1Q24 shipment rebound on track; Auto & IoT as next growth drivers

M N 11 Apr 2024 CMB International Global Markets | Equity Research | Company Update Q-Tech (1478 HK) 1Q24 shipment rebound on track; Auto & IoT as next growth drivers We recently spoke to Q-Tech’s mgmt. and we maintain our positive view on Target Price HK3.93highendAndroidrecoverytodriveASP/shipmentupsideinFY24E.Qtechalso(PreviousTPHK3.93 high-end Android recovery to drive ASP/shipment upside in FY24E. Q-tech also (Previous TP HK3.74) expected GPM improvement in 1H24E thanks to better product mix and easing Up/Downside 15.1% competition. For 1Q24, Q-Tech posted impressive growth of 23 ...