WiMi Announced the Internet of Things (IoT) Data Perception Based on Blockchain Technology
prnewswire.com· 2024-05-24 23:10
BEIJING, May 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI) ("WiMi" or the "Company"), a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality ("AR") Technology provider, today announced that the IoT data perception system based on blockchain technology features decentralized storage, verification of data, automated management driven by smart contracts, and highly secure data exchange enabled by cryptography. It allows data generated by IoT devices to be recorded directly on the blockchain, ensuring t ...
WiMi Announced a Blockchain Data Encryption Technology Based on Machine Learning and Fully Homomorphic Encryption Algorithm
Prnewswire· 2024-05-23 00:54
BEIJING, May. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI) ("WiMi" or the "Company"), a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality ("AR") Technology provider, today announced that the blockchain data encryption based on machine learning and fully homomorphic encryption algorithm is a comprehensive solution which applies cutting-edge cryptography and artificial intelligence technologies for blockchain data protection. It combines the intelligent key management of machine learning and the d ...
WiMi Announced PoLe Blockchain Consensus Mechanism to Enable Efficient Training of Neural Networks
Prnewswire· 2024-05-17 23:58
BEIJING, May 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI) ("WiMi" or the "Company"), a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality ("AR") Technology provider, today announced that the Proof of Learning (PoLe) blockchain consensus mechanism can enhance the training efficiency and data reliability of neural networks, which will inject a brand new impetus into the development of artificial intelligence. PoLe is a novel blockchain consensus mechanism that uses consensus computation for the opt ...
WiMi Announced the Innovative Application of RAFT Consensus Algorithm in Blockchain to Build a Secure Data Management Model
Prnewswire· 2024-05-15 22:20
BEIJING, May 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI) ("WiMi" or the "Company"), a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality ("AR") Technology provider, today announced that RAFT consensus algorithm is used in blockchain to guarantee data consistency. RAFT consensus algorithm, as a concise and easy-to-understand distributed consistency protocol, is especially suitable for closed or semi-closed network environments with stringent performance and deterministic requirements, such as fed ...
WiMi Developed a Swin-Transformer and Hash-based On-Chain Copyright Detection Technology
Prnewswire· 2024-05-06 22:50
BEIJING, May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI) ("WiMi" or the "Company"), a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality ("AR") Technology provider, today announced that it developed a swin-transformer and hash-based on-chain copyright detection technology, which not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of copyright detection, but also provides a new solution for copyright protection through blockchain technology. This not only helps protect the legitimate rights and interest ...
WiMi is Working on the Blockchain Collaborative Hybrid Consensus Algorithm to Optimize Blockchain Performance and Security
Prnewswire· 2024-05-02 23:40
BEIJING, May 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI) ("WiMi" or the "Company"), a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality ("AR") Technology provider, today announced that it is researching Blockchain collaborative hybrid consensus, which is an approach to optimize the performance and functionality of blockchain systems by combining multiple consensus algorithms and mechanisms. Traditional blockchain systems typically use a single consensus algorithm, such as PoW (Proof of Work), Po ...
