIT) pays a monthly dividend that currently yields over 14%. That's more than 10 times higher than the S&P 500 (1.3% yield). The mortgage REIT has paid its monster dividend for 55 months in a row. That's impressive, considering the market conditions it has endured over the past few years. With the envir ...
Is AGNC Investment's 14% Yield a Millionaire Maker?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-26 17:00
文章核心观点 - AGNC Investment是一家房地产投资信托(REIT),主要投资于抵押贷款支持证券 [1][2] - 公司的股息收益率很高,达到14.5%,但这并不足以成为投资的唯一理由 [1][4] - 公司的股息支付和股价走势呈现下降趋势,这意味着投资者获得的实际收益会减少 [4][5][6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司概况 - AGNC Investment是一家房地产投资信托(REIT),主要投资于抵押贷款支持证券 [2] - 公司使用自有资金和借款来购买这些抵押贷款证券,赚取利差收益 [2] - 公司的业务模式类似于一只共同基金,公司的价值主要取决于其抵押贷款证券组合的价值 [2] 股息收益率分析 - 公司的股息收益率目前达到14.5%,远高于标准普尔500指数的1.2% [1] - 但公司的历史股息支付一直很高,通常超过10% [4] - 股息收益率保持高位的同时,实际股息支付呈现下降趋势,这意味着投资者获得的实际收益会减少 [5][6] 投资风险分析 - 抵押贷款市场非常复杂,受利率变化、房地产市场、贷款偿还率等多方面因素影响 [3] - 普通投资者很难全面跟踪公司的投资组合,这是投资公司的一大风险 [3] - 公司的股价和股息支付呈现下降趋势,这意味着投资者获得的资本收益和收入收益都会减少 [6]
Is It Time to Buy AGNC as Its Book Value Starts to Climb?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-25 18:15
文章核心观点 - 公司近期业绩有所好转,股价上涨约20%,同时支付较高的月度股息,收益率接近14% [1] - 公司的核心资产-抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)的账面价值(TBV)开始反弹,连续3个季度有所上升 [2][3] - 收益率曲线趋于正常化,有利于公司的经营 [3] - 但公司的平均净利差有所下降,预付款率有所上升,这对公司业绩构成一定压力 [4] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司业绩和股价表现 - 公司股价近期上涨约20%,扭转了之前的下跌趋势 [1] - 公司目前支付较高的月度股息,收益率接近14% [1] 公司核心资产-MBS的表现 - 公司MBS的账面价值(TBV)连续3个季度有所上升,反弹了45%的之前跌幅 [2][3] - TBV是衡量这类公司价值的关键指标 [3] 市场环境变化 - 收益率曲线趋于正常化,有利于公司的经营 [3] - 但公司的平均净利差有所下降,预付款率有所上升,这对公司业绩构成一定压力 [4] 未来展望 - 随着美联储开始降息,公司处于有利位置 [5] - 如果国债和抵押贷款利差进一步收窄,将对公司TBV产生积极影响,可能增加超过22% [5] - 总体来看,公司未来前景向好,值得投资 [6]
AGNC Investment: Get Paid A 14% Yield While The Fed Does The Rest
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-25 13:55
AGNC Investment Corporation (NASDAQ: AGNC ) is a well-managed mortgage real estate investment trust whose investment business is poised to profit from the central bank’s first rate cut last month. AGNC Investment’s third quarter profit was higher-than-expected and the trust enjoyed 5% QoQ bookA financial researcher and avid investor with a keen eye for innovation and disruption, as well as growth buy-outs and value stocks. Keeping an eye on the pace of high tech and early growth companies, I write about cur ...
AGNC: The Investment Time Has Arrived
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-25 01:01
I have been an investor for several decades enduring the 87 crash, 2000 crash, and 08 crash. I do use trading systems developed with TradeStation. I have enjoyed the rewards from both buy and hold and trading. My professional experiences includes several decades as a process control engineer. I hold a JD from an eastern law school.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of AGNC either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it ...
AGNC Investment Sees a Big Change Ahead. Here's What That Could Mean for its Nearly 14%-Yielding Dividend.
