Indonesia 100 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-07-10 08:42
Indonesia 100 2024 The annual report on the most valuable and strongest Indonesian brands July 2024 Contents About Brand Finance 3 Foreword 4 Alex Haigh, Managing Director, Brand Finance Asia Pacific Ranking Analysis 7 Sector Analysis 17 Brand Value Ranking (USDm) 21 Methodology 24 Our Services 30 © 2024 All rights reserved. Brand Finance Plc. Brand Finance Indonesia 100 2024 brandirectory.com/indonesia 2 The world's leading brand valuation consultancy For business enquiries, please contact: Alex Haigh Mana ...
Portugal 25 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-07-04 08:47
Portugal 25 2024 The annual report on the most valuable and strongest Portuguese brands July 2024 Contents About Brand Finance 3 Foreword 4 David Haigh, Chairman & CEO, Brand Finance Foreword 5 Pilar Alonso Ulloa, Managing Director, Iberia (Spain, Portugal) and South America Ranking Analysis 8 Brand Value Ranking (EURm) 17 Insights 18 Impact of Sustainability on Consumer Decisions 19 Robert Haigh, Strategy and Sustainability Director, Brand Finance Methodology 21 Our Services 27 The world's leading brand va ...
India 100 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-06-28 08:47
India 100 2024 The annual report on the most valuable and strongest Indian brands June 2024 Contents About Brand Finance 3 Foreword 4 David Haigh, Chairman & CEO, Brand Finance Foreword 5 Ajimon Francis, Managing Director, Brand Finance India Ranking Analysis 8 Sector Rankings & Analysis 17 Brand Value Ranking (USDm) 30 Brand Spotlights 32 Taj 33 Interview with Puneet Chhatwal, Managing Director & CEO, Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) Hexaware Technologies 36 Interview with Nidhi Alexander, Chief Market ...
Retail 100 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-06-26 08:47
Retail 100 2024 The annual report on the most valuable and strongest Retail brands June 2024 Contents About Brand Finance 3 Foreword 4 David Haigh, Chairman & CEO, Brand Finance Ranking Analysis 7 Brand Value Ranking (USDm) 16 Methodology 18 Our Services 24 The world's leading brand valuation consultancy For business enquiries, please contact: Richard Haigh Managing Director rd.haigh@brandfinance.com For media enquiries, please contact: Penny Erricker Global Press Enquires p.erricker@brandfinance.com For al ...
SCHWEIZ 50 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-06-21 08:47
Schweiz 50 2024 Der jährliche Bericht über die wertvollsten und stärksten Marken aus der Schweiz Juni 2024 Inhalt Über Brand Finance 3 Vorwort ...
Healthcare 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-06-18 08:47
行业投资评级 Johnson & Johnson 是全球最有价值和最强大的制药品牌,连续第6年蝉联榜首 [29]。诺和诺德和礼来的创新性引领使其品牌价值分别增长64%和53%,成为增长最快的两个制药品牌 [38][39]。 报告的核心观点 1) 疫情后,制药行业出现显著增长,主要得益于新冠疫苗和治疗药物的推出 [30] 2) 制药企业正在进行战略调整,如剥离消费品业务,专注于核心制药和医疗器械业务 [34][35][36] 3) 中国制药品牌表现参差不齐,广州药业增长11%,成为最佳表现的中国品牌,而国药控股和上药控股则出现下滑 [39][40][41][42] 行业分类总结 制药行业 - 强势品牌:强生、罗氏、辉瑞 [33] - 快速增长品牌:诺和诺德、礼来 [38][39] - 中国品牌表现参差不齐 [39][40][41][42] 医疗器械行业 - 弗雷森尼斯超越美敦力成为最有价值品牌 [45][46][47][48] - 飞利浦是最强大的医疗器械品牌 [54][55] 医疗服务行业 - 联合健康保险是最有价值和最强大的品牌 [63][64][67] - 赛诺菲和安泰保险的品牌价值快速增长 [66]
Employer Brand Index 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-06-07 08:42
Employer Brand Index 2024 ...
Malaysia 100 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-06-06 08:42
报告行业投资评级 无相关内容 报告的核心观点 - 马来西亚食品(16亿美元)和保险(9.9亿美元)品牌的品牌价值增长超过零售品牌(8.15亿美元),成为第八和第十大贡献者 [30][31][32] - PETRONAS连续14年蝉联马来西亚最有价值品牌,其次是Genting和Maybank [38][39][40] - 荷兰乳业成为最强品牌,PETRONAS和新进入品牌Mr D.I.Y紧随其后 [42][43][44] - 马来西亚机场品牌价值增长53%,为最大增长 [48][49][50] - PETRONAS在可持续发展感知价值和正面差距价值方面领先 [56][57][58][61][62][63][64] 行业分析 银行业 - 银行业占马来西亚品牌总价值的19%,仍为第二大贡献者,但总品牌价值下降约17% [67][68][69][70][71][72][75][76][77] - 马来西亚五大最有价值银行品牌为Maybank、CIMB、Public Bank、RHB Bank和Hong Leong [67][68][69][70][71][72][75][76][77] - Maybank、CIMB和Public Bank在可持续发展方面表现出色 [69][70][76][77] 电信业 - 电信业占马来西亚品牌总价值的9.8%,总体增长约2.2%至50亿美元 [79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86] - CelcomDigi成为最有价值电信品牌,其次是Maxis和Unifi [81][82][83] - Unifi以85.2的BSI分数和AAA的品牌强度评级成为最强电信品牌 [83] - TM和Axiata品牌价值和强度有所下降 [84][85][86]
Tyres 25 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-06-06 08:42
报告行业投资评级 - 报告未提供行业投资评级 报告的核心观点 - 米其林连续第七年蝉联全球最有价值和最强大的轮胎品牌 [29][30] - 普利司通和德国马牌位列第二和第三 [32][33][34] - 其他中国品牌如佳通、玲珑轮胎和赛力斯轮胎的品牌价值快速增长 [36][37][38][39] - 中国轮胎行业在海外需求激增下表现出色 [38][39] - 米其林在可持续性感知价值方面领先行业 [44][47][48][50][51] 报告内容总结 行业排名分析 - 米其林连续第七年蝉联全球最有价值和最强大的轮胎品牌 [29][30] - 普利司通和德国马牌位列第二和第三 [32][33][34] - 其他中国品牌如佳通、玲珑轮胎和赛力斯轮胎的品牌价值快速增长 [36][37][38][39] - 中国轮胎行业在海外需求激增下表现出色 [38][39] 可持续性分析 - 米其林在可持续性感知价值方面领先行业 [44][47][48][50][51] - 米其林的可持续性表现优于其感知,有待更好地传达 [50][51]
Türkiye 125 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-06-06 08:42
Türkiye 125 2024 En değerli ve en güçlü Türk markalarıyla ilgili yıllık rapor Haziran 2024 İçindekiler Brand Finance Hakkında 3 Önsöz 4 ...