WiMi Hologram(WIMI) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-04-26 02:37
公司运营和财务状况 - 公司是通过中国的子公司和VIEs在中国进行业务的[18] - 公司在一个相对新的和快速发展的市场中运营[28] - 公司在2021年、2022年和2023年分别出现净亏损,2023年亏损额达到5.104亿人民币(7,210万美元)[32] - 公司需要大量资金来支持研发投资,如果无法获得足够资金,业务、财务状况和前景可能会受到重大不利影响[40] - 公司的盈利能力可能会受到新技术服务的影响,如果无法获得足够的定价以满足盈利预期,收入和盈利能力可能会受到重大影响[38] 知识产权保护 - 公司产品和软件存在潜在的软件漏洞和漏洞,可能会对公司声誉和业务造成严重损害[47] - 公司对知识产权的保护不力可能会削弱竞争力[48] - 公司依赖专利、版权、商标和商业秘密法律等方式保护知识产权,但这些方式提供的保护有限,可能无法有效保护知识产权[49] - 公司的源代码泄露可能导致未来商业秘密保护丧失,使竞争对手更容易模仿公司产品功能,从而影响收入和运营利润[50] - 公司的专利权可能受到挑战、绕过、无效或范围受限,无法有效保护公司[51] - 公司的服务或解决方案可能侵犯他人的知识产权,可能导致昂贵的诉讼费用和损害公司声誉[52] 风险因素 - 未来的诉讼可能对公司的业务、财务状况和运营结果产生重大不利影响[63] - 负面媒体报道可能对公司业务产生不利影响[63] - 公司的业务和运营结果可能受到服务中断、技术和基础设施调整不及时有效的影响[55] - 公司的业务依赖于中国的互联网基础设施和固定电信网络,可能面临系统故障、中断、不足或安全漏洞的风险[57] - 未来的战略联盟或收购可能对公司的业务、财务状况和运营结果产生重大不利影响[66] 中国市场风险 - 公司在中国的收入占据了大部分,因此受到中国经济、政治和法律发展的影响[83] - 全球和中国经济的严重或持续放缓以及美中政治紧张可能对公司业务和财务状况产生重大不利影响[84] - 美中之间的国际贸易政策不利可能影响公司产品和服务的需求,影响竞争地位,或阻止公司在某些国家开展业务[85] - 中国法律和法规的解释和执行的不确定性可能限制公司和投资者的法律保护[89] - 公司业务主要在中国,受到中国复杂和快速变化的法律法规监管[97] 公司治理和法规合规 - 公司是一家在开曼群岛注册的公司,可以采取与纳斯达克公司治理上市标准明显不同的本国公司治理做法[132] - 公司是一家符合交易法规规定的外国私人发行人,因此豁免适用于美国国内上市公司的某些规定[133] - 公司必须在每个财政年度结束后的四个月内提交一份20-F表格的年度报告[134] - 公司的董事长控制着超过50%的普通股总投票权,因此他对某些需要股东投票批准的行动具有重大控制权[136]
WiMi Hologram Cloud Announced the B-TEC Technology to Enhance Information Security
Prnewswire· 2024-04-23 23:20
BEIJING, April 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI) ("WiMi" or the "Company"), a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality ("AR") Technology provider, today announced that it developed an embedded steganographic communication based on Bitcoin transactions, namely B-TEC (Bitcoin Transaction Embedding Communication). Bitcoin, as a distributed digital currency, has transaction records stored on the blockchain, which has the characteristics of decentralization and non-tampering, prov ...
WiMi Announced GradingShard Blockchain Sharding Technology
Prnewswire· 2024-04-22 22:30
BEIJING, April. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI) ("WiMi" or the "Company"), a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality ("AR") Technology provider, today announced a GradingShard blockchain sharding technology. GradingShard sharding technology spreads the storage and computation pressure of the entire blockchain network to different nodes by dividing the blockchain network into multiple shards, each containing only a portion of the transaction records and information. Differe ...
WiMi Announced an Efficient Connectivity Solution Based on Blockchain Lightweight Architecture 5G IoT
Prnewswire· 2024-04-18 23:00
WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc.新技术推出 - WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc.宣布推出基于轻量级区块链架构的解决方案,为5G物联网提供更安全、高效和可信赖的连接方案[1] - 传统网络架构可能无法满足大规模设备连接和数据交换的需求,导致网络延迟和故障率显著增加,影响应用性能和用户体验[3] - WiMi的新技术将5G技术与轻量级区块链共识算法相结合,提供了一种高效、安全和可靠的连接物联网设备的方式,通过网络架构、区块链结构和交易类型的整合,为各种应用场景设计,满足实时数据传输、安全性和延迟优化的需求[11]