Wells Fargo(WFC) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-20 00:00
公司资产 - 公司在2023年12月31日拥有65.1百万平方英尺的房地产用于业务运营[33] - 公司持有的房地产中有5.7百万平方英尺处于空置状态,待处置,出租给零售商或第三方办公租户[33] 银行业务 - 公司在2023年12月31日提供多样化的银行、投资和抵押产品和服务,通过拥有和租赁的银行地点和办公室提供[34] 股票回购 - 公司在2023年12月31日持有的授权范围内回购了51,685,503股普通股,总价值为30亿美元[40] - 公司董事会批准了一项授权,涵盖了高达300亿美元的普通股回购,公开于2023年7月25日[40] 股权激励计划 - 公司批准的股权补偿计划中,共有71,099,407股股票可用于未来发行,权重平均行权价格为0.00美元[65] - 公司未经股东批准的股权补偿计划中,共有1,993,916股股票可用于未来发行[68] 员工福利计划 - 公司的Deferred Compensation Plan允许符合条件的员工推迟薪水、奖金和其他报酬的领取,推迟选举一旦做出即不可撤销[69] - Deferred Compensation Plan中的推迟选举一旦做出即不可撤销,参与者被视为将金额投资于由参与者选择的收益选项中,并根据这些收益选项的表现确定应支付给参与者的推迟报酬[70] - Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plan for Independent Contractors允许独立承包商推迟其合格投资或其他金融服务的报酬的全部或部分[71] - Norwest Corporation Directors’ Formula Stock Award Plan允许非雇员董事推迟其授予的普通股的全部或部分,直到未来的某一年或几年[74] - 公司的Deferred Compensation Plan中,可发行的股票数量包括根据参与者账户中记账金额而发行的股票,以反映普通股支付的现金股利[73] - 公司的Deferred Compensation Plan中,参与者对推迟账户中分配给普通股选项的金额没有直接利益,他们是公司的一般无担保债权人[73] - 公司的Deferred Compensation Plan中,未来不会进行新的推迟,参与者也不能在不同投资选项之间重新分配其现有账户余额[72] - 公司的Deferred Compensation Plan由全资子公司WF Deferred Compensation Holdings, Inc.赞助,公司保证了该计划的义务[73] 公司治理 - 公司对2023年的年度报告进行了提交[165] - 公司的子公司清单已经提交[165] - 公司于2024年2月20日签署了报告,由Charles W. Scharf担任总裁兼首席执行官[169] - Michael P. Santomassimo担任高级执行副总裁兼首席财务官[169] - Muneera S. Carr担任执行副总裁、首席会计官和控制器[169] - 公司董事会成员包括Steven D. Black、Richard K. Davis、Maria R. Morris等人[170]
Wells Frago's (WFC) 2016 Consent Order Terminated by OCC
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-17 01:40
Wells Fargo & Company (WFC) has crossed a major regulatory hurdle with the termination of the consent order by Office of Comptroller of Currency (OCC). The order was issued back in September 2016 on revelation of opening of millions of unauthorized accounts leading to misconduct in the company’s sales practices. The consent order required WFC to revamp the procedures followed by the bank in offering and selling its products and services to customers. As the bank has been complying with laws and regulations, ...
Wells Fargo & Company Declares Cash Dividends on Preferred Stock
Businesswire· 2024-02-16 21:15
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) today announced dividends on seven series of preferred stock. A quarterly cash dividend of $18.75 per share was declared on its 7.50% noncumulative perpetual convertible class A preferred stock, Series L, liquidation preference $1,000 per share, which is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “WFCPrL.” The Series L dividend is payable on March 15, 2024, to holders of record as of the close of business on Feb. 29, 2024. A quart ...
Wells Fargo to Present at the UBS Financial Services Forum
Businesswire· 2024-02-16 21:00
公司参与活动 - Wells Fargo公司首席财务官Mike Santomassimo将在2024年2月26日参加UBS金融服务论坛[1] 公司业务概况 - Wells Fargo是一家拥有约1.9万亿美元资产的领先金融服务公司,提供多元化的银行、投资和抵押产品和服务[2] 公司社会影响 - 公司的社会影响重点是支持住房可负担性、小型企业增长、财务健康和低碳经济,致力于为所有人建设可持续、包容的未来[2]
Why Wells Fargo Stock Popped Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-16 04:35
Shares of Wells Fargo (WFC 7.71%) jumped Thursday after the company finally put the 2016 fake-account scandal behind it, as the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) terminated a consent order it had issued in 2016 in response to Wells Fargo creating fake accounts in order to make sales quotas. As of 2:30 p.m. ET, the stock was up 7.5% on the news. Wells Fargo repairs its reputation ...
OCC Closes Sales Practices Consent Order Against Wells Fargo
PYMNTS· 2024-02-16 04:27
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency terminated a 2016 consent order against Wells Fargo. The consent order concerned deficiencies and unsafe or unsound practices in the bank’s risk management and sales practices, the OCC said in a Thursday (Feb. 15) press release. The OCC’s order terminating the consent order said “the OCC believes that the safety and soundness of the bank and its compliance with laws and regulations does not require the continued existence of the order.” Wells Fargo said in a Thu ...
Wells Fargo Stock Jumps As Fake Account Scandal Consent Order Ends
Forbes· 2024-02-16 04:01
富国银行股价上涨 - 富国银行(Wells Fargo)股价在周四下午时段上涨超过7%[1] - 富国银行股价在周四下午的交易中上涨超过7%,最高达到52.22美元的52周高点[5] 监管机构认可改进措施 - 监管机构认定富国银行已经采取足够的改进措施来保护客户,解决了过去开设虚假账户的问题[1] - 富国银行首席执行官查理·夏夫(Charlie Scharf)表示监管机构的决定证实了该银行已经有效改进了系统和流程,以“与十年前为客户提供不同的服务”[4]
Wells Fargo stock rises as Feds lift consent order for its fake-account scandal
Market Watch· 2024-02-16 03:07
沃尔玛公司股价上涨 - 沃尔玛公司股价上涨了6.9%,超过了金融行业的涨幅[1] - 该银行确认已满足联邦监管机构对其进行的改革要求[1] - 公司仍面临其他待处理事项[1]
Wells Fargo says regulators have lifted a key punishment tied to its 2016 fake accounts scandal
CNBC· 2024-02-16 01:27
沃尔玛银行处罚解除 - 沃尔玛银行表示,其主要监管机构已经解除了与2016年虚假账户丑闻相关的关键处罚[1] - CEO查理·夏夫称这一发展是银行的“里程碑”,2016年虚假账户丑闻引发了对银行的审查,揭示了与抵押贷款、汽车贷款和其他消费者账户服务相关的问题[4] 沃尔玛银行同意令 - 美国第四大银行沃尔玛银行自2019年以来已经撤销了与2016年丑闻相关的六项同意令,但仍有八项同意令仍在进行中[3]
Wells Fargo Confirms Termination of 2016 OCC Sales Practices Consent Order
Businesswire· 2024-02-16 00:39
沃尔玛同意令终止 - 沃尔玛今日确认美国国家银行监督管理局(OCC)终止了2016年发布的关于销售行为不端的同意令[1] - 沃尔玛CEO查理·沙夫(Charlie Scharf)表示,实施适合公司规模和复杂性的风险和控制框架是公司的首要任务,关闭同意令是公司进展的重要标志[2] - OCC的确认表明公司已有效实施所需的措施,这是公司许多员工辛勤工作的结果,公司将继续努力,不会忽视剩下的工作[3]