赛富时:cRPO growth reaccelerates; eyes on new AI product launch
CRMsalesforce(CRM) 招银国际·2024-08-31 12:23

Salesforce (CRM US) cRPO growth reaccelerates; eyes on new AI product launch Salesforce reported 2QFY25 financial results: total revenue grew by 8% YoY to US9.33bn,inlinewithconsensusestimate;nonGAAPoperatingincomewasupby169.33bn, in line with consensus estimate; non-GAAP operating income was up by 16% YoY to US3.14bn, 6% ahead of consensus estimate thanks to the disciplined expense control. cRPO growth reaccelerated to +11% YoY on a constant currency basis in 2QFY25 (1QFY25: +10% YoY), primarily attributable to solid performance of multi-cloud large deals and early ren ...