Where Does Hims & Hers Stock Go From Here?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-12 20:15
Is Hims & Hers in trouble since the FDA put a time clock on some GLP-1s, or is the future still bright?Hims & Hers (HIMS 4.71%) stock has been on a roller coaster about the availability of GLP-1s to its customers. However, the focus on one treatment may miss the company's strategy. In this video, Travis Hoium shows why Hims & Hers will be fine with or without GLP-1s.*Stock prices used were end-of-day prices of Oct. 7, 2024. The video was published on Oct. 8, 2024. ...
Is Advance Auto Parts Stock a Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-12 20:15
This automotive parts retailer is attempting to jump-start its growth engine.Like an old car that breaks down often, Advance Auto Parts (AAP 1.02%) stock has been a giant headache for investors. The automotive parts retailer and distributor has struggled amid an industry slowdown and weaker-than-expected earnings. Shares have declined by 83% from their all-time high in early 2022, with the sell-off continuing this year.The numbers are discouraging, but this type of volatility can sometimes present a compell ...
Could Shopify Be a Millionaire-Maker Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-12 20:15
The e-commerce enabler is still way off its all-time highs.Shopify (SHOP 0.64%) stock is down 51% from its all-time highs back in 2021. But after encountering some obstacles on its upward trajectory, it looks like it's back in action. It has tremendous growth drivers and a powerful e-commerce platform, and it's finally profitable again. Does Shopify stock have what it takes to turn investors into millionaires?Back in businessShopify was hardly a household name before the COVID-19 pandemic. It was still maki ...
3 Stocks That Could Double Over the Next 2 Years
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-12 20:07
文章核心观点 - 部分公司的未来增长潜力被华尔街低估 [1] - 投资者可以在公司收益大幅增长前买入合理估值的股票,获得可观的投资收益 [1] 卡尼瓦尔公司 - 卡尼瓦尔公司正在从疫情低谷中反弹,但仍比过去5年高点低64% [2] - 公司盈利能力有待改善,虽然收入创新高且需求强劲,但利润增长未能跟上 [2] - 公司债务水平较高,需要多年时间才能降至疫情前水平 [3] - 公司正在利用不断增加的自由现金流偿还债务,同时也需要投资业务发展 [3] - 高需求、低利率等因素有利于公司未来两年内股价翻倍 [4] Pinterest公司 - Pinterest用户数增长加速,主要来自美国和加拿大以外的地区,表明其全球增长潜力 [5][7] - 广告收入增长加速,主要得益于数字广告市场复苏和人工智能功能提升广告转化率 [5] - Pinterest作为购物平台的特点吸引广告主,点击量连续3个季度翻倍 [6] - 估值合理,未来几年如果实现预期盈利增长,股价有望翻倍 [7] Opendoor公司 - Opendoor股价已从高点暴跌95%,主要是由于疫情后房地产市场低迷 [8] - 随着联储降息,房地产市场有望复苏,现有房屋销量有望恢复至疫情前水平 [8][9] - 公司已精简业务,有望提高盈利能力,若房地产市场复苏,股价有望在未来两年内翻倍 [9]
Why Roblox investors are shrugging off a blistering short-seller report
Business Insider· 2024-10-12 20:06
文章核心观点 - 知名做空机构Hindenburg Research发布报告,指控Roblox公司夸大用户数据,并未充分保护儿童安全[1][2][4] - 尽管Roblox公司否认了这些指控,但报告引发了Roblox股价短暂下跌,不过随后股价反弹,投资者仍看好其增长潜力[3][5] - Roblox正在努力发展广告业务,但此次负面报告可能会对其广告业务造成一定影响[8][9] 公司概况 - Roblox是一家以游戏为主的在线平台,主要收入来源于虚拟货币和商品销售[4] - Roblox正在积极发展广告业务,希望将其打造成一个10亿美元的广告业务[6] 用户数据 - Hindenburg指控Roblox公司夸大用户数据,称其用户数据可能被夸大25%-42%[4] - Roblox公司否认了这一指控,称其日活跃用户数并非衡量个人用户的指标[4] 儿童安全 - Hindenburg报告指出Roblox平台存在儿童受到骚扰、色情内容等问题[4][7] - 业内人士表示,这些问题在主流社交平台上普遍存在,Roblox也需要进一步加强内容审核和儿童保护[7] 股价表现 - Hindenburg报告发布后,Roblox股价一度下跌约10%,但随后反弹回到此前水平[3][5] - 华尔街分析师仍看好Roblox的增长潜力,维持了积极评级[5]
8 Dividend Stocks On My Buy List As Inflation Keeps Dropping
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-12 20:05
If you want access to our entire Portfolio and all our current Top Picks, feel free to join us for a 2-week free trial at High Yield Landlord.Rather than rehash what you already saw happen in the markets or be the zillionth article to regurgitate economicAustin is a contributing author for the investing group High Yield Landlord , one of the largest real estate investment communities on Seeking Alpha, with thousands of members. It offers exclusive research on the global REIT sector, multiple real money port ...
Ring Energy: Deeply Undervalued With A Steady Growth Outlook
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-12 20:04
Oil & gas stock have not been in the limelight in the last 12 to 18 months. A key reason is that macroeconomic headwinds have ensured that crude remains sideways to lower. I believe that subdued oil prices presentAnalyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than ...
Up 2,700% in 5 Years, Is Nvidia Stock Still a Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-12 20:00
How much steam remains in this historic bull run?On Oct. 7, Nvidia (NVDA -0.01%) launched its much-anticipated artificial intelligence (AI) Summit in Washington, D.C. The three-day event was intended to showcase the real-world applications of the technology that has help send its stock up by 2,700% in just five years. But talk is cheap. And the market is probably waiting for more concrete data before unlocking Nvidia's next bull run. Let's dig deeper. The AI summit Following the launch of OpenAI's ChatGPT i ...
Consider Buying Amazon Stock On Weakness Caused By Wells Fargo's Downgrade
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-12 20:00
文章核心观点 - 亚马逊股价下跌3%,原因是富国银行将其评级从"超重"下调至"等权重" [1] - 富国银行看空亚马逊股票的原因包括 [1] 行业总结 - 亚马逊是一家电子商务和云计算公司 [1] - 亚马逊股票过去表现良好,但未来前景存在不确定性 [1] 公司总结 - 亚马逊是一家大型科技公司,在电子商务和云计算领域占据领先地位 [1] - 分析师对亚马逊未来的发展前景持谨慎态度 [1]
海豚投研· 2024-10-12 19:58
投情红利+水牛,造就了Robinhood的神话。当美国全民协股、散户大战华尔街的风气达到了巅峰,Robinhood也在热捧中上市了。虽然暂时可以说上市即巅峰,但 Robinhood仍然是美国券商时代变革中无法抹去的一个印记——得益于它所首创的PFOF+广泛免佣的商业模式. -25% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2001 2007 2008 2015 2000 Source: Federal reserve, Dolphin Research 但竞争永无止歇,当高举"金融民主"的Robinhood达到2390万累计用户后就获客近乎 停滞时,也意味着"免例"不再是独家的金字招牌,"商业模式创新"给Robinhood 带来的先发优势已经褪去,但此时Robinhood才刚盈利不久。 因此,业务转型的问题自然的摆在了 Robinhood的面前。 不过在聊Robinhood的前景变化之前,海豚君先来回顾一下Robinhood的发展历程,作为一个严重依赖交易业务的互联网券商,是在如何的行业背景下,率先举 起"免佣"大旗,又是如何通过商业模式的 ...