AGNC Q4 Earnings: The Preferreds Remain Far Better Than The Stock
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-27 02:32
Domepitipat From our first standalone coverage of AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC), we have pretty much stuck on neutral. The stock fell in the category of "why bother when returns won't be juicy". That has generally played out over this entire timeframe. Investors would have been better off sitting in cash and liquidating it versus staying in AGNC. Most investors use AGNC as an "income" source, so after taxes on those large dividends (which cannot be offset against the capital loss), you are down quite ...
AGNC Investment: The Cycle Has Shifted
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-26 16:52
- .‘" —— [ > ——— | = ll‘ v | coldsnowstorm I upgraded AGNC Investment (NASDAQ:AGNC) back in June, saying that with the Fed tightening cycle likely coming to an end now was the time to start accumulating shares. Including dividends, the stock has generated an over 5% return since then. Let's catch up on the name after its recent earnings report. Company Profile As a refresher, AGNC is mortgage REIT that primarily derives its income from the spread between the interest it earns on the mortgage-backed securiti ...
Sweet Fantasy For High Dividend Yield Buyers
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-26 08:15
Tungus-ka/iStock via Getty Images A reader recently asked me about my outlook on mortgage REITs. They wondered why I had such an uninspired outlook when nearly everyone agrees that interest rates are going to fall. I want to answer that for you, but it might as well be an article. Mortgage REITs are the poster child for high yield investing. Yields are regularly in the double digits. Often, they move into the upper teens (before cuts, hurray). The ideal environment for mortgage REITs depends on your perspec ...
This Ultra-High-Yield Dividend Stock Believes Its Headwinds Are Finally in the Rearview Mirror
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-24 19:48
Surging interest rates have made the last few years very challenging for the real estate sector. They've increased borrowing costs while causing a lot of volatility in asset values. AGNC Investments (AGNC 0.52%) hasn't been immune to these issues. While the mortgage real estate investment trust (REIT) invests in low-risk, mortgage-backed securities (MBS) guaranteed against credit- default risk by government agencies, it has battled volatility in interest rates and MBS spreads. That has weighed on its return ...
AGNC Investment (AGNC) Tops on Q4 Net Spread and Dollar Roll
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-24 04:06
财务表现 - AGNC Investment Corp.第四季度2023年每股普通股的净利差和美元滚动收入为60美分,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的49美分[1] - 调整后的净利息和美元滚动收入(不包括估计的“补偿”溢价摊销收益)为4.97亿美元,低于上一季度的4.99亿美元[2] - 公司报告的第四季度每股普通股综合收入为1美元,而上一季度为1.02美元[3] - 利息净收入为负2600万美元,而上一季度为负5300万美元,Zacks Consensus Estimate为3.51亿美元[4] - AGNC Investment第四季度投资组合的平均资产收益率为4.55%,高于上一季度的4.26%[5] - 综合加权平均资金成本(包括利率互换)为1.39%,而上一季度为1.17%[6] - 平均净利息差(不包括估计的“补偿”溢价摊销收益)为3.08%,高于上一季度的3.03%[7] 资产和负债 - 截至2023年12月31日,AGNC的平均有形净账面价值“风险”杠杆比率为7.4,而上一季度为7.5[8] - 第四季度,公司的投资组合承担的平均实际不变预付款率为6.2%,低于上一季度的7.1%[9] - 截至2023年12月31日,每股有形净账面价值(BVPS)为8.70美元,高于2023年9月30日的8.08美元[10] - 有形普通股权益的经济回报率为12.1%,而上一季度该指标为负10.1%[11] 投资组合和现金 - 截至2023年12月31日,公司的投资组合总额为602亿美元,其中包括538亿美元的机构抵押贷款支持证券,540万美元的净待定抵押头寸和11亿美元的信用风险转移和非机构证券[12] - 截至2023年12月31日,AGNC Investment的现金及现金等价物总额为5.18亿美元,高于2023年9月30日的4.93亿美元[13] 股息和评级 - AGNC Investment在第四季度宣布每股12美分的股息,自2008年5月首次公开发行以来,共宣布了129亿美元的普通股股息,每股47.20美元[14] - AGNC Investment目前持有Zacks Rank 2(买入)。您可以在这里查看今天的Zacks 1 Rank(强烈买入)股票的完整列表[16]
AGNC(AGNC) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-01-24 00:21