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-23 17:19
Changes in market conditions can impact the REIT's big-time dividend.AGNC Investment (AGNC -3.56%) is a leader in investing in the Agency residential mortgage-backed securities (MBS) market (i.e., MBS protected from credit losses by government agencies like Fannie Mae). The company has a massive MBS portfolio (over $71.8 billion). It also has extensive experience navigating the MBS market and can tell when changes are in the air. It sees the Federal Reserve's recent rate cut as a catalyst for a big change i ...
Better High-Yield Dividend Stock to Buy Now: AGNC vs. Verizon
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-23 16:29
Both offer high dividend yields. Here's what you need to know before you buy.If you're looking for stocks that pay you to hold them, now is a great time to look at the telecommunications and specialty finance industries.Shares of Verizon (VZ -5.03%) offer an attention-getting 6.5% dividend yield at recent prices. AGNC Investment Corp. (AGNC -3.56%), a real estate investment trust (REIT) with a huge portfolio of mortgages, offers a giant 14.0% yield.If all you look at are dividend yields, AGNC seems like the ...
AGNC Investment Q3 Earnings Miss Estimates, Asset Yield Improves
ZACKS· 2024-10-22 23:41
AGNC Investment Corp.’s (AGNC) third-quarter 2024 net spread and dollar roll income per common share (excluding estimated "catch-up" premium amortization benefit) of 43 cents missed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 47 cents. Also, the bottom line declined from the 65 cents reported in the previous quarter.Stay up-to-date with all quarterly releases: See Zacks Earnings Calendar.Adjusted net interest and dollar roll income of $420 million moved down 12.9% from the previous quarter.The company reported a third- ...
AGNC(AGNC) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-10-22 23:10
财务数据和关键指标变化 - AGNC在第三季度的每股综合收益为0.63美元,经济回报率为9.3%,其中包括每股0.36美元的分红和每股0.42美元的净资产增长,增幅为5% [11] - 截至10月,AGNC的每股净资产下降约3%,扣除每月分红后约为3.5% [11] - 杠杆率从第二季度的7.4倍轻微下降至7.2倍 [11] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 代理MBS的表现因券种和对冲类型而异,低券种MBS表现优于高券种 [14][15] - AGNC在第三季度增加了约50亿美元的代理MBS投资,投资组合总额达到721亿美元 [16] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度,2年和10年国债收益率分别下降112个基点和62个基点,收益曲线显著陡峭化 [14] - 代理MBS的波动性显著降低,2024年期间的券种利差波动范围为40个基点,较2023年和2022年的75个基点和108个基点显著改善 [15] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司预计代理MBS利差将保持在当前交易区间,认为供需动态保持合理平衡 [9] - 公司战略上逐步减少基于掉期的对冲,增加国债对冲,以应对货币政策的变化 [17] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对未来的经济环境持乐观态度,认为当前的货币政策转变将对AGNC及固定收益市场产生积极影响 [6][10] - 管理层指出,尽管短期内市场波动性加大,但长期前景依然向好 [34] 其他重要信息 - 第三季度通过市场发行了7.81亿美元的普通股,推动了股东的账面价值增长 [13] - 公司在第三季度的实际提前还款率(CPR)平均为7.3%,较第二季度略有上升 [12] 问答环节所有提问和回答 问题: 关于对冲的变化 - 管理层确认,已将对冲比例从98%降至72%,并将对冲重点转向收益曲线的长期部分,以应对未来的收益曲线陡峭化 [20][21] 问题: 核心收益与经济回报的关系 - 管理层表示,核心收益应与经济回报趋同,预计未来核心收益将与17%的股本回报率相一致 [22] 问题: 代理MBS的回报预期 - 管理层对当前的分红水平表示乐观,认为在当前的利差环境下,能够维持稳定的分红政策 [26] 问题: 当前的抵押贷款利率预期 - 管理层预计,未来抵押贷款利率将保持在6.5%以上,可能会减缓抵押贷款的供应 [30] 问题: 短期内的市场波动性 - 管理层指出,当前的市场波动性主要与即将到来的选举有关,预计在选举后市场将恢复稳定 [34] 问题: 预付款环境的看法 - 管理层表示,尽管当前的预付款速度有所上升,但整体反应仍低于COVID期间的水平 [48]