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在第四季度实现了12.1%的经济收益率,包括每股0.36美元的股息和每股0.62美元的有形净资产增加 [28] - 2023年全年公司实现了3%的正经济收益率,包括每股1.44美元的股息和每股1.14美元的有形净资产下降,股东总收益率为10% [29] - 截至1月底,公司的有形净资产价值环比上升1%至2% [29] - 公司的平均杠杆率在第四季度基本保持不变,为7.4倍,但期末杠杆率从第三季度的7.9倍下降至7倍 [29] - 公司的流动性仍然非常强,第四季度末未抵押现金和机构MBS总计51亿美元,占有形权益的66% [30] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司的净息差收入在第四季度为每股0.60美元,较上一季度的0.65美元有所下降,主要是由于资产规模略有缩小和股份数量增加 [30] - 公司投资组合的平均预计寿命CPR从上季度的8.3%上升至11.4%,反映了持仓平均票面利率的上升和抵押贷款利率的下降 [30] - 公司在第四季度通过ATM发行计划筹集了约3.8亿美元的普通股权益,以溢价价格发行 [31] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 10月份,国债供给担忧和货币政策不确定性导致10年期国债收益率和机构MBS当前票面利率分别达到15年来的高点5%和7% [17] - 11月和12月,随着通胀数据好于预期和联储政策转向,国债收益率大幅下跌,彭博综合债券指数在此期间录得近10%的总回报 [18] - 机构MBS的表现跟随国债收益率,前期跑输,后期跑赢,10月中旬达到最大利差,之后随着国债收益率下降而大幅收窄 [18] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司认为2024年机构MBS的投资前景明显好于过去两年,这得益于估值水平的历史性吸引力、贷款抵押贷款量、利率波动性下降、收益率曲线变平以及联储更有利于投资者的货币政策取向 [19] - 公司认为,联储将在2024年实施多次降息,这将是机构MBS市场的积极因素 [20] - 公司认为,随着许多不确定因素的消除,利率波动性将逐步下降,这将有利于机构MBS市场 [21][22] - 公司认为,机构MBS利差在140-190个基点的区间内波动是合理的,这一区间已经足够吸引私人资本进入该市场 [23][24] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司认为,当前的利率水平和利差水平已经足够吸引投资者,即使利率波动性不进一步下降,也能为股东带来有吸引力的回报 [25] - 公司认为,联储停止缩表的时间可能会早于此前预期,这将是机构MBS市场的积极因素 [85] - 公司认为,未来5年内,机构MBS和国债市场将需要大量的私人资本进入,这将支撑利差水平 [86][87] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Crispin Love 提问** 公司对未来机构MBS利差的预期如何,尤其是考虑到利率可能在2024年下半年出现下降 [53] **Peter Federico 回答** 公司认为,机构MBS利差在140-190个基点的区间内波动是合理的,这一区间已经足够吸引私人资本进入该市场 [54][55][56][57][59][60][61] 问题2 **Doug Harter 提问** 公司如何考虑未来的股息水平 [73] **Peter Federico 回答** 公司的股息水平取决于多方面因素,包括经营环境、预期杠杆水平、利率波动性等,同时也要考虑公司的目标ROE水平,目前该水平在15.5%左右,与公司投资组合的预期收益相匹配 [74][75] 问题3 **Bose George 提问** 公司对长期机构MBS利差的预期是什么 [84] **Peter Federico 回答** 公司认为,未来5年内,机构MBS和国债市场将需要大量的私人资本进入,这将支撑利差水平。同时联储未来的资产负债表规模和构成也将影响利差水平 [85][86][87][88][89][90]
AGNC(AGNC) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-01-23 19:17
公司业绩 - 2023年第四季度,公司净利润为 412 百万美元[17] - 2023年全年的每股综合收入为1.44美元[7] - 2023年全年的每股净利差和美元滚动收入为1.23%[7] - 公司持有的美国国债头寸净空头为 $16,284 百万美元[25] - 公司持有的付款掉期名义金额为 $1.3 B,到期日在 1 年内的付款掉期成本为 $28 百万美元[25] - 公司持有的收款掉期名义金额为 $0.2 B,到期日在 1-2 年内的收款掉期市场价值为 $3 百万美元[25] 资产情况 - 公司的总资产截至2023年12月31日为715.96亿美元,较2023年9月30日增长了1605.5亿美元[16] - 上市公司固定利率机构证券的市场价值为 $59,442 百万美元,占总市值的 47%[24] - 30年期抵押证券的市场价值为 $57,766 百万美元,占总市值的 46%[24] 投资组合 - 截至12/31/23,AGENCY投资组合规模为60.2亿美元,占总投资组合的94.6%[10] - 30年期固定利率贷款占总投资组合的95%,金额为56.9亿美元[10] - 15年期以下固定利率贷款占总投资组合的1%,金额为0.8亿美元[10] 利率情况 - 2年期利率互换率从4.45%下降至4.07%[-9] - 5年期利率互换率从3.75%下降至3.53%[-9] - 10年期利率互换率从3.56%下降至3.47%[-9] - 30年期利率互换率从3.21%下降至3.32%[-9]
AGNC Investment (AGNC) Q4 Earnings Beat Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-23 07:16
财务表现 - AGNC Investment 上季度每股收益为0.60美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的0.49美元[1] - AGNC Investment 上一季度预期每股收益为0.57美元,实际为0.65美元,超出预期14.04%[2] - AGNC Investment 在过去四个季度中,四次超过了市场预期的每股收益[3] 营收情况 - AGNC Investment 上季度营收为-2600万美元,较去年同期的2500万美元下降,未能达到市场预期,落后107.40%[4]
Is AGNC Investments the Best Dividend Stock for You?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-22 18:15
AGNC Investments (AGNC 0.31%) is an alluring dividend stock. The mortgage-focused real estate investment trust (REIT) offers an enticing 15% dividend yield. That's ten times the S&P 500's dividend yield. As tempting as that payout might seem, AGNC Investments might not be the right dividend stock for everyone. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether it's right for you. How AGNC makes money to pay dividends AGNC Investments is a mortgage REIT focused on investing in residential mortgage-backe ...
January's 83 Monthly Paid Dividend Stocks And 80 Funds
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-14 22:11
mdmilliman Foreword All but three equities and all of the funds listed in this January monthly pay batch live up to the ideal of paying annual dividends from a $1K investment exceeding their single share price. Here, in the MoPay collection, lie affordable (yet volatile and risky) bargains. The dogcatcher rule of thumb is: one metric ($1k invested dividend income > 1 share price) fits all! Now, over three and three-quarter years past the 2020 Ides of March market dip, and before other pull-backs yet to come